~ Beheaded..? ~

782 27 6

mxmtoon's music is so cool what


Howard's POV

I sat up, my hands around my neck. The last thing I remembered was my head was on the wood, and the axe had hit my neck. I heard the faint cheering and saw the blood. Then it was dark.

Tears streamed down my face, my breathing quick. I sat up. I looked over next to me and I saw a blonde lady laying down next to me. She had a white and black outfit, with a hair piece and black glittery heels.

"Is that really how you described my outfit Kitty?"
"I didn't know how to describe it Jane!"

I stood up and quickly realized I also had an outfit like the other lady's outfit. I had a pink top with black sleeves, a sheer pink skirt, and some black glittery heels aswell. My hair was in a high ponytail and the ends were dyed pink. I looked at the blonde lady before running away from her. I didn't know where I was, and there was nothing else there to explain where I was.

"Are you sure you can write this? You look like you're crying-"
"Yeah, I can."

I looked around before seeing another woman laying down near me. She had a red and black fuzzy jacket with red and black shorts that had chains on them. She had a headband that had spikes on them and short black hair. I walked up to her, and tried to shake her awake. She wouldn't wake up. I tried again, and she still wouldn't budge. I backed away, tears threatening to spill again. I ran back to the blonde lady and tried to wake her. She wouldn't budge either. I ran down the gray-ish colored ground until I stopped for a break. I turned around and saw a man.

"W-Who are you?" I asked in a near-whisper.

"Who are you?" He asked me.

"I-I'm Katherine Howard.."

"Oh. You again." He smiled.

"Not him!"
"He was an a-"
"Anne Boleyn there is a chiLD-"

I brought a hand up to my mouth, tears falling from my eyes again. I turned around and ran. Ran far. I could tell the man was behind me, running after me. After what felt like forever, I looked behind me and he had stopped. I sat down, bringing my knees into my chest. I didn't deserve a life. I was a slut. A whore. I stood up. I realized that I had a bag on my back. It was pink. I didn't bother to open it. I continued running, before I had fallen and fell infront of a device thing with wheels.

"And you make fun of me for calling it a thing with wheels?"
"Okay you need to shush!"
"No I don't."
"This is worse than endgame. The battle of the cousins."

"Katherine Howard?" The person in the device thing with wheels asked.

"H-How do you-" I stuttered. I looked in the bag, realizing there were multiple stacks of paper in the bag. I picked it up and handed it to the person. I hesitantly got into the device thing with wheels, and the person drove. The whole ride was silent.

The person eventually dropped me off at this sidewalk. I thanked them, getting out of the device thing with wheels.

"Wait!-" I yelled, but the person already was gone. I started running, again.

"So much running, I could never."
"I'm tiny and swift."
"Okay! Geez-"

I ran for what felt like eternity, until I had tripped infront of a house. I looked up at the house. I quickly ran up to it and knocked on it.

A few moments later, a lady in a golden dress had answered the door. She looked at me. The black glittery heels and the dress. Then a woman in a green and black dress and popped up behind her. She had a choker around her neck, and a B was hanging off of it. The woman in the green dress put a hand up to her mouth.

"Katherine?" She gasped. I looked at her. Before the realization hit.



this was kinda bad but whatever lol

-kendall 🧚🏼☺️💞✨😘

editor kendall here. i lied this was pretty cool.

-editor kendall 🧚🏼☺️💞✨😘

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