13 - Haven Is A Bop

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"I don't know what to tell you, Seungmin" Jeongin complains for the hundredth time today. "You said that you were going to tell her at the beginning of the vacations"

I roll my eyes, but deep down I know that he's right. I didn't do what I promised to him, but most important what I promised to myself.

"Do you still like her?" Jisung asks me and everyone puts their attention on me. Jeongin, Chan, Jisung and Minho are all looking at me making me even more uncomfortable. I can't process a fast reply and their eyes on me are not helping me.

"Yeah" I say, but it doesn't sound convincing even for me. It seems like I'm a forcing something, and I am not. I really like Yeji.

"Give him more time" Chan seems to noticing my nervousness. "You're not being good friends now. Or do I have to remember you, Jisung, that you took more than a year to date Minho? And it was because he asked you!"

When I look at Jisung, his face is clearly getting redder. Unlike him, Minho can't help but laugh at this situation. Jisung hits on Minho's shoulders which makes him finally stop laughing. Minho opens his arms and holds Jisung in a hug, making everyone in the room smile. Everyone but Jeongin, who just makes a disgusted face.

It's been 3 days since the Day6 show, so I haven't seen Hyunjin in 2 days. It seems like a weird thing to admit, but I really miss him. I love spending time with him, because I can just be who I am and who I want to be without worrying about anything. With him, it's just different.

Maybe Yeji was right. Our personality really match with each other. Of course he's different from me in some things, but everyone is. I just love the way he is.

My thoughts are interrupted by Jisung's voice.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks me. "Yeji?"

I open my mouth to talk, but I'm interrupted again, but now it's by Jeongin.

"I bet he's thinking about Hyunjin now" Jeongin says looking me in the eyes. "You're always together now. What are you two? Boyfriends? Is he your new bestfriend? What about me?"

Jeongin's speech is interrupted by Chan's and Minho's laugh. I try my hardest to don't laugh too. Since when is Jeongin so jealous of my friendships? He knows very well that HE is my bestfriend.

"For God's sake, Jeongin!" Chan explains. "Hyunjin is not Seungmin's new bestfriend. We both know they're boyfriends"

I look at Chan like I'm really going to kill him and gets up fast.

"If you're going after me, let me know, please" Chan asks me. "It's not fair to run without warning"

So that's what I do. I start running after Chan without warning, but it seems like he was already ready for that and I can't catch him. Why do I have to run so slowly?

After a few minutes of "me trying to catch Chan, but just failing because he's faster than me", we sit down again more tired than ever.

"I'm not Hyunjin's boyfriend" I complain about what Chan said minutes ago. "I'm not even gay"

"You know that you can be bisexual, right?" Minho remembers me and I nod.

"I'm not gay or bisexual or whatever" I say. "Hyunjin and I are just good friends"

"That's how a relationship starts" Chan says and I start getting up. "I'm just playing with you. You're the one who knows what you two are. We just said that you are boyfriend, because we can't deny that you two have chemistry and look cute together"

"Yeah, sorry" Jeongin apologizes. "But you should know that I think Hyunjin is in love with you"

"He's not" I quickly correct him. "Like I said we're good friends"

"Then why is he always hugging you?" Minho asks me looking offended "He never did that to me!"

"Are you jealous, Minho?" I ask him letting out a loud laugh.

"Maybe I am" Minho pouts. "I'm his bestfriend, but he never hugged me"

"Don't be sad, Minho" Jeongin says. "Hyunjin is not a hug person. He just hugs Seungmin because they're boyfriends"

"Hey, stop it!" I exclaim. "I'm not Hyunjin's boyfriend"

Our discussion is interrupted by my phone ringing. I pick up my phone to see the person who sent me a message.

"I bet it is Hyunjin" Jeongin says looking at my phone. "Go on. Check it and tell me who it is"

I look at the screen and read the notification making me smile immediately.

"It's him, isn't it?" Jisung asks me and I nod. "Let me see what he said" He tries to take my phone from my hand but I don't let him do that.

"It's personal" I justify. "You wouldn't like me to check your messages too"

"He has a point" Minho says.

"No, he doesn't" Jisung disagrees. "We've always checked each other messages. He's just saying that because he doesn't want us to find out that he's dating Hyunjin"

I place my phone on his hands just to prove him that he's wrong.

"You can check the messages" I say. "I don't have anything to hide from you"

Jisung looks at my phone and then looks at me. He gives me my phone back.

"I know you don't have anything to hide" He admits. "It was supposed to be funny. But I guess you don't like it so we'll stop, right guys?" He looks in direction of the others boys and they just nod.

"Thank you" I mumble.

I look at the screen of my phone again seeing the message Hyunjin sent to me. "I miss you" It says. That's so cute of him. I type on my keyboard a few times, but I end up always erasing it.

"Just say that you miss him too" Minho whispers in my ear while my three friends are already have another argument about something. "He likes you too"

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