~ Beheaded ~

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warning: swearing

Boleyn's POV

My eyes shot open. Where am I? My hands felt around my neck. There was a scar around where that happened. I stood up, looking down at my outfit. I was wearing a black skirt with green.. boxes?.. on it. It was bouncy, which was fun.

"Let's not forget the fact it was showing your stomach!"
"Does that mean anything Aragon?"
"Yes, that the devil made it."

The top I was wearing had the green boxes again, showing my shoulders. I was wearing heels with gemstones on them.

I felt my head and had 2 rolls on my head, the rest was down. There were spikes around the rolls, which was odd.

I stepped onto the gray-ish colored ground, and started walking. I felt something on my back, which turned out to be a bag. I looked inside of it, and pulled out these green pieces of paper. I looked at the signs around this area. London. Nice.

(i don't know what money looks like in london)

I saw a.. thing with wheels?.. next to the sidewalk, and walked up to it.

"Anne Boleyn?" The person asked.

"How do you.." I paused. I shrugged, getting into the car. I handed the person the green pieces of paper.

"It's called money, Annie."
"I didn't know at the time Cathy!"

The person in the thing with wheels started driving me to this house. I didn't question it.

"'Thing with wheels.' Really Anne?"
"Look, I literally just woke up after being beheaded 500 years ago, leave me alONE-"

"So, what is this thing with wheels?" I asked the person.

"It's a car. Why do you ask?" The person asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just woke up on the ground like 10 minutes ago after being beheaded.. how long ago was that?" I asked, confused.

"About 500 years ago." The person responded, continuing to drive. I nodded.

Eventually, the person dropped me off at this house. I thanked them, stepping out of the car and looking at the house. I walked up to it, trying to open the door. I rummaged through the bag and eventually found a metal object. I put it into the hole and the door opened. I shut the door behind me, and a lady in a golden dress ran into the room.

"I think you're thinking of me!"
"Shut it Aragon!"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs and stopped at the door. There were initials that said A.B. with a green trim around the label. The woman looked at me, and looked at a book. She pulled her hand away from me.

"Not you again!" She groaned.


splitting this up into two parts because i don't want anne's to be too long 😌


editor kendall here, anne calling a car "thing with wheels" is absolutely hilarious i can't-

-editor kendall🧚🏼☺️💞✨😘

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