~ Nightmares ~

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i'm updating this frequently because i have no ideas for fake smile lololol

i also can't sleep and changed my instagram account bc i'm out of the bmc fandom because it's toxic so i left it lololol

Cleves' POV

I woke up to the sound of quiet sobs coming from Kitty's room. I stood up and walked into her room and saw her clawing at her neck, tear streaks streaming down her face.

"Kitty?" I asked softly, hoping not to scare the young queen. She looked up at me as I sat down next to her. "What happened?" I whispered, hugging her.

"T-The axe.." Kitty choked out inbetween her sobs. I wiped a tear off of her face.

"That was in the past, Kitty. They can't hurt you anymore." I reassured the young queen.

"What if they're back?" Kitty asked. "Like Henry.. a-and Culpeper, what if they also reincarnated?"

I looked at the floor. What if they were back?

"I don't know that, Kitty." I whispered. "If they are back, we'll protect you. I promise. They won't hurt you anymore." I smiled at her.

I ended up sleeping with Kitty in her room that night, just incase she had anymore nightmares.

"Can you like shut uP-"
"No. :)"

Seymour's POV

I finished getting ready and went to go wake up the other queens. After waking up Anne and Aragon, I went to check on Anna.

"Where's Anna?" I mumbled. I brushed it off, since she's probably in the bathroom or something. I went to go wake up Kitty and got my answer to my question.

Kitty was snuggled up next to Anna in her bed. I smiled at the two, walking downstairs to the delightful sound of Anne and Catherine yelling at each other in the kitchen.







"Can you guys just let me make breakfast in peace? Anna and Kitty are still asleep!" I yelled at the two. They looked over at me, sitting down at the table.

"Where is Anna and Kitty?" Anne asked.

"Anna slept with Kitty last night, I don't know why." I simply answered. Anne shrugged, playing with her hair.

"Probably because Kitty had a nightmare. I had one last night, and out of everyone Aragon helped me." Anne shrugged.

"What's a 'nightmare?' I know what they are, but-" I was cut off by Anne's explanation.

"Basically a not-so-cool Throwback Thursday to our beheading, but it's not Thursday half of the time and it's scary. Then we wake up crying and scratching our necks until they're bright red." Anne shrugged.

"That is the weirdest way to explain it Anne-"
"I know, but like- am I wrong, Kitty?"
"I mean, no??"
"Is this a beheaded cult that I'm not allowed to know about-"
"Catherine, nO-"
"Why not Anna?"
"Are you really that dumb- okay whatever"

"That's awful.." I gasped at her response. I heard Anna and Kitty finally make their way downstairs.

"Morning." They said in unison. Everyone responded back with the typical 'good morning.'

"Still believe in that 'Catherine Parr' girl?" Anne teased Kitty.

"Yeah, and?" Kitty tilted her head. "I want to see if she's been reincarnated."

"She's not real, for all I know." Anne chuckled.

"Watch Catherine Parr be real and she moves in with us causing Anne to become a lesbian and we soon find out that Parr is a lesbian and they start dating-" Aragon blurted out.

"I bet you a cookie that's going to happen." Anna smiled at the sudden sentence.

"Fine. Bet." Aragon smirked. Anna shrugged, laughing.

"Anne I swear to the cookie gods do not spoil the book for the reADERS-"
"The 'Cookie Gods?'"

-time skip to after breakfast-

"I'm going upstairs with Kitty." Anna said, grabbing Kitty's hand and heading upstairs.

"Don't do anything illegal!" I yelled up to them. They nodded, going to their rooms.

Howard's POV

Anna and I walked into my room as I jumped on my pink bed, laying on my back and looking at my ceiling. Anna sat on the floor, laying on her back and also looking at the ceiling.

"Anna?" I asked.

"Yeah?" The divorced queen responded.

"Can I say something crazy?" I turned to lay on my stomach, looking at Anna.

"Sure, what is it?" Anna looked at me, confused.

"Can we go look for Catherine Parr?"


-kendall 🧚🏼✨😘🏳️‍🌈

i sat on the toilet while editing this

-editor kendall who is on the toilet at 2 am 🧚🏼✨😘🏳️‍🌈

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