11 - Stream God's Menu

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Hyunjin and I are sitting on the bus' seats. We can't stop talking about the show that we're going to, because we're both very excited about it.

"I can't believe that we're really going" Hyunjin says for the hundredth time. I laugh at it, because I find it funny how he only talks about it, but I'm as excited as he is. "I've spent last night hearing all Day6 albums"

"It must have been an incredible night" I comment about what he said and he nods, agreeing with me. "But I'm as excited as you"

"Thank you again" He says in a lower tone of voice, so only I can hear it. "Thank you for buying me the ticket and going with me"

"You don't have to thank me again" I say looking in his eyes and immediately a smile grows on me.

The bus stops again and now it's bus stop where we're supposed to leave. We get up at the same time and leave the bus. Since we still have to walk a little to get there, we can't lose our time so when we get out of the bus we're already walking. 

We stop in front of a big building (SEUNGMIN IN THE BUILDING). Hyunjin looks at me with a nervous face. I smile trying to make him feel less nervous.

"My heart is beating so fast, Minnie" Hyunjin says with a big smile on his face, while he puts his hand close to his heart. 

"It's my first time seeing them in live too" I admit, what calms him down a bit. 

Before we get in the building I hold Hyunjin's hand. There's a lot people inside it so we have to stay next to each other. It's not a good idea to lose each other. We look at each other both smiling and we get in the building.

We hand our tickets so we can go to the show. Our place is not VIP, but it's not the worst so we're okay with it. I look at my phone, checking the hours. It's 6:40PM and the show starts at 7PM so it's going to take some time. Besides that, it always takes longer than expected to start.

"Are you ready to record the show?" He asks me in an attempt to break the silence. I nod with my head. "Do you have plans for after the show?"

"My plan is to sleep" I answer him as sincere as I can and laugh a bit when I see his annoyed face.

"You could sleep in my house" Hyunjin mumbles, but I can hear him perfectly. I look at him in surprise. Did he just invite me to sleep in his house? Maybe I hear it wrong. And what if really invited me? We're friends and that's what friends do. I shouldn't think too much about it and just say something. So why can't I speak? "Are you okay, Minnie?"

"Yeah" I say referring to what he proposed to me, but he doesn't seem to understand it. "I can sleep in your house as long as your parents authorize me"

"They were the ones who told me to ask you" Hyunjin says. "Yeji and I talk a lot about you and they're always saying that they want to meet you. And they said that today is the perfect day"

I try to process everything that Hyunjin just said. Hyunjin and Yeji talk about me? I'm wondering what their parents know about me. I hope that they only talked good things about me.

"You two have been talking about me?" I ask Hyunjin still in shock.

"We just told them that we're good friends" Hyunjin explains. "I've never expected that they would want to meet you"

"It would be nice to meet them too" I smile and Hyunjin opens his mouth to say something, but he's interrupted by a song that starts playing, meaning that the show is almost starting. "Oh my god!"

"Don't die" Hyunjin teases me while he laughs at me. We look at the stage, where Day6 are going to enter any time. 

Day6 finally enters the stage and the crowd starts screaming, just the usual. Hyunjin and I aren't better than them, because we're screaming too. It's so good to know that I'm in the same place as DAY6. 

Jae's voice is heard in the entire room and we can already recognize Congratulations, one of their most popular songs. Hyunjin starts dancing to the music and I sing it. I look at his dance moves, clearly improvised but creative and good to watch. He must have trained dance for a long time, because he dances as good as an idol. I should remember to ask him later.

The song finally ends and the crowd screams for more. Young K grabs his microphone, which makes the crowd scream even more.

"Hi" Young K says being heard in the entire room. "Thank you for coming today"

"You're welcome" Hyunjin mumbles and I laugh. He can't even say it loud!

The members start playing their instruments and Younk K starts singing Shoot Me, which is their title song that I like the most. A big smile appears in my face.

"Just shoot me, shoot me!" I scream while Wonpil sings his part. I feel Hyunjin looking at me and I smile. "I've been training for this for years" Even though the song is playing so loud, I can still hear him laughing softly.

Hyunjin and I start doing a weird, but funny dance while the song is playing. I'm happy that I can't see myself right now, because I would cringe so much. 

When the song ends we finally have some time to rest. Everyone around us is still screaming for Day6 and some of them even have brought their posters of the group. As for me, I left it at home. It's safer there than here.

The show finally ends and we leave the building, holding each other's hands so we don't get lost. The show was amazing and we had a really good time.

When we're already outside of the building Hyunjin stops and I do the same a bit confused.

"I had so much fun" Hyunjin says and I nod my head agreeing. "Thank you again for bringing me"

"I've already told you that you don't have to thank me anymore for that" I say. "I did it because I like you"

"You like me? As a friend, of course" He asks me while his cheeks get a bit redder than usual. I laugh a little and nod my head. "I like you too, Minnie"

"That's cute" I mumble and a little smile grows on my face. We stay like that looking at each other for some time, which strangely wasn't uncomfortable for me. We can only hear footsteps of the people in the street and some conversations of them. But for us, it's just silence. Not an awkard silence, just silence. 

Hyunjin gets closer to me and for some reason I thought that he was going to kiss me. He holds me in a big and comfortable hug. A hug I wish that could last forever, because I just feel so safe in his arms.

"We should go home" Hyunjin breaks the silence. "My parents must be waiting for us" I nod in response and we make our way to the bus stop. 

That gave me a chance to think now. Why do I feel like that with Hyunjin? Usually I like to be around people, but being with Hyunjin is different and better. Is this how we feel about our friends? He must be so important to me and that's why I'm feeling this way. I shouldn't worry about it too much. I'm not in love with him and he's just a good friend to me.

But I'm definitely not gay and I'm not in love with Hyunjin.

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