Stopping Mephiles

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Bolt's POV

Shadow and I got back on Soleanna but Silver and Blitz weren't anywhere to be seen, they probably left already "You two are back sooner than expected" Rouge said "Omega and Metal Brody are still in pursuit of Mephiles" She said "So what did you two learn?" She asks "We need you to access GUN's database" I said "Specifically the materials the scepter of darkness was made from" Shadow said "Sure. But what for?" Rouge asks "We know how to seal Mephiles again" I said and we started to look.

After helping an archaeologist, she helped us create a new scepter of darkness and we were told Omega and Metal Brody are going to fight Mephiles in Wave Ocean so we started to make our way there with Rouge.

After going through Wave Ocean we see Mephiles and Omega and Metal Brody, Omega was shooting at Mephiles while Metal Brody was homing attacking Mephiles.

"This only proves you were created to stop Shadow and Bolt, the ultimate life forms" Mephiles said to Omega "And you were originally created to be a clone of Brody to defeat him" he said to Metal Brody "You may have been programmed by humanity Omega but what you did to Shadow was..." Mephiles said and Omega shoots more and Mephiles laughs vanishing "What happened?" Rouge asks "Shadow. The one that defeats and seals you in the me" Omega said and he explains to us.

"That's...that's not fair!" Rouge said "Shadow and I always help protect the world and you are saying they are scared of us?" I asked frowning "Eventually, when something or someone is seen as too poweful..." Omega said "Humanity sees it as a threat, and then the world becomes its enemy" He said and I look down 'Humans are so selfish and ungrateful' I thought and see Shadow starting to walk off "Shadow" I said grabbing his hand "I don't care if the world becomes your enemy, I don't care if they want to kill you. Because they'll have to go over my dead body if they want to lay a finger on you, I'm not scared of hurting anyone that tryes to hurt you. I'll always be on your side" I said "Bolt...thank you" Shadow said amd kissed me and I kissed back, after a while we pulled away "Bolt is right Shadow, I will always be by your side too" Rouge said "Me three" Metal Brody said "Me too, I don't want to hurt you Shadow. I won't let the humans force me, they are not my boss. You are my friend" Omega said "Guys....thank you" Shadow said smiling and we all started to walk back to Soleanna.

When we returned we saw more creatures attacking citizens and we defeated them and we were told Princess Elise had been captured by Eggman and we got access to the desert where we think Mephiles may be.

*At Dusty Desert*

"Mephiles appears to have headed for those ruins" Rouge said "He's probably looking for the Chaos Emerald that's supposed to be there" She said "There's no doubt in my mind" Shadow said "His movement shows he's seeking any Chaos Emerald he can find" I said "Supposedly, he needs the seven in order to join with Iblis again" Shadow said "I will seal him before that" Omega said and we all run towards the ruins.

We all run through Dusty Desert till we arrive at the ruins "Mephiles!" Shadow and I said "I was expecting you two sooner. As you must know, you're already too late"Mephiles said holding a chaos emerald "But there's still time for you to change your mind. Join me, Shadow" He said "Let us teach this world a lesson" he said "And rewrite the future" he said "Don'try to deceive me" he said "What?" Mephiles asks "You have no desire for revenge. You only crave destruction" Shadow said "Your only lust is to fuel Iblis until there is nothing left of time itself" I said "It's a pity, Shadow The Hedgehog" Mephiles said "Truly a shame that you wish to go against me!" He said and we got ready to fight him.

After we defeat him, he turns into a puddle and Shadow uses the scepter to seal him in it but soon Mephiles destroyed it from inside "It's destroyed!" Rouge said "The 'I' of now absorbed your power through your shadow in the past" Mephiles said slowly forming back "What may have worked 10 years ago, no longer does!" He said knocking us over landing on the floor as Mephiles uses his Chaos Emerald and the one we had to make multiple copies of himself surrounding us "You must realize now that you cannot hope to stop me with your limited power" Mephiles said "So you say..." Shadow said as we all get up "It's futile. The world will betray you" Mephiles said "Why fight at all? Why risk your life for those who will persecute you later?" He asks "If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have!" Shadow said as he and I take off our inhibitor rings "Because I know that my boyfriend and my friends will fight by my side and believe in me till the bitter end" Shadow said and we unleash our power dashing with Rouge, Omega and Metal Brody tearing through Mephiles and all his clones.

As long as we stick together we'll never lose to evil.

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