4 - Chocolate Cake

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"Get up, Seungmin!" I hear my mother screaming. She uncovers me, removing the blanket from my bed. I yawn but finally get up from my bed. "Chan already called me twice. He said that you were supposed to be at his house at 9AM. It's almost 11am!"

I look for my clothes in the closet. It's a comfortable outfit, since I'm going to watch some movies and it's not a party again. After I have my breakfast, I get out of the house. Chan's car is standing in front of me. I look at it confused, because I don't remember asking him to pick me up.

"Are you going to come in?" He asks me after I look at the car for a few seconds. "It's okay if you want to stay there. But for your information, we have cake" I run as fast I can to Chan's car, where I see Felix and Changbin.

"Hey" I say to the three of them. I turn to Chan. "Sorry for falling asleep again. I went to sleep really late yesterday"

"It's okay" Chan sighs. "Besides that, you weren't the only one falling asleep. That means we'll pick up someone else now"

I put the seat bealt and the car starts moving. After about 5 minutes, it stops again in front of a house. I can recognize it. Hyunjin comes out of the house and gets closer to the car. When he sees me, a smile appears on his face.

"Hey, Minnie" He says, getting in the car. Minnie? Really? "You look so good today" I feel myself blushing again. He laughs, probably at the fact that I'm blushing because of it. He should laugh more. I mean, he has a cute laugh so why not? Anyway, he shouldn't have said that. It makes me so uncomfortable!

"Minnie as like.. Minnie Mouse?" I ask him confused.

"No" He says. "Minnie as you. Seungminnie"

I fake a disguted face, but he doesn't seem to care. He only laughs more at my confused face and I don't say anything else.

When we get in Chan's house, we go to the living room where Minho, Jisung and Jeongin are.

"You're finally here!" Jisung celebrates. He runs to me and hugs me, almost choking me.

"You're killing Seungmin" Chan laughs, but separates Jisung from me. "Let's watch something now"

We all sit down on his couch. The couples are obviously next to each other. I sit down next do Chan and Hyunjin. Chan turns the TV on and we start watching some movie that I don't even know the name. It's an interesting movie. I pay attention to the whole movie, what's very rare for me.

When the second movie starts, I don't pay that much attention like I payed to the first. I feel someone grabbing my hand. It's Hyunjin. He starts playing with it and counting the fingers, even if he know they're 10. I look at his face. He's so focused on my hand that didn't even notice that I'm looking at him.

"Are you having fun?" I ask him in a low voice, so the others won't hear us. He looks at me with his typical smile and nods.

"Your hand is so soft" He says, still holding my hand. He looks me in the eyes and his smile looks more beautiful than I thought that it was. "Yeji and I missed you. You're a good person to spend the day with"

"Thank you" I thank him smiling a little. "You're not that bad too. You like Day6"

"I have good taste" Hyunjin explains. "But that's not my only quality. I'm actually very handsome"

"And very cocky too" I complete his sentence. He hits me on the arm, but it doesn't hurt me since he did it with little strenght.

"I'm not" He protests. "I don't have to be cocky to look at the mirror and know that I'm handsome" He turns to Minho, who's is on the other side of the couch. "Am I handsome?"

Minho looks at him and nods. It seems like he just wants to focus on the movie and didn't hear what Hyunjin asked him. However, Hyunjin looks at me with a big smile on his face. How can he look so good?

"You're right, you're handsome" I agree with him. Suddenly, I feel him hugging me. My heart starts to be faster, but Hyunjin lets go of me quickly.

After a long conversation about random things, the movie finally ends and we get up from the couch. We go to the kitchen and sit down on the chair. Chan takes the chocolate cake to the table and we start eating it.

"Chocolate cake is my favorite" I say putting it in my mouth. Hyunjin looks at me and laughs.

"That's why I bought it" Chan says. "I always buy the other's favorite cake, but I never buy chocolate cake for you"

"I miss cheesecake" Jisung says with a pout.

"It was your breakfast!" Minho exclaims and everyone laughs.

"So what?" Jisung asks. And by the way, stan Loona. "I can miss cheesecake everyday. Like you miss me everyday even if we're always together"

"He has a point" Felix agrees with Jisung, turning to Minho. "I'm your best friend so I can confirm it" Minho hits on Felix, with a little laugh.

I look at Hyunjin, who's still eating his slice of cake. God, he's so slow!

"Could you eat faster?" I ask, turning to Hyunjin. He looks at me and puts the fork in his mouth slower than before. Now he's doing it on purpose!

After what it felt like an eternity, Hyunjin finishes eating the cake. Chan gets up and picks up all the dishes for us to wash it later. My phone rings and I look at it. It's Yeji. Yeji is calling me!

I get up from the chair and go to the living room, answering the call

"Hey, S" Yeji says.

"Hi" I say. Why is she calling me? Of course I like when she calls me, but I want to know the reason.

"Do you have plans Thursday night?" She asks me. Thursday night? Probably not. I start thinking about my plans on Thursday. Of course I don't have any plans the whole day. I'm not that social. I only have this friends.. A few days ago I only had Jisung, Jeongin and Chan.

"I don't think I have" I say, trying to sound a little more social than I really am.

"Would you like to go to the amusement park with me?" She asks me. I didn't expect her to ask me that. Since when she asks me to go out with her so often? It's not like we aren't friends, but I never thought we were that close.

"Yeah" I say. If I accept to go to the amusement park with her we'll spend more time together and I can confess to her, like I promised to my friends.

"Cool!" She exclaims. "Do you mind if I bring other friends too? It's okay if you do, I don't have to bring them with us"

"I don't mind" I interrupt her. Why would I mind? I like her friends. They're nice to me.

"I don't know what to say anymore" Yeji says. "Goodbye" She hangs up the call and I go back to the kitchen.

"Who was it?" Jisung asks me when he sees me in the kitchen. "Was it Yeji?" Everyone looks at me full of curiosity.

"Yeah" I say. Jisung doesn't seem satisfied with my answer and starts asking me more question.

"What did she want?" He asks me again.

"She asked me to go with her to the amusement park on Thursday" I say. Jeongin opens his mouth in surprise.

"As on a date?" Minho asks me. Why does everyone look surprised?

"Date of friends" I say and they start laughing. "I'm being serious. She didn't mention that it was a date"

"Because she is afraid that you will reject her" Jeongin says. "You don't understand anything about girls, do you?"

"You don't understand anything either" I say making everyone laugh, but Jeongin.

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