Chapter 30

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(Y/N)'s POV

It didn't take long after Daealla left the room before Thranduil burst through the doors in a brisk charge. The door slammed against the wall with a loud crash and it made me sit up straight in the bed I was placed on. He slowed down to a near halt in the middle of the room, as if taking one more step might cause me to run like a wild deer at the sight of him. The whole room held their breath in anticipation and Saevel backed away from my side slowly, not taking her eyes from Thranduil.

I gulped hard at the foreignness of his expression. His mouth formed a straight line across his face and his eyebrows arched upward which made his eyes appear even wider than they already were. I couldn't tell what it was he was thinking and it made me a nervous wreck. When he approached the bedside cautiously, I looked down at my hands that were folded in my lap and then back up at him.


I don't know what I was expecting him to say. I didn't know how he would respond to the news and honestly I didn't even know how to react to it. It wasn't until I was being escorted to the healing room by Thranduil that I started to draw suspicions of pregnancy.

I was still trying to convince myself that this was reality, that there was a tiny, living being inside of me. I wanted to ask the healers again to make sure that their conclusion had been correct and that they were sure I wasn't just sick.

"Is it true," Thranduil asked with his hands stiff at his sides. It made him look like a child being caught in the act of disobedience.

"Am I really going to be a father?"

Before now I had been worried he was angry by the way he entered the room. But seeing him up close I could tell that wasn't the case. He was excited... and maybe a bit nervous.

It was then that I found it difficult to contain myself. I was excited too.

I nodded and felt my eyes squint with a wide grin.

"Yes," I said through airy laughter. It was nice to finally have news that wasn't depressing.

Thranduil mimicked my nodding, still trying to comprehend what I was saying. At last he let out a breath of air and laughed with me.

"I'm going to be a father!"

He pulled up a chair to sit next to the bed and held my hand. The healers shuffled around the room, organizing medicines and, for the most part, leaving Thranduil and I alone. Saevel would stop every once in a while to make sure I was still doing all right.

"Well, I think we've been here long enough," I said while sitting up and starting to swing my legs over the edge of the bed.

"Wait, wait," Thranduil cautioned as he held his hands out around me. "Are you sure you're alright? Let me help you."

"Thranduil I'm fine," I giggled and pushed away his arms.

He dropped his hands but stayed close as I stood. It was humorous to hear him suddenly intake air as I wobbled a bit on my feet due to standing up too fast.

"You know, maybe I could talk to Ada. He actually might think it's a good idea if I stay behind on this trip."

"Hold it right there," I said suddenly and spun around to face him. I noticed he had to control himself to keep from wrapping his arms around me. "We did not go through all of that arguing just so you can immediately side with me after realizing I'm pregnant. This baby isn't going to be coming for a while."

"I know that," he said with furrowed eyebrows, "But what if-"

"Thranduil, you're going with your father and that's final."

There was no use in arguing and Thranduil knew that. So, we both retreated to our own room with my husband staying in close proximity to me all the way back.

Thranduil was going to be a father and I was going to be a mother. The thought still hadn't completely resonated with me but I couldn't deny the excited feeling I got when I thought about holding my baby.


"Just promise me you'll be careful,"I whispered in Thranduil's ear as he held me close, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"I will," he said and pulled back far enough to look me in my eyes, "You must promise me you will do the same, though. No straining yourself."

His voice was stern but it came from a place of care.

"Don't start with me. Like I said last night, this baby isn't going to be here for a while."

"I don't care," he persisted while shaking his head, "Naneth agrees with me. You need to limit physical labor."

I huffed, pulled myself tightly back into his embrace and layed my head against his chest.


He kissed the top of my head and then moved down to my lips. I held onto that kiss for as long as I could. It was sweet and sorrowful. Even though I told him to go with his father, I still hated to see him leave.

"I'll be back before you ever miss me."

"Too late. I miss you already."

He smiled warmly and the blue of his eyes flashed in the sunlight as he turned and mounted his horse.

Oropher was finishing his goodbyes to Daealla. She seemed so calm, as if this were routine and I prayed that one day I would have the same peace and serenity that she does.

"Watch over that baby, (Y/N)," Oropher called to me as he mounted his horse as well, "And I'll watch over your husband in return."

Thranduil shook his head at the ground and gave an exhausted laugh. Since Daealla thought it would be appropriate for us to share the good news to King Oropher himself, we told him earlier this morning that we were expecting.

Though he was generally always a very jovial elf, I had never seen him as happy as he was when we told him he was going to be a grandfather. He gave a congratulatory slap on the back and told Thranduil he "did a good job. That didn't take long at all!", which had made Thranduil's cheeks burn a bright red. Oropher then pulled me in for a tight hug. There's no elf I have ever known to be quite like Oropher. He was his own breed. Except for maybe Glorfindel. The two of them seem to have similar personalities in my opinion.

"I will, sir," I called as the party of four soldiers, my husband, and his father turned and rode away. It would be at least a month from now before they would even begin to think of returning. Two months was the time frame Thranduil had given me and that's if there were no delays of any kind. I wondered if Thranduil was feeling as lonely as I was already.

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