I am not that girl

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"good morning sir, my name is steeve clause and this is my friend cole Sanderson" "good morning Mr.clause, what exactly can I do for you?" The stock owner answered as he accepted steeve's hand" we wanted to ask you about Friday night" " what about Friday night?" " By any chance do you remember a lady who came to buy from your store?" " A lot of women came here. Can you describe her?" " Well.. I don't remember much about her, we barely spent much time together, but she was wearing a black cotton skirt and a pink top, black hair, not that tall...hmm I guess that's all I can recall about her" steeve answered. The store owner took some seconds to remember" Mr. Clause I am sorry, I can't remember her. It was at night so, i guess I did not see her. Oh..I remember!" Steeve's eyes widened and his heart beat quickened" what? Tell us!" " I did not work Friday night. It was my niece who was on the night shift" steeve's gaze dropped his hope disappeared" but I can ask her if she comes back from school" " ok thanks, sir if you get any updates, please inform me!" Steeve said handing him his business card " ok " he answered accepting the card. And at that, they went out to the car. It was so hot outside, steeve removed his coat and held it in his hands " this is not going to be easy dude, I think I am losing my head" steeve said running a hand through his hair" I know" cole sighed as he leaned against the car" that niece is our last hope. What if she doesn't remember anything?"" Then we shall leave it. It's not like I did not try to help! And besides, May be she is okay now, may be she doesn't need me" " steeve don't be like your father. You have to know if you got her pregnant. And if you did, you gotta take responsibility for your own blood" " alright, let's get going" they entered the car and headed home

" Hmm, aunt what if I hurt you, or I caused you shame? What'd you do? " Rebecca asked Monday morning when she was helping her aunt to make break fast" why do you say that honey,you are a good girl, you can never dare to hurt me or any of your sisters. But, if you do I can take long to accept it but I can eventually forgive you.because after all, you are like my own daughter" Bethany said pinching her cheeks leaving flour on them" but honey, why do you ask?" " Just asking" she answered wiping the flour off her cheeks.

" What? You got raped?" Kelly screamed when Rebecca told her the news Monday afternoon when the girls went for a walk " Kelly get your voice low ! Somebody might hear you" Lizzy whispered" how exactly did it happen? What if you're pregnant? Does your aunt know? Oh my God who's that bastard?" Rebecca and Nadine let out a loud laughter" Kelly how am I gonna answer all the questions you are asking?" Ok, let's go step by step. How did it happen?" " I was coming from your store the other Friday and that's when I got raped" Kelly shook her head" who's this jerk?""Kelly, I don't know.he was tall and so strong that i couldn't free my self" " gosh! But Bec what if he got you pregnant?" Worry was written all over Kelly's face" I don't know. May be run away from home?" " That's a bad idea Bec, aunt Beth would be even much hurt. Please don't do it" Nadine said to her sister " just joking but seriously I don't know what I'll do. May be i will have to stand and face the reality" " that bastard. If I meet him I can give him a bunch of things" Kelly said full of fury "like...?" Lizzy asked" slap him, punch him, and a number of middle fingers" they laughed" wait that may not be enough. A few gunshots can be helpful too" Rebecca stared at the both of them" girls, thank you so much for being here and supporting me" she said pulling them into a hug " wait...by any chance, did you come to our store wearing a black skirt and a pink top?" Kelly asked pulling away from the hug" yes, why?" "My uncle asked me if Friday night anyone came with a black skirt and s pink top. I told him I'd think about it" Kelly answered" why did he ask?" " I don't know he refused to tell me. But he told me he meant no harm "
- " may be the rapist asked him about you" Nadine said after a thoughtful moment.
- " that man should find absolutely nothing about me. You know what Kelly, just don't tell your uncle anything." Rebecca answered with a frown.
- " well then, let's have fun for the moment girls and forget about that rapist" Kelly said trying to cheer them up. She was the funniest of all. They went to cinema to watch a movie and later went to watch a race. They got home late in the night.
A week had passed since that horrible night. Rebecca was slowly healing and life was going on as usual. She went to Kelly's shop to get some groceries and there she bumped into a man
" I am sorry" the man said and continued walking out. Suddenly a thought struck her and her heart beat stopped. That voice and scent was familiar.THE RAPIST!!! She nervously ran inside and found Kelly on the counter
" Kelly what was that man doing here?" She breathlessly asked.
" Bec, your eyes are about to pop out what's wrong? Is he by chance...." She said pointing in the direction the man had gone in with surprise.
" OMG Bec, how did you know"
" His scent Kelly, and his tone too. I can never forget it" her face was wet and her hands trembling.
" Kelly what was he doing ?" She asked again
" Well, he said he wanted to meet my uncle. And when I told him uncle was on vacation, he went away."
" God, he's looking for me. Well, he'll never find me ever"
She said in determination and sat down to drink water. Later when she got out, the man was still waiting for may be her. She tried to escape but he held her by her wrist firmly.
" I know you are her" he said in a dense voice and she turned to look at him in defiance
" Who? Do you know me somewhere mister? First let my arm go you are hurting me" she said in a strict but calm way
-" I remember your scent. I know you are her please just give me time to explain" he pleaded while loosening his grip. Rebecca could feel the rage run through her but she held herself. All she could do then was get away before she did something she could regret
- " you can't explain" she simply said near tears
-" why? Why can't I explain?" He asked in a hurry
-" Because I am not that girl, go get her and explain whatever you have to and just leave me alone!" And at that she left in a hurry making sure he did not follow her.

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