Dinner night

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The Rebecca she had known for twenty two years of her life was not the one she was seeing in the mirror. she Rebecca she knew was always dressed in pants, blouses and all star sneakers. the one she was seeing then was wearing a long maroon dress, so tight that it exposed her perfectly curved body. her long black hair was tied into ponytail matching her simply made makeup. she just looked so different, and she then realised that Steve had not just changed her life, but her lifestyle also was about to change. her identity too would change. sooner she would start wearing dresses everyday and being called Madam and all that. from that moment, nothing would ever be the same. she just wished she had made the right decision.

" all this is to protect you my beautiful angel. i want to give you a better life and that is near your dad"she said touching her belly slowly.

" someone is looking gorgeous tonight!"Kelly said as she entered Rebecca's room.

" Stop it Kelly, it's so embarrassing"

" you really look beautiful, i am sure that Steve's mouth will drop when he sees you" Kelly joked

" look who's ready!" exclaimed Lizzy as she came into the room.

" That dress looks good on you sis. you will have to start forgetting about those jeans of yours and start behaving like ' A MADAM' am i right Kelly?" Lizzy Joked

" Of course! although i admired her in those jeans. But it's okay, I will become a best friend of a millionaire's wife" they laughed. Rebecca was saddened by what was happening. She wished that she could spend more time with those girls, but two weeks, only two weeks and everything could come to an end. She' d start a new life.
Her phone 

" Hello! Are you here already?"

"Yes, actually I am in front of your house now"

" Okay, just wait a bit. I will come down "

"Okay" he hang up

" Guys I have to go now" she did a final check on her look and gave a peck to each of them, then left.


He was standing just in front of her front door wearing a black suit that suited his perfectly tanned body, his brown- almost black hair was cut comb over haircut. He didn't know the reason, but he was nervous and he felt like it was real, like she was his real love but then he had no right to be loved by her. He had done her wrong and he knew it. The front door then opened and an angel appeared. Wearing a maroon dress and her curves perfectly exposed. He then saw how perfect she was without those jeans and blouses she always wore. She was so beautiful and so delicate. Everytime he saw her, he felt the urge to protect her everyday and that he felt, was not because of the baby she carried. It was strange to him. He felt attracted to her.

" Hey! Is anything wrong with the way I look? Should I change it?" She asked when she saw that he was staring at her speechlessly.

"No! No! I've never seen anyone as perfect as you are tonight. It feels real"

" Oh, come on! I am the same Rebecca you know. And except my way if dressing, nothing has really changed"

" You are right, the same Rebecca. But a different look, and I would give up everything I have just to see you everyday like that" he joked but he felt like his words were real. In fact, he wanted to see her like that forever. But he chased his thoughts away when she took the joke and laughed.

" Enough with your jokes Steve! Come on, your parents might be waiting." He then let her in the car and got in himself then drove off.

" Oh, anyway I forgot to give you this" Steve had said breaking the silence that had been on for 5 minutes. Rebecca looked at the box in his hand and then took it with shaking hands.

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