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" Let go of me!" Rebecca said trying to free herself from steeve who had trampled her on the ground and torn her garment together with her skirts" I said shut up" he stormed. " I assure you, you are going to love it" he said running the tips of his fingers down her cheeks" don't touch me with your nasty fingers. she said looking away" easy now!" He said opening his belt" noooo! Somebody help please!" She screamed but no one came

" Huh!" Rebecca quickly got up from her nightmare with sweats running all over her body she took her phone to see the time, it was midday. All most 17 hours from that horrible moment but it was like it happened right at that moment. Her eyes were still sore from crying. She slowly got out of bed and got out of her bedroom to go get water to drink"have you been crying?" Lizzy asked from the living room as she saw her sister cross to the kitchen" no, she answered looking away from Lizzy to hide her sore eyes" " come on Bec, you can tell me anything. I am your sister, remember?" Lizzy said as she came towards Rebecca who was pretending to look in the fridge " Bec, I can see something's wrong. You've been locked up in your room the whole morning" Lizzy said turning her sister around to face her. Rebecca said nothing but leaned against Lizzy's shoulders and started to cry bitterly. Lizzy patted her back consolingly. " You can tell me Bec, aunt and the girls are not home, so feel free we're here alone and besides, I am your..." " Lizzy , I got raped last night" Rebecca quickly said cutting her sister from finishing her sentence. Lizzy's eyes widened up" Hell, no. Of all the people Bec, why did this happen to you?" Lizzy asked her eyes full of tears " come on sit down I will get you some water and then you can tell me " Lizzy said leading her sister to the kitchen table. " Thanks, and please I need tissues too" "sure thing!" Lizzy said running to the fridge

"Now tell me, how did it happen?" Lizzy said after Rebecca finished drinking the water " I was coming from the store last night, and I met this man, he was drunk and had a whisky bottle in his hands. He told me that he wanted us to talk but then I refused fearing that he might hurt me, I sped up but then he caught up with me and held my arm. He pulled me into his arms and started telling me that I was beautiful and so desirable, I tried to free my self as I saw it wasn't going to be any better, but he was too strong for me to free myself . He trampled me on the ground and then,....." The rest of the words couldn't come out as they were mixed with sobs. She started to cry bitterly and Lizzy came over and held her shaking body "Shh! You don't need to say anymore Bec, I know the rest of the story, but don't worry everything will be fine" " but Lizzy, what if....?" " What ?" Lizzy asked her sister who who was wiping her tears"what if I am pregnant? Aunt will kill me. She will surely kick me out of her house" she said crying again "well, that's a real problem, you can contact the father of the baby, may be he's quite rich and can help you with the baby, and may be.... Never mind" Lizzy was going to mention being married to the rapist but she then realised that it wasn't what her sister needed at that moment" no Lizzy, I never want to hear that man's voice or see his face ever again. I can die instead of talking to my rapist" " what about reporting him to the police?" Lizzy suggested" no Lizzy, I don't want to be a news paper article for tomorrow. No one will know about this, except you. Understand?" " But Bec....!"" Lizzy, no! We're not going to the police. This is my life, I know how to live it, and that's final." " Okay, sis as you want" she said hugging her sister"just know that I am here whenever you need me okay?" " Okay, thanks Lizzy" Rebecca said faking a smile. They all prayed that she didn't get pregnant.

That night when their aunt and the girls got home, Rebecca had tried to put on a happy mask" we're home!" Sammy sang as they entered the house" where have you guys been?"Rebecca asked trying to act cool and Lizzy winked at her as a sign that she was doing a good job " oh, Bec you're out if your room! I had thought you' d never get out" her cousin Nadine said as she laid the grocery bags on the kitchen table" I was just not feeling well, that's all" she said tucking her hair behind the ear" but I am fine now don't worry. But you haven't told me yet, are we having a party or something?" " No silly, we are going to have a special dinner tonight. Especially for you Bec, you have been a good girl since your parents died, you have never brought any disgrace to the family. You are helpful around here, so this is my way of showing you how grateful I am " Rebecca felt like her aunt's words were like a sword piercing her heart. Lizzy held her hand tight and nodded as a sign of comfort. She then turned to her aunt and faked a smile" thanks aunt, I love you!" She stood and hugged her aunt. Lizzy, Sammy and Nadine also joined the hug. Aunt Bethany was a very kind woman and she treated the three of them in the same way and it hurt her lot to think of the day when she would know the truth. She didn't want that to happen."all right, let's get to work girls! ". Bethany said and they all started to prepare dinner together

" Have you found her yet?" Steeve asked later when he talked to Cole" unfortunately dude, I think it's going to be a bit hard to find her without any description of hers. Dude, don't you remember anything she had on her that can help us to identify her?"
Steeve tried to recall Friday night's incident" man, I think she had a shopping bag from suegños store. May be we can drop by tomorrow and ask. May be we can get some information"okay, let's go there and see if they can help us with the research" " thanks again dude!" " It's fine, that's what friends are for right?"after hanging up, he took his coat and went out of the office and went to have dinner with his mother.

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