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I'm so conflicted. I've never felt this way before. That's a lie. I have felt this way before but never for a guy. I've been pushing this feeling aside for too long and it's tearing me apart.

My name is Luke. And I am infatuated with another boy who is way out of my league and at first, he would strike you as not my type. But he is and I hate that he's so perfect. I hate that he is exactly like me. I hate me. I hate him.

Hate is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel.

I hate his blue green eyes and how the color splits down the middle in one of his eyes. I hate his stupid blonde, green, blue, white, red, hair. I hate his perfect smile and his perfect teeth. I hate his voice and the way he says my name. Fuck him. Fuck him for being better than me. Fuck him for making me feel this way.

He makes me feel conflicted. I didn't think I could feel like this. Especially about a boy. I didn't think I could ever feel this way. I hate the way he makes me feel. I hate him.

I hate him.

But the thing is,

I don't hate him.

I could never hate his beautiful hazel- blues eyes and the way the color splits down the middle in one of his eyes. I could never hate his stupid blonde, green, blue, white, red, hair or his perfect smile or his perfect teeth. I can't stand not to hear his voice and the way he sends shivers down my spine when he says my name.

I love the way he makes me feel. I love him.

I hate me.

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