First Day

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hi i wanna write a parrward high school au 🙈🙈

okay let's continue

Howard's POV

"Well, I guess she is real." Anne mumbled. She sighed, looking down in defeat.

"Anyways, we should probably show Cathy around. Anne, you show her around the house." I smiled, knowing Anne will hate me for that. Anne shrugged, signaling Cathy to follow her. I ran up to my room and Anna followed me.

Anne's POV

Great, now I have to do this. I thought. I signaled Cathy to follow me and I started showing her the house.

Everything went great until we got to the bedrooms.

"So this is Catherine of Aragon's room, but just call her Aragon or Catherine." I pointed at the door. Cathy nodded silently.

We continued with all of the other rooms, and heard some noises from Kitty's room.

"What in the-" Cathy stared at Kitty's door. Her soft voice was hard to hear over the noises that sounded like moans.

"Don't ask, they're probably having a pillow fight." I ignored it. Cathy shrugged, as we got onto her room.

"This is your room, I'll let you explore it yourself." I let Cathy into her room, and the blue queen explored it herself.

Cathy's POV

I quietly thanked Anne for the tour as I walked into my room. The walls were light blue with a bed in the left hand corner and a desk in the right hand corner. There were a few windows in the room, shining light into the room and onto the carpet.

"Cute." I mumbled, looking at the bookshelf full of books. "So many books.."

"Do you like it?" Anne asked, sitting on my bed.

"Yeah, it's pretty cute." I responded, sitting next to Anne on my bed.

"I HAVE FOOD FOR EVERYONE!" Jane screeched from downstairs. "EXCEPT CATHY, SHE'S NEW SO SHE'S FINE!"

"Does this-"

"You get used to it."

I shrugged, not going downstairs since Jane told me not to. I started writing at my desk, thinking about Anne. Her hair, her eyes, her outfit, I went on and on about it.

-time skip idk-

"So, how's it going so far?" Jane asked me, walking into my room. I jumped at her voice, not expecting her to walk into my room.

"It's going good, I kind of want to meet Aragon, since Kitty said I'm her goddaughter." I shrugged, Jane nodded.

"Yeah, you can meet her tomorrow. She's pretty nice." Jane smiled. I smiled back, as Jane shut the door, leaving me in peace.

I stared at the wall, thinking of something to write. That Anne was pretty beautiful.. wait, I can't like girls. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I'm a horrible person. A sin. I ripped out the piece of paper in my notebook about Anne and threw it on the floor. I laid down, attempting to fall asleep.

this was kinda bad but whatever lolololol

wear ur seatbelts 😩😩


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