Chapter 28

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I continued going to the city as often as possible and Elashor and Ayred continued to be my escorts at my request. I enjoyed spending time with the people and learning about the individual lifestyles they lead. I visited Saelihn and her mother more than anyone else. We often discussed pretty fabrics and elegant cuts that could be made on a dress. I even enjoy the occasional drama that Saelihn let slip from time to time. It made me feel normal.

Though I was able to stay busy during the day, I still felt a little hollow inside. Thranduil had been leaving bed earlier and earlier each morning and returned later and later with the passing days. The worn and weary expression on his face he always had continuously worried me and it became difficult to block from my mind. He would attend dinner with little to say and normally stared into his food while Oropher and Daealla spoke to each other and occasionally to me. When we would leave for our chambers his steps were sluggish. Once actually in our room, he would immediately undress and crawl into bed. It didn't take long before I found myself beginning to take on his fatigue.

There were times I found it hard to rest. I would lay wide awake just staring at his face. If you had never met Thranduil, you wouldn't have ever guessed him to be under so much stress. He looked perfect with no indication of weariness on his features.

One particular early morning I awoke with a piercing headache. As I stirred in pain, I aroused Thranduil.

"What's wrong," he asked, groggily sitting up.

"My head," I whispered, "It hurts."

"Here let me get you some water," he said gruffly and threw the sheet off of him.

"No," I started and placed my hand on his bare shoulder to keep him from getting up. "I'll get it. You need as much rest as you can get."

"It's okay (Y/N), I can-"

"No, I've got it. Please just lay back down."

Without further arguing, he did as I said.

A pitcher of water had been placed atop the table next to the fireplace by one of Thranduil's personal servants. When I got up from the bed, my body seemed to be weighed down and it took a moment to obtain steadiness. But that didn't last long. I took a few steps in the direction of water but managed to loose balance and fall, hitting my head on the table and knocking the water to the ground to with me.


Thranduil had bolted upright and dashed across the room to where I was laying on the floor. With what little light came into the room I could see he was worried.

I rubbed my head as he examined me.

"I'm alright, I just tripped," I lied.

Thranduil arched his eyebrows unconvinced.

I placed my hand on a nearby chair and tried to pull myself up along with the help of Thranduil.

Once on my feet, I let go of the piece of furniture but lost my balance again. If it wasn't for Thranduil standing there I would've hit the floor again. This time my eyes were heavy and I could feel consciousness slipping away from me.

Without a word or any room for protest, Thranduil swept me up and carried me out the door of our room. The last thing I saw before everything went dark was the glimmering puddle of water that had been left spilled on the ground.


There was a damp cold feeling on my forehead and at first I panicked at the foreignness of it. I felt my breathe hitch and my eyes shot open. What I saw was a slightly startled Saevel.

I Am My Own (Reader x Thranduil)Where stories live. Discover now