~ Detective Kitty ~

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my cousins get here in 2 days and i beg that they don't hack my phone

the writing style is a tiny bit different in this one but very similar to the other chapters

Howard's POV

"Anna?" I recognized the girl immediately.

"Katherine?" Anna asked. We both ran towards each other and I gave her the biggest hug.

"awwWwWwWw my baby cousin has a frieND!"
"Well now the-"

Anna looked at me and gave me the biggest smile. She hugged me again. "It's so great to see you." Anna smiled.

"Let's all head inside, alright?" Jane asked us. Everyone nodded, and headed inside the house.

We all sat on the sofa, and Aragon was holding a book and Anne was holding a note.

"Wait, let me see the book-" Jane took the book from Catherine, and read it aloud for everyone to hear.

Dear the 6 Wives of King Henry Viii,

   Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne(a) of Cleves, Katherine Howard-

"If it says 6, then why are there only 5 names..?" Anne mumbled.

"There literally isn't another name so I guess it's just wrong?" Jane shrugged. Anna nodded in agreement. I, however, didn't believe Jane. I didn't tell anybody this.

"Anne, can I see your note?" Jane asked. Anne nodded, and Jane read the note aloud.

Dear Anne Boleyn,

You have been reincarnated in the 21st century. You and Aragon aren't the only ones who will be living here. There are 4 other woman who are going to be living with you and Catherine of Aragon. Jane Seymour, Anna of Cleves, Katherine Howard, and Catherine Parr.

However, one of them isn't going to show up at the same time as everyone else. That person is..

"Where's the rest of it?" Jane asked. Anne shrugged.

"I found it like that in my room, I don't know!" Anne mumbled. Jane sighed.

"Super unrelated but why did we call her Anna when her name is Anne-"
"It's because her name is Anna in German but Anne is English so I guess she just chose her German name, I don't know??"
"No I just didn't want to confuse you guys between me and Anne-"

We all talked for a little and I went upstairs with Jane and Anna. We all claimed our rooms and everyone went into their rooms. By the time I got into my room, it was already time for bed.

"Goodnight guys!" I yelled down the hallway. I received a response from everybody except Aragon, who was probably asleep. I got into bed and laid there.

There has to be another wife.. I know it! I wasn't his last wife for all I know..

Thoughts like these filled my head. I stood up, checking down the hallway to see if there was actually a final wife.

Indeed, there was another bedroom.

It had a label with a blue trim around it and said the initials C. P. on them. I opened the door to the bedroom and saw a room painted light blue. There was a desk with a notebook and a pen. I looked around the room. "This is a very nice room." I mumbled to myself. The bed had a blue blanket and a pillow. The notebook had a note on it.

Welcome to the 21st century.

"The 21st century.. is that the place we're at?" I sighed. I wondered what this woman's name was. I looked at the label again. I had to figure out who this woman was. I don't care how I found out.

"Kitty the detective."
"Let's make that a TV show-"
"guys nO-"

"I swear I recognize those initials.." I mumbled. I quietly went downstairs and looked in the book Aragon had in her hands earlier. I flipped through the small book and found a sheet of paper.

...Catherine Parr. She is the final wife of King Henry Viii. It is your job to find her along with another wife.

"Wait!" I whispered. I looked at the note Anne was holding and put two and two together.

"So.. Catherine Parr is the final wife.." I muttered. "Why isn't her name in the book then?" I mumbled to myself. I looked through the book again. I saw a little sheet of paper in there that said and Catherine Parr. I wanted to know more about this wife. I looked through as many books as possible.

"Why not just use a computer-"
"Because I didn't know how to use one aNnA-"

As many books as I could find, which was one book, I read it. Apparently, Henry died while she was married to him. A bunch of stuff happened after that with her other husband Thomas, but whatever. She also wrote a lot for stuff. I had found the final wife.

"Kitty? I mean-" I heard a voice.

"Kitty? That's a cute name." I smiled. I looked at the note again. And then in the book.

"What are you doing?" Anna sat next to me.

"I wanted to figure out who the final wife was.. I think you outlived all of us, right?" I smiled. Anna nodded.

"Yeah, I did. Why are you asking?" Anna scratched her head confused.

"Was there a wife after me?" I mumbled, somehow Anna heard it.

She sighed.



-kendall 🧚🏼☺️💞✨😘

editor kendall here, i loved this chapter and i'm really proud of it.

-editor kendall 🧚🏼☺️💞✨😘

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