2 - Cry Baby

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After we introduce ourselves, we go to the living room. Jeongin, Jisung and other boy (that I don't know the name) are sitting on the couch so we join them.

"You must be Seungmin" Unknown boy 2 asks me. Suddenly I became popular? Why does everyone know my name?

"Yes, I am" I confirm. "And I don't know your name" I look at Felix, who's holds the boys hand. He must be Felix boyfriend. "You must be Changbin"

"You're right" Changbin says.

"Who's not dating here?" Jeongin asks and everyone except me and him laughs. "Am I the only one?"

"I'm not dating either" I say. "Nor Chan"

"You don't count" Jeongin says. "And Chan is almost dating"

We all look at Chan surprised. Chan is almost dating and didn't tell me? Why did he tell Jeongin, but not me?

"You're almost dating?" Changbin asks Chan, who nods. "You didn't tell us!"

"That's because I'm not dating yet" Chan justifies. "I haven't asked him yet"

"Him?" I ask and everyone looks at me. "Am I the only straight here?"

I look at Minho, who's serious expression on his face. Did I do something?

I open my mouth to say something and break the silence, but before I can say something I feel someone hitting in my face. That hurts.

"I'm sorry" Some girl next to me says. She starts touching my face, trying to do something I have no idea. "I didn't mean to hit you"

I can hear Jisung and Jeongin laughing at me.

"It's okay" I assure her with a smile and she moves away.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asks me with a concerned face. I nod, trying not do worry him more, but it doesn't seem to work. "Are you sure? It's starting to bleed"

I touch my face, just to see that it's really bleeding. I get up off the couch and go to the bathroom to stop it.

After a few minutes in the bathroom I get out and I see Jisung and Hyunjin outside.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asks me and I nod again.

"Don't worry so much" I say. "I'm fine"

We go to the living room again and I sit in the couch. There was a big silence, now that everyone was gone, except the 8 of us. I look around the room to see what everyone is doing.

Chan and Jeongin are already sleeping peacefully. Minho and Jisung are cuddling, like Felix and Changbin. Hyunjin is the only one watching TV. I decide to join him so I get closer to him.

"What are you watching?" I ask him curious.

"The Fault In Our Stars" Hyunjin says with some tears on his face.

"Wow, Hyunjin, I would never imagine you are this sensitive. You're a cry baby, Hyunjin" I laugh, while he's still crying.

"Sad movies don't make you cry?" He asks me and I shake my head. "I'm not sensitive. You're the one who's insensitive!"

"Why would I cry because of a movie?"

"Because it's sad" He pouts, which I think it's cute.

I don't say anything to Hyunjin, because I feel tired. My eyes start closing and I fall asleep.

After a long sleep I wake up. I look next to me and I see Hyunjin, who's still sleeping. Since I woke up by myself, I guess that everyone is still asleep so I keep lying on the couch.

I look at Hyunjin's face examining it, since yesterday I didn't have the chance to. I notice that close to his eyes he has a mole, what makes him even more attractive. I start looking down, to his mouth. He has a beautiful mouth, but I don't know why I am looking at it.

Suddenly, I feel something touching my back. I look back and I see Minho.

"Are you enjoying the view?" He asks me with a smirk. I must be blushing again.

"I have just woken up" I stutter a little nervous. He starts laughing

"I can't believe you" He says.

"What are you talking about?" I hear Hyunjin asking in a sleepy voice. I look at him and I smile. He looks so good.

"Have you watched the whole movie yesterday?" Minho asks Hyunjin, trying to change the subject. "Did you cry?"

I start laughing, remembering last night. Hyunjin rolls his eyes.

"I bet he was still crying when I fell asleep" I say and Minho laughs nodding with his head. He moves away from us to go to the kitchen.

"You're right" Hyunjin says when Minho disappears. I smile. I knew that I was right. He gets up off the couch. "I should go home"

"I should get home too" I say, waving him goodbye.

I get up off the couch and go to Chan's room, who's still sleeping. I walk closer to his bed and I tickle him, making him wake up.

"Seriously?" He asks me in his sleepy voice.

"I have to go home" I say, leaving his bedroom and going to the kitchen.

"Pancakes or cereal?" Felix asks me.

"Pancakes" I say. "Are you going to make them?" He nods.

I sit down in the chair waiting for my breakfast. Felix puts it in the table and I thank him before eating the pancakes.

When I finish my breakfast, Chan is already waiting for me. We get in his car.

"Did you like the party?" He asks me and I nod my head. "We should repeat it some day"

"We should" I say.

The car stops in front of my house. I open the door and get out of the car.

"Goodbye" I say, waving.

I enter my house, where everyone is still asleep. I go to my room and I pick up the clothes for today. I'm going to Yeji's house.

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