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i feel really hyper but i have to write this or i'll never get it written so

also i'm american and i don't know how england works

also probably gonna not do the little things where the queens are in the present writing about this, if ya know what i mean bc they're irrelevant lol

tw: panic attacks

Howard's POV

"That's impossible, there's no way!" Anna looked at me. I sighed, looking down at my hands."What if she was kidnapped? What if it's an imposter?"

"Why else would she be in a stone building with metal bars? It has to be a kidnapping!" I buried my face into my hands. I felt tears flowing down my face, as I mumbled something irrelevant. "Maybe I'm overthinking. I'm just a little girl." I stood up, pacing around my girlfriend's room. More tears were streaming down my face, and I eventually just sat down on the floor.

"You aren't just a little girl, Kitty. We can go look for Catherine Parr-" Anna walked over to me.

"What if she was kidnapped by them? Henry a-and-" I started shaking, trying to keep myself together while the tears started coming. I cried into Anna's chest, my mind racing.

Anna hugged me, holding my hand to her chest. "Kitty, can you hear me?" Anna whispered. I nodded, slowly looking up at her. "I want you to match my breathing, okay?" I nodded at the question, before attempting to take a slow breath.

-time skip to when kitty calms down because i can't write that partttt-

I walked into my room and stepped onto the balcony. I mumbled something, looking at all the houses. The weird neighbors, the old couple, the kids who never stop screaming, and the stone building. It wasn't that big of a town, it was very small.

I eventually got off of the balcony, before heading downstairs and just sitting on the couch, getting lost in my thoughts. I heard a knock on the door, causing me to stand up and see who was at the door. I opened up the door to a woman with curly brown hair and a blue outfit.

-i think you guys know what her outfit looks like-

Parr's POV

I pulled my knees into my chest, sobbing. I shouldn't be here. I had to be reincarnated for some reason. Was I even reincarnated? Maybe this was my past life all over again. I wiped my tears before standing up and walking over to the door. I stared at the door, before attempting to open it.

"Shit." I mumbled. I looked around the little room that I had, looking for anything that could help. Looking over a chair, I found a bobby pin. I walked up the the door before reaching around the bars and attempting to unlock the door.

-insert amount of time it took to unlock the door idk-

"Finally.." I mumbled to myself. Pushing open the door quietly, I closed it slightly. I slowly walked down the hallway, trying not to wake up Henry or Thomas.

Reaching the end of the long hallways, I found myself standing in front of a door. "It's locked." I whispered. I searched around, attempting to look for a key. I eventually found one placed under some papers on a shelf. I picked it up. "Let's hope this works.." I whispered to myself. I placed it into the keyhole, turning it and opening the door. I opened the door and saw freedom. I quietly closed the door before running.

I was choking back the tears. I was free. Finally. I ran up to the house where I saw the pink-haired girl, and knocked on the door. The tears were already streaming down my face, as I attempted to wipe them. The pink-haired girl answered the door, and at that moment I simply started sobbing.

ugh this sucks but CATHERINE PARR IS F R E E

celebrate in the comments 😌💅


ps: i didn't edit this lol

another ps: this took like 45 minutes to write so

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