Rescuing Elise again

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Brody's POV

We were back in our time in Soleanna's New City plaza "Looks like we made it back in one piece" Knuckles said "Where did Bolt, Shadow and Rouge go? Did they appear someplace else?" Tails asks "Those three can take care of themselves" Sonic said and we looked around for any clue of Eggman's location and w heard people saying he's on a train so he probably has Elise with him and Sonic and I had to split from Tails and Knuckles in order to proceed as they distracted the guards and we got into the mirror to Radical train and we gave chase to Eggman.

After dashing through Radical Train we managed to Rescue Elise as I carry her and we started running back through the train tracks "I knew it...I knew you two would return! I believed in you two!" Elise said "We never leave a friend in trouble" Sonic said and I nodded and I gasp as Sonic and I jump out of the way as a light blast almost hit us and we see Silver and Blitz again "You two again..." Sonic and I said while I put Elise down "This time no one will interrupt us!" Silver said "Not even you" Blitz said looking at me and I glare at him "We'll see about that" I said "The Iblis Trigger....must die!" Silver said as we get infront of Elise "Sonic....Brody.." Elise said as Blitz dashed foward punching my with his scarf as a fist and then wrapped his scarf around me tightly "Now you won't get away so easily last time, I learned from last time" Blitz said tightening the grip his scarf had on me making me grunt and I looked to see Silver hold Sonic in place with his psychic powers "So how was your little walk, Princess?" I hear Eggman asks as I see him behind Elise "Elise! Look out!" I said and she gasped and tried to run away but the Eggmobile's claws grabbed her and she screamed "Elise!" Sonic and I said "Let me you go you maniac!" I said glaring at Blitz "You have to understand we are trying to save your world! He'll bring ruin to it!" Blitz said "What do you two know qbout Sonic to make that claim?" I ask and Blitz seemed taken aback by that"It's time to end this!" Silver said "I agree with Brody" I heard Bolt said punching Blitz on the face making him stumble dropping and I pant coughing a bit and I see Shadow get infront of Spnic making Silver let go of him suprised "Mephiles! Why are you getting in our way?" Silver and Blitz ask looking at Shadow 'Mephiles?' I thought "And who are you?" Blitz asks Bolt "I'm Shadow. Shadow the Hedgehog" Shadow said "And I'm Bolt. Bolt the wolf" Bolt said and they looked at me and Sonic "Go save Elise. We got this two handled" Bolt and Shadow said "Thanks" Sonic and I said as we ran off after Eggman.

We catch up to Eggman when we see Elise jump off the eggmobile and we catch her in time "Sonic! Brody!" Elise said smiling "Phew talk about a close call" I said "Yeah too close" Sonic said "You won't get away that easily!" Eggman said  as he gets on  a mech as we put Elise at a safe distance and we get ready to fight it.

We catch up to Eggman when we see Elise jump off the eggmobile and we catch her in time "Sonic! Brody!" Elise said smiling "Phew talk about a close call" I said "Yeah too close" Sonic said "You won't get away that easily!" Eggman said  as he gets ...

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After we destroy that robot we take Elise to a forest "That was a gutsy move back there!" Sonic said "Well I was desperate and um...I just had to get away" Elise said "I owe you two a lot Brody, Sonic....thanks doesn't cover all you two did for me" she said and we laugh awkardly "It's nothing really" Sonic and I said when we see a lot of Eggman robots flying to us so we decide to go through the jungle so I pick up Elise and we ran off.

After dashing through Tropical Jungle it seems we lost the robots "It looks like we finally lost them" Elise said "We'll take care of things here" Sonic said "Elise, you should go back to the castle" I said "Ok..." Elise said sad and we decided to take a detour "Brody? Sonic?" Elise asks as we arrive to a beautiful lake and I set Elise down "It's so beautiful!" Elise said "I've never seen ao many flowers before!" She said "Sonic, Brody have you two visited winderful places before?" She asks "Yeah" We said as I pick up a flower "Though not as wonderful as my cute hedgehog" I said putting the flower on the back of Sonoc's ear kissing his cheek making him blush "H-Hey, you don't have to embarass me like that" Sonic said pouting and I chuckle and wrap my arms around his waist pulling him in a kiss and he kissed back wrapping his arms around my neck "awww" Elise said and we pulled away "What?" We ask confused "You two make a cute couple" Elise said making us blush "Aw shush" we said pulling away embarassed and she giggles and then sighs "Once you two defeat two will leave, won't you?" Elise asks and we nodded "Though I've been frightened many times, I've also enjoyed this adventure" She said "It allowed me to be something other than a princess" she said "I was able to be myself....a girl" she said "It sounds like being a princess isn't that easy" I said "It isnt sometimes, but I love this country" Elise said "Everyone in the castle, the children, all my citizens really..." she said "The same love my late father and mother had...." she said "And so, I do my best to protect my country" she said "I understand everything my parents said to me now" she said "Sonic, Brody if you to leave here to go on another adventure....Remember this place....and me, I'm truly grateful to be your friend" She said "Always" Sonic and I said and Elise turned around as if to cry "Elise?" We asked worried "I'm fine....sorry" Elise said "I musn't cry...I can't...." she said and hugged us trying not to cry "" Sonic and I said patting her on the back and she pulls back nodding holding our hands "I wish the best for you two in your futre adventures....and in your relationship" Elise said smiling "Thanks" Sonic and I said blushing softly and we wave goodbye as she returns to Soleanna and Sonic and I hold hands watching the lake.

We'll stay here for a while longer before going after Eggman. For now...Sonic and I will have alone time.

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