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me changing the writing style halfway through:

anyways sorry for not updating lol
as your guys probably know, my neck just like went 😡😡😡 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 😡😡😡 so uhm

anyways enjoy

Anna pulled the blanket off of Kitty, causing the pink-haired girl to pout. She pulled the blanket back onto her, but Anna pulled it off of her again because she's 🤩 𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 🤩.

Kitty: ANNA I'M C O L D

Anna: Maybe because you're not wearing any clothes?

Kitty: Whatever..

Kitty got up, putting on her clothes and almost falling down the stairs. She ran downstairs, practically jumping onto a chair. Jane backed up, clearly confused on why the girl was so hyper.

Jane: Why are you- you know what.. nevermind.

Jane walked upstairs, going to wake up Cathy. She was the only person who wasn't awake, and Jane didn't feel like screaming. Cathy was writing, and it looked like she had been writing all night.

Jane: Hey, I made food.

Cathy: Alright, I'll be down in a bit.

Jane smiled and nodded, walking out of her room. She noticed a piece of paper on the ground, and picked it up. Jane shrugged, taking it to throw it out later.

Anne: I was showing Cathy around the house, and maybe if you and Kat were whiter we wouldn't be yelling!

Anna: Why do you assume we were doing that? We were just having a pillow fight.. right Kat?

Kitty: Pillow fight.. yeah. We were having a pillow fight.

Anne crossed her arms, looking defeated. Jane walked into the room, obviously confused on why the three gremlins were yelling at each other.

Jane: Wha-

Anna and Kitty: Anne started it.

Anne: 👁👄👁

Jane: Why did you-

Anne: They were being loud when I was showing Cathy around the house!

Anna: We weren't that loud during our pillow fight!

Kitty: yOu jUSt wAnT tO bLAmE mE fOr sOmEtHinG

Anne: *gASP* nO i dO nOt!

Kitty: yEs yOu dO!

Jane: wHy aRe wE yElLinG aGaIn-

Anna and Kitty: Anne started it.

Aragon had walked down the stairs and watched the conversation, not understanding why the girls were yelling.

Aragon: Why-

Anna: It was Anne.

Aragon: Of course it was-

Jane: Okay, let's just forget this whole thing happened and we can talk about it tomorrow.




Aragon: Don't-

Anne: hOw cAn wE tAlk aBoUt iT iF We fOrGoT iT hApPeNeD-

Jane: Okay I'm d o n e.

Everybody went upstairs after finishing their food, and Kitty jumped on top of Anna, startling the girl.

Anna: Why did you have to jump on me-

Kitty: I have a question.

Anna: What is it?

Kitty: Are you ready to tell everyone?

this was kinda just a filler chapter idk lol

🧚🏾‍♂️✨✌🏻 𝗶 𝗱𝗶𝗱𝗻𝘁 𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 ✌🏻✨🧚🏾‍♂️

don't kill me for changing the writing style, the old one was not it lmao

also imma just give u a little teaser for next chapter:
😳✨ 𝙗𝙚𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙥𝙚𝙧 ✨😳

anyways wear ur seatbelts


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