20 - Strawberry

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I look out the window watching everything that's happening outside Chan's car. The trip just started and we still have 3 hours until we get to the place where we planned to camp. First, Jinnie and I were planning to come alone, but we thought that it would be more fun with friends so here we are now. Jinnie holds my hands with his soft ones and a smile appears on my face.

"We're going to have so much fun!" I hear Jisung screaming before being interrupted by Minho, who brings his hand closer to his mouth, signaling him to shut up. Jisung face is now redder than the usual and everyone in the car laughs. I'm so happy that I can share this funny moment with the people that I love.

We decide to talk about things going on our lives since we haven't been together so much, but at some point of the trip I start to feel sleepy. And if there's something I can't hide is when I'm sleepy. I start to yawn until I can finally sleep. It doesn't take a long time for Jinnie to realize.

"You're tired" Jinnie says and I nod confirming what he already knows. "Sleep a bit while we're not there"

I nod my head laying my head on his shoulder so it can rest there. I close my eyes hearing everyone's conversation but now a bit lower because of me. Without noticing when, I just dall asleep.

I'm woken up by Jinnie, who touches my hand softly trying to wake me up. I guess we arrived. I look at his face, where there is that smile that I love. He helps me get up and we grab our things.

"Should we wait for the others?" Minho asks us. Chan nods and I sit on his car waiting for my other friends to arrive.

After a few minutes of waiting, my other friends arrive, incluiding Felix, Changbin, Jeongin, Lia, Yeji and Ryujin. I get out off Chan's car and we make our way to the place where we are going to set up our tents.

"Everyone has a tent, right?" Chan asks us, just to confirm. He's always like this, worried about his friends. I guess that's why everyone likes him. How can you hate someone like Chan? He's just so caring and a nice person.

"I'll stay with my boyfriend!" Jisung screams, stating a fact that everyone already knew. "Felix will stay with Changbin, Jeongin will stay with Chan and Lia, Yeji and Ryujin will stay together on the same tent. And I guess Seungmin and Hyunjin will stay on the same tent too, since they're boyfriends"

"We're not boyfriends" I correct Jisung, probably with an angry face.

"Almost boyfriends" Jisung corrects himself and makes a smirk. I roll my eyes, but I don't say anything. Jisung is just trying to make me angry at him.

I feel Jinnie's gaze on me and I look back at him, showing him a big and sincere smile. Our hands touch each other, but I'm the only one who holds his hand tightly.

"So should we start?" Jeongin asks us, looking me with a disgusted face and everyone nods agreeing with him.

Jinnie and I grab our tent trying to set it up, but it takes us longer than expected to do it. Why is it so difficult? After some failed attemps we finally managed to set up our tent. I get inside of it, putting my things in it and he does the same.

"What do you want to do?" I ask him, while he searches for something on his bag.

"I'll just sleep a bit" Jinnie says and I nod. He didn't sleep on the trip so it makes sense that he's tired now.

"We can do something later" I say, getting closer to his face to kiss his cheeks. I get out off the tent, leaving Jinnie alone.

I decide to look for someone to spend my time, but everyone is just doing couple things and I shouldn't bother them. I thought about looking for Jeongin, but he warned me that he was going to sleep so now only one person was left and it was Yeji, who probably was spending her time with her two best friends.

I make my way to their tent, which was opened so I get closer. When I look inside the tent, I'm surprised about what I see. Did I just see Yeji and Lia kissing each other? Wait, are they girlfriends?

"Yeji?" I call her name making the two girls finally notice my presence. "I didn't know that you two were dating, I'm so sorry"

"You don't have to be sorry" Yeji answers me, while we both leave the tent. "I'm the one who should be, because I didn't tell you. I don't know why I've been hiding this from you, maybe I was just afraid to tell you even though I knew you were going to support me. However, only my friends and my brother knew about it"

"Jinnie knew about it?" I ask her trying to process this information. "How long have you been dating?"

"For a few months" Yeji asks me. "8 months"

I facepalm myself feeling so dumb right now. I can't believe that I spent my whole year trying to date someone who was already in a relationship. But it all makes sense right now. I've never stop to thing about it, but they always acted like a couple. I guess that I was too dumb to realize it.

"I'm so happy for you" I say with a sincere smile on my face. Maybe I wouldn't be so happy if I knew about it some time ago. But that was when I liked Yeji and now I don't. I like someone else. I like someone else so much more than I've ever liked Yeji and that's why I'm not sad about it.

I like Jinnie. I like Jinnie so much. Everything about him just makes me like him more. I love his personality, the way he cares about his friends and is so nice to everyone. I love the mole that he has under his eye, I love his cute cheeks that I love to kiss, his beautiful and soft hair that I love to touch and his beautiful lips that I want to kiss. I love the way he hugs me, when I'm happy, when I'm sad. Even when nothing happens he hugs me and I love it. I love when he holds my hands out of nowhere. I love everything that Jinnie does. I just want to spend time with him and make sure that he knows what I feel for him. I don't like Jinnie anymore. I love him.

My feet walks towards my tent, where Jinnie's sleeping. I go inside it and close it, leaving me and Jinnie alone. My body lays next to him and I look to his face while he doesn't wake up.

I use that time to analyze his mole. How can something so simple and common be so attractive on someone?

Jinnie eyes open slowly and the his only reaction when he sees me is smiling. I put my arms around him, holding him in another warm hug and we stay like this for a few moments. We don't need to say something right now. We just need to enjoy this moment. My mouth opens to say something important. Maybe I need to say just one thing.

"I love you" I say to Jinnie, who I was holding in my embrace. He looks at me with a shade of red on his face, which I find extremely cute.

"I love you too, Minnie" He returns the same words to me, in a sweet tone of voice.

Our heads get closer to each other, leaving us in a small distance where I can already hear and feel Jinnie's breath. We open our mouths smiling to each other. Right now, I can't think of anything else but Hyunjin. How did I start to have this feelings for him? I guess I just started to fall in love slowly for him.

I break the distance that was remaining between us, putting our lips together to share a sweet and long kiss with him. Jinnie's hands make their way to my waist, while mine are positioned around his neck. His lips were so soft against mine and now I couldn't think about a feeling better than this. I could taste the strawberry flavored gum that Jinnie had eaten a few minutes ago when we arrived, which didn't matter to me nor for him.

We break our kiss, moving away from each other a bit. My gaze is directed to Jinnie's lips and I can't stop thinking about how much I want to feel it again on mine. Our lips meet again sharing another kiss, just as sweet as our first one. Everything looks so right in this moment, my feelings for Jinnie look so right and for the first time I finally realize how much deep they are. I'm in love with Hwang Hyunjin.

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