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*Colton Up Top*

Luckily for my parents, they didn't take my phone, or the phone Daniel had given me. Even though I didn't want to talk too Daniel. Or anyone really. I figured the longer I lay here, the faster time would go by.

And it did.

It was morning and I had to get ready for school.

I rushed to around and go downstairs to wait in my dad's car.

He gets in and we drive to my school in silence. He drops me off and I go to inside.

I had trigonometry, and I hadn't seen or heard from Olivia in a really long time. But she was too caught up being with Miles to know I even still existed.

I spend most of my classes and time alone. I wanted to pull out my phone, but technically in school we weren't allowed to. I decide I don't want to eat, and I just put my head down.

"Mind if I sit here?" Someone asks.

"Go for it." I say, muffled. I can't help but want to know who it is, so I look up. The kid I stole the video camera from.

"Hey." He says.


"I didn't have anywhere else to sit."

I shrug. "It's okay. Nobody ever sits here."

He always looks sad, but this is worse than usual. And it's all my fault. "Is everything okay? You look sad."

"Someone stole my camera. It was the only thing that made me happy, you know?"

I clear my throat. "Let me buy you a new one. I know it can't replace everything on it but, just let me."

"You don't have to. It's not your fault."

"I want too." I'd have to spend every penny I earned though. "Just meet me after school, okay?"

He nods.

Later, I get into my dad's car and he goes to drive away.

"Can you take me and my friend to the mall."

"Why?" He asks, already mad.

"He needs a new camera."

"Fine. You have twenty minutes when we get there."

The kid gets in and we drive to the mall.

"Twenty minutes."

"Okay dad."

We go inside and we go to Best Buy.

"I never got your name." I ask him.

"It's Colton."

"And I'm-"

"Ellie. I know."

I nod. "Right. So um, just pick whichever one you want."

He looks around. "I know it was you."

"What?" Look at him.

"You took my camera."

"What makes you think that?"

"I overheard Miles talking to his friends." he looks at me. "But I let it go. Because I know that deep down, that isn't who you are."

"That's not a reason to let it go.?"

"Well, you are buying me a new one. But because you don't bother anyone. And you're kind of cute."

"I have a boyfriend. He will kick your ass."

"I know." He picks a camera off the shelf. "I'd like this one."

I nod and pay for it at the checkout and my dad drives him home. 

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