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I swear guys it hasn't been my intention to delay in updates. I run out of Data and i had to wait for my Dad to come back from the mission. But I am back and updates are going to be on a daily basis
Enjoy the story.



A week had passed, since that dinner night. she had not seen Steve.  It seemed like they had been avoiding each other because of what had happened between them.

Rebecca was standing in front of the mirror combing her hair. She was about to leave for shopping . She saw the ring on her finger as she pressed the comb on the table, that made her think of the night when that ring had been put on her finger. The time she kissed him unexpectedly. what had happened after the kiss had terrified her until that very moment, and she couldn't help but tell herself that that marriage was not right at all. That there could be an other way, But she couldn't just back down, because she had reached further than she had expected, even on the news.

The moment their lips touched, her whole body became electrified,  the feeling of his touch on her skin sent shivers all over her body. But then she heard his breathing, the same one she had heard that night, she felt the same lips, the ones that licked her body furiously, that racing heartbeat. It all came back, and she could see was the image of herself lying on the ground helplessly with torn garments  and crying with no force. She then felt angry and pushed him away so hard that he almost hit his head on the car window.

Her breathing was hard, she was sweating and shaking.

" Bec, what's wrong?" He had asked with concern obviously both hurt and surprised by the reaction of her own deed.

" Did I hurt you?" He had asked again when she did not respond.

" Yes, you hurt me. So much indeed, Steve that night is still on my mind, and when I get close to you, all I see are the images of that night. Steve, this is all a mistake" she had said almost in tears.

" Look, I didn't know that you still felt that way, but I am really sorry, I promise I....."

" Thanks for the ride, I can manage from here and good night" she had said cutting him off and then opened the door and got out.

" Bec, no come on I will drop you home. We can talk about this" he had said following her out of the car.

" Steve, i am not sure of anything anymore, please let me be alone. I will take a cab" she seemed determined and he was in no position to stop her. He just wished she couldn't call off the wedding. He then watched her as she took a cab and left.


From then, she had not heard from him and neither had she called him. But then it was necessary to talk to him. After all they would share the same same in only a week. the two of them would go to shop their outfits together, just like other couples do. She had to call him.

She then took her phone hesitantly and dialed his number. it was ringing.

" Rebecca!" He said sounding happy to hear from her.

" Did you get a call from the shop? Our outfits have arrived, and we a schedule today" she went straight to the point avoiding more conversation.

" They told me. In fact I am heading there now. I will pick you up"

" Alright then, see you."

" See you" she hang up and took a deep breath. She. Didn't know what to tell him after what happened between them and she frankly didn't know if she could handle being alone with him in the car. But if that was the right thing to do, then why not?

She went out of her room and found Lizzy in the living.

" Where are you off to ?" Lizzy asked.

" Steve will pick me up. our outfits have arrived and we need to check them out.

" So, you guys are finally talking?"

" No, I don't think that's the case. We haven't talked really"

" You know what sis, I think you should leave your past behind and move on. He's going to become your partner for life and you really need to give him a place in your heart if you want to be happy"

" I've been trying Liz, I am doing my best" was all she said. Was she really doing her best? But Lizzy was right, she had to stop that and clear things up with him.

" That's my girl" Lizzy said happily. All she ever wished for was seeing her sister happy after all they had gone through.

The  bell rang

" That must be him,I will be on my way then. Bye" she pecked her  on the cheek and went.

They spent almost five minutes without talking to each other, when she had got on the car . Steve's gaze was focused on the road, although he could steal gazes from time to time. They both looked like they they had something to say.

" I am sorry" they said at the same time.

" Let me go first," Bec said feeling guilty about what she had done, she had to clear things up even though she didn't know how to.

" I am really sorry for walking out on you like that, I..." He stopped the car

" No Bec, it's not your fault. I truly understand how you felt and  that's why I gave you time. And I am a hundred times sorry about what I did to you that night. I shouldn't have been there in the first place. I am sorry. You had to go through so much pain just because of me, and I know that saying sorry won't erase any of the pain I caused you, but Let me make it up to you, give me a chance to correct my mistakes. Look," he cupped her cheeks in his hands

" I promise I will make everything right if you allow me"  he continued.

" Steve, I don't blame you for what happened."

She said removing his hands from her cheeks. he seemed surprised by what she had just said.

" Yes, you hurt me. but you are a victim too. I know you, you are a good guy, and you deserve to be happy. I don't want to make you feel guilty for my misery, we are in this together and we shall fight together. You don't need to make anything right Steve, because it's already right, we are getting married. And we must become a real couple. Let's work on that"

she said still looking straight in his eyes, and suddenly the environment changed, it was peaceful, like a heavy burden had been lifted from both of their backs. Steve was happy and a small smile started to form on his lips. He suddenly hugged her so tightly.

" Thank you" was all he said.

" So, friends?" She asked as she pulled away and stretched her hand for him to shake.

" Friends" they both smiled.

" Let's get this done! " He started the engine and they left on a quite high speed.


Short chapter?
I know, actually I was not supposed to write this.

It just came to my mind and there, I wrote it. But I liked it though.

They are becoming friends? Interesting. I can feel that their marriage is near.

Let me know what you think. What do you want to happen, what are your expectations?

Keep on voting and commenting, share with your friends too. I really love seeing your reactions.

They boost my, let's meet in the next chapter.

Much love

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