~ Anne 'Bo-Loser' ~

838 30 17

definitely didn't forget to post this pfft-

warning: swearing
Boleyn's POV

"Not you again!" She groaned.

I paused, grabbing the book she was holding. I looked at it, and immediately dropped it.

Dear the 6 Wives of King Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon...

"You bitch!" I yelled at Aragon.

"Aggressive alert!"
"Wow, okay Aragon."
"Let's just move on-"
"But Cathy.."

"Out of everybody, I have to live with YOU?" Aragon yelled.

"Whatever!" I yelled, going into my room. Aragon ran downstairs.

I looked around my room. It was painted green, with a bed in the middle of the room and a desk next to it. I saw the choker on the desk, and put it around my neck to cover up my scar. There was a closet, and a note on the bed.

Dear Anne Boleyn,

"How does it know my name?" I whispered, looking around my room before looking back at the paper.

You have been reincarnated in the 21st century. You and Catherine of Aragon aren't the only ones who will be living here. There are 4 other woman who are going to be living with you and Catherine of Aragon, who were also the wives of your past husband.

"You wouldn't let me read that note at first?"
"No, I didn't want you ripping it up."
"Aggressive, eh?"

"Thank god.." I muttered under my breath.

However, they aren't arriving at the household in 'order' I should say. I also forgot to reincarnate one of them at the same time as everyone else. That person is-

The name was ripped off

"What the fuck?" I whisper-yell, looking around the room for the other half.

"ANNE! I HAVE FOOD FOR YOU!" I heard Aragon yell from downstairs.

"IS IT POISONED BY YOU?" I yell back.

"NO, I COULDN'T FIND THE POISON!" Aragon yelled.

"Disappointed that I couldn't find it."
"You were not about to kill my cousin-"
"Oh, I was."

I ran downstairs with the note in my hand, seeing that Catherine actually did make me food.

"Where did you get the choker?" Aragon asked.

"It was on my desk." I shrugged.

We ate in silence, as I read the note again.

"What is that?" Aragon asked.

"I found it on my bed in my room." I said.

"Can I look at it?" She asked.



"I don't trust you with it."

"Give me it."




"Anne Bo-loser, I will literally rip it out of your hands, give me it!" She threatened me.

"Fine!" I handed Aragon the note. She read the note and looked up at me.

"Where's the person's name?" She asked.

"It wasn't there when I read it!" I yelled.

"I don't believe you." She stared at me.

"You can check in my room for proof." I told her.

"Did she actually rip it off?"
"No, she didn't"
"See? I wasn't lying!"
"Oh, shut up!"

"I'll do it later. I don't want to deal with your room right now." Aragon huffed.

We continued eating in silence, and I got up once I finished.

"Aren't you gonna clean your bowl?" Aragon looked at me.

"No." I looked at her dead in the eye. I went upstairs to my room and saw shoes with wheels on them. I picked them up and put them on, wheeling around my room. I walked downstairs in the shoes and Aragon was washing the dishes.

"What are those?" She asked, looking at my shoes.

"Shoes with wheels." I told her. "Fashionable, right?"

"No." She responded.

Aragon's POV

"Anne, I need to write stuff on this chapter."

"What do you do with them?" I asked Anne.

"You wheel around!" She responded.

"Whatever." I looked at her. She started wheeling around the house, and I walked into the room. She fell on the floor.

"How did you-" I began.

"Don't ask." Anne responded.

"How did you fall?"
"No idea. I was just wheeling around and then I fell!"
"I swear Anne you-"
"Don't finish that sentence Kitty-"

I rolled my eyes at Anne, helping her stand up.

"Shouldn't we go do something about the note?" Anne asked.

"Why would we?" I shrugged.

"So I actually have someone else to live with besides you.." Anne nudged me.

"Whatever!" I walked away. I heard a knock, causing me to opening the front door.

There was a girl with bright pink hair and a pink and black outfit, with a sheer pink skirt on. She had a scar around her neck, and was wearing sparkly heels.

"That's me!"
"You're so cute, Kitty."

Anne walked up behind me, looking at the little girl before putting a hand up to her mouth.


i promise it gets more interesting later on


editor kendall here, i don't know what i was thinking when writing this chapter but here we are-

-editor kendall 🧚🏼☺️💞✨😘

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