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The doctor had just gotten out of her room and she had regained consciousness, on the door he met Steve.

" Doc!" He said as the doctor turned to face him.

" She is awake now, it looks like she has undergone shock, it's like she has seen or found out something that must have been so hard for her to take in. Don't ask her about it yet, the shock might reappear, just let her rest for a while, she will tell you what went wrong if she is ready."

" Alright Doc, thank you!"

" I gave her the meds to calm her down, you may go in now. I will be on my way"

" Thanks again Doctor, Kelly will see you out" he shook hands with the Doctor and entered Rebecca's room to see her.

She looked more calm and less pale, he then approached and sat near her.

" How are you feeling? I was worried about you." He said softly choosing his words carefully.

She just stared at him, rage clear in her eyes.
She nolonger had the radiant smile that she always wore, her eyes no longer showed so much innocence but rather pain, hatred and disgust.

He was hurt, the woman he loved showed nothing but hatred and it hurt him more when she turned her back on him and slowly told him to just leave and not to come back.

" Okay, I will call Lizzy and Kelly in."

She just nodded clearly not wanting to talk to him.
He stood up and went out feeling the most hurtful sting of Pain in his heart.


" Bec!" The sound of her sister brought a smile to her face and she sat up straight.

" Oh sis!" She said almost in whisper as Lizzy pulled her into a bone crushing embrace. Kelly joined the hug too, tears running down their cheeks.

" Ok girls I am doing fine now! No need to make those faces" she said pulling out of the hug as she wiped her tears.

" Bec! What's wrong with you? You almost died, I mean I saw your corpse, you looked pale and lifeless and how can you still say that you are fine? " Lizzy said furiously as she wiped her tears too.

" What really happened? Why did you have on those crazy uniforms and why did you look so pale?" Kelly asked in return.

" I found out something scary, something that I can't get to take in, it all seems like a dream."

" What is it? You are scaring me too" Lizzy said with terror

" It's Steve and his father, they run illegal businesses and more to that, they transfer their cocaine in women's wombs. I accidentally got into their secret floor on my way to Steve's office. I hit the wrong button, the one that seemed not to function and suddenly the elevator started going down with a high speed that got me both dizzy and shocked that I dropped my phone, and then I found my self in this place that had green lights and tons of cocaine on shelves and some women who lay being operated to insert the cocaine, and I saw Father in law, he was talking to some men about killing the women who are recently cought by the police before they rat them out.

I tried my best to hide but he eventually knew I was there may be when he saw my phone or something, I don't know. But then I was able to get into an air way and got out, then took a cab and came home"

" Dear Lord. I didn't know they were monsters I will cut his head off this time" Kelly said furiously as she made her way to he door.

" Kelly wait!" Lizzy cought her by arm

" Bec, did you see a or hear them talk about Steve?"

" No. But it's in his building, there is no way he can't know about it"

" But what if he really doesn't? What if he is just like you and needs saving?" Lizzy questioned which really got Rebecca to think carefully.

" we need to find that out" she said

" Okay, them get some rest we shall talk about it tomorrow. You will be much better" Lizzy said as they both have Rebecca pecks and left her to rest.

" Alright, thanks!" She smiled until they closed the door and she rolled to her side letting herself fall asleep with so many unanswered questions on her mind.


Rebecca suddenly felt chill all over her body during her sleep, she slowly opened her eyes and saw a man in black standing in the open window of her room.

Fear crept through her whole body, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped.
The man held a knife and was coming near her, she was trying to call Steve but her voice was stuck.

" Shhh! Don't even make a single sound beautiful! Or else I will be forced to cut your throat"

" Now get out of bed and slowly come with me, or should I make this simple?" He said showing her a handkerchief then she shook her head as tears run down her cheeks trying to show that she didn't want to faint, where was Steve when she needed him the most?

The man placed the handkerchief on her nose and in a couple of seconds. Her vision became black.


He woke up earlier than everyone and went to prepare breakfast for her, may be he could make her happy. He just couldn't bare to lose her or feel her resentment.

He had spent the night in the guest room to give her the space she needed, but he had been so restless the whole night as if Rebecca was not alright. That's why he had decided to go see her first thing in the morning with breakfast.

It was ready and he put it on a serving tray them went up to their room.

Knocking twice with no answer, he decided to enter and only to bed surprised by an empty bed.

Fear run through his body but he kept his cool. May be she was just in the bathroom.

" Rebecca!" He got no answer. He then went over to the bathroom door and knocked.

" Rebecca I brought breakfast for you. I hope you will like it" he said again not finding the right words

" Rebecca" he called again when he heard no response, then he entered the bathroom  which was surprisingly empty.

He then realised she was out of the house when he saw the wide open window as if someone tall had left through the window

Fear crept up his Jody and made him paralysed to the core.

" Nooo! Not again my Love you can not leave me, not now that I have finally learnt to love again" he suddenly started breaking everything in the room out of fury  then Lizzy and Kelly came running to see what's wrong.

" She is gone"

" B-but she spent the night here" Kelly said in confusion.

" Do you see her anywhere? Tell me!" He furiously said then stormed out of the room. Slamming the door behind him and went to his office.






And finally we reached the story climax and thanks for coming with me all this long! Much love!

Just a few more chaps and then we can wrap this up and move to the suspense-filled new story that I will be uploading very soon!


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