~ Love? ~

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sorry for not updating! i've been super busy with my cousins visiting right now

Cleves' POV

"What?" I whispered.

"I want to look for her. Look, Anna. I need to prove Anne wrong. I mean, what if she doesn't love me? She's the only family member that I have and-" Kitty started rambling to me. I started to see tears form in her eyes.

"I bet Jane 5 cookies that they fall in love at the end of this chapter."
"Bet, Catherine. I'll see my 5 cookies at the end of the chapter."

"We can go look for her, Kitty. Don't worry about Anne. What if she hasn't reincarnated yet?" I pulled the pink-haired queen into a tight hug.

Kitty looked up at me and smiled. "Well, I don't know." She picked at the carpet floor. "I want to spend time with you, y'know? I mean, that sounds weird-"

"No, it's fine. I understand what you mean." I smiled at Kitty. I hugged her again, and she smiled. "Want to go downstairs?"

"Sure." Kitty smiled, intertwining her hand with mine.

Howard's POV

"Anna stop hogging the laptop-"
"Give me the laptop so I can write!"

"I think I'm in love with her, Jane-" I mumbled.

"That's okay! You can like girls, Kitty." Jane smiled at me. "You two are like best friends!"

"What if she doesn't love me back? I mean, she told me she likes girls, but she probably won't like me-" I looked up at Jane. The blonde woman sighed.

"She does, Kitty." Jane looked down at me. "You two should look for Catherine Parr together."

"W-What?" I stuttered. "Nobody would let me, I'm just a little girl."

"No you're not, Kitty. Anne was just stressed in that moment." Jane smiled.

"Okay! I-I'll do it!" I yelled. Jane looked at me, clearly puzzled. "I'll tell Anna I love her."

"You go Kitty!" Jane smiled at me.


I looked up at her, before heading upstairs into Anna's room. I shakily opened the door.

"Hey Anna?" I asked.

"Hm? What is it Kitty?" Anna smiled. She stood up, and I walked over to her.

"C-Can I say something?" I looked up at her, intertwining our hands.

"Sure, what is it?" Anna asked. Our faces were inches apart.

I leaned in and kissed her.




hope u enjoyed! sorry if there are any spelling mistakes


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