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i'm changing the chapter title thingy layout

this is like a split between the 5 other queens and cathy so it gets confusing at some points
also again i apologize if i screw anything up, i'm american and i don't know how england works lololol correct me if i screw up

tw: slight mentions of r*pe, ab*se
Seymour's POV

I woke up, looking at the time. 7:01 AM. "Nobody else is going to make breakfast, Jane." I mumbled to myself. I walked downstairs and started making breakfast.

I heard faint voices coming from upstairs, assuming it was Kitty and Anna since they usually wake up the earliest.

"Morning Jane!" Kitty smiled, walking down the stairs.

"Good Morning, Kitty. How did it go with Anna yesterday?" I asked the pink-haired queen.

"We're sort of dating now so.. good?" Kitty mumbled. "That's great!" I smiled, stopping what I was making to give Kitty a hug.

"Yeah, we're not telling any of the other queens yet, only you know as of right now.." Kitty looked down at her feet. "That's fine, it takes a little bit to get the courage to tell people something like that." I hugged her again.

Anna walked downstairs, smiling. "Good Morning." She smiled. "Don't worry, Jane knows." Kitty kissed Anna on the cheek, playing with her pink hair.

"That was an eventful morning."
"You and Catherine started fighting after this, Anne-"
"Well wHaTeVeR-"

Parr's POV

"Can I write something?"
"Are you sure you are emotionally stable enough to write this-"

Thomas pulled up his pants, smirking. I just sat there. Emotionless. I'm so used to it at this point. I need to do something.

He kicked me in the face, again. "I'll be back again soon, love~" He whispered in my ear.

"Don't call me that." I gritted through my teeth. He chuckled. "Say that again and you'll be sorry." Thomas held my jaw, putting his other hand around my neck slightly.

He removed his hands, walking away. I proceeded to get lost in my thoughts. What if there are other women like me? What if they also married Henry in their past lives? Maybe I'm just forgotten at this point. Y'know, 'survived.'

Howard's POV

"Cathy, we're letting you write later. You're crying-"

"Can't we just try?" I whined at Anna and Jane. "Catherine could be in real danger, we don't know. Maybe the note lied!" I crossed my arms, mumbling something irrelevant.

Jane looked over at Anna. "Well.." Jane mumbled. "Maybe it was lying." Anna shrugged.

"It said we had to look for her, but didn't we find our way here on our own?" I complained.

"It said she would be in a different location..? Somebody get the note." Jane looked at us.

I stood up, running over to the sofa where I found the note at. I picked up the two pieces, and quickly ran back over. Skimming over them, I looked back up at the two frantically. "It doesn't say that. It only says she would show up at a different time." I gasped.

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