23 - Sweet

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Our hands are interlocked while we both walk to some place that I don't know. Because Hyunjin didn't even told me. My head is full of questions and thoughts right now. Where are we going? What's Hyunjin's plan for today? I don't know what's his plan, because the only thing that he told me was to warn my mom that I wasn't going to sleep home tonight. Is he trying to kidnap me or something? I laugh at my stupid question in my head. Of course he wouldn't kidnap me, but if it was another person the question wouldn't be so stupid.

In Hyunjin's other hand, which is not holding mine, he holds a bag that he brought with him even before he came to pick me up. I don't know what's inside of it, but I'm sure that I will find out soon.

We stop in front of a cafeteria and get inside. So our date is in a cafeteria? Why is he bringing a bag then? It looks like a bag with grocery shopping. So why would he bring that to a cafeteria?

"It this a date?" I ask him waiting for an answer.

"Yes, but no" He answers my question leaving me even more confused. What does that even mean?

"What?" I ask him.

"We're going on a date, but this is not the date" He says not really leaving me less confused, but leaving me more curious now. He orders coffees for us and we sit next to a table drinking them. "Do you want to guess where we're going?"

"I wanted to, but I have no ideia" I say honestly. "The only thing I guess is that I'll find out soon"

"Then you're right" He says, with his pretty smile again on his face.

We finish drinking our coffees and stay in the cafe for some more time just having random conversations. For some reason I think that this day is going to be an important day for us. I think that he's going to ask me, but not just that. He's trying to make a surprise for me, so that means that this day is important.

He looks to his watch and he quickly grabs his bags, looking at me. I get up and we hold hands again, making our way to outside of the cafeteria.

"Where are we going now?" I ask him trying to get the answer, but he just tells the same thing.

"You will see" He answers. That's not fair! I should know where we're going.

"Are you taking me to Paris?" I ask him and we both let out a loud laugh.

"Maybe someday we will go to Paris" He says. I'll remember it in a few years then. "But today we'll stay here"

"That's sad" I pout, pretending to be sad. "I wanted to go to Paris"

"Maybe when we both have money and age enough to go" He says in a playful way.

We finally stop in a garden. He opens his bag, taking a towel out of there. I still don't understand anything, but I can finally ask him.

"What are we doing here?" I ask while Jinnie extends the towel he had inside the bag. He points to it, signaling for me to sit down.

"I remember one time when we were talking that you told me this thing" He pauses. "You wanted to spend the night awake, watching the stars, just you and me. I thought that it was a great idea"

"That's so cute, Jinnie" I say forming a big smile on my face before holding him in a big embrace. "You're so cute"

"Isn't it something that boyfriends do?" He asks me and I put my hand next to my mouth, pretending to be thinking about it and nod. "That must mean that we should be boyfriends" I let out a laugh while nodding.

"I agree with you, Jinnie" I say. "We should be boyfriends so you better ask me now"

"I was going to do it now" He says, looking me in the eyes which probably is making me blush right now, but I'm glad that it is too dark for him to see it. "But I just don't know how to be romantic"

"Me neither" I say which makes Hyunjin form a big smile on his pretty face. "We actually have a lot of things in common and I just realized that"

A sweet laugh comes out of Hyunjin's mouth, which is enough to make me smile like an idiot. I love everything about this moment just like I love every other moment with him, because even if it's for a short time, it's when I'm the happiest. We focus our gazes on each other, opening our mouths in big and meaningful smiles.

"Seungmin" Hyunjin calls my name and I nod. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" I exclaim. "Of course I want to be your boyfriend. I've been waiting for a long time. I was so tired of waiting, Jinnie. Why did you take so long?"

"Because I wanted to be romantic. Which I wasn't, because it would just be me forcing something that I'm not. I know that I should have asked you a long time ago, but it took me that time to realize that I needed to do it my way and not the way of other people" Hyunjin explains himself and I nod my head multiple times, showing that I understand what he's talking about. "I love you, Minnie. I hope you always know that"

"And I hope you always know that I love you too" I confess my real feelings. "And I love you more than you think or even more than I think I do, because everyday I get more feelings for you and I love you more than the previous day"

"Well, I love you more than you think I do too" He returns his feelings, that seem as real as mine. "And I can't stop loving you more everyday that passes. Actually, I think that I love you more every second that passes and I know that it may sound stupid for some people, but for me it is the best feeling in this world. I love you so much, Minnie, so much that I know that I will never stop"

I position my hand on his cheek, getting closer to it. I stop, when my lips are already touching his skin, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Now kiss me here" He points to his lips, making a reference to the supermarket day when we almost kissed.

"I'm not straight anymore so I'll do it" I say making another reference to that day, but this time it makes us laugh.

I get closer to Hyunjin again. We're so close to each other that I can feel his breath and he can probably feel mine too. "I love you" I say, breaking that little distance that we still had between us making us share a sweet and loving kiss. Our kiss ends followed by big smiles coming from us two.

"I love you too" He says in a sweet tone of voice, holding me in his embrace.

"I always thought that I was straight" I say and Hyunjin looks at me. "But how can I be straight when I am looking at you?"



I don't know if this is the end you were looking for, but I hope you liked it. I would like to thank you for reading my story and I'm happy that people liked it, because that means a lot to me.

I would also like to say that even though this is the end of the story, I'm thinking of publishing one or two bonus chapters for this still, but I'm still working on it so I don't know when I'm going to.

Again, thank you for reading my story and I hope that you liked to read it.

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