Ch 1 A Private Birth

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Unknown POV

"Aaarrrggghhhhhh!!" The woman tried not to scream as she bit her lower lip. She continued to breathe quickly, panting until the next contraction would rip through her. She had been in labor for hours and started pushing 20 minutes ago, although it felt like hours.

A man gently spoke, "I know, Babe, I know. You're doing great. She's almost here. You're doing so great. I love you, Baby." He could feel her tense up again and knew another contraction was building. "Remember, try not to make a noise, you can do this." The man reminded.

The woman looked him in the eyes, grabbed his hand and nodded her head. The man, standing at the foot of the bed, between her legs, let go of her hand and told her, "Push." She clenched her teeth, gripped the blankets she was laying on and pushed with all her might with a low growl. In that final push, a baby girl came and was wrapped in blankets.

"You did it, My Love, you did it! She's so gorgeous." The man stated solemnly as he laid the bundle in the mother's arms. The woman looked into her crying daughter's face with tears in her own eyes. The woman led the little girl to her breast to quiet her.

"My precious baby girl, if I can do this quietly then you can too." She whispered. The mother rubbed her daughter's head while she suckled and quietly cried while the man stood over them, arms wrapped around them, a tear running down his own cheek. "Are we doing the right thing?" She asked the man still staring at her baby's face.

"We have to protect her. No one can know of her existence." The man whispered into her ear. "If we disappear with her, then he will know. He will figure it out and come after her."

The woman broke down and choked, "I don't want to do this! Why her? I can't do this!!" She continued to sob and hold her daughter closer. The man in turn, wrapped his arms around the woman he loved and his new baby even tighter and cried with his wife.

This is not how this was supposed to happen. This was supposed to be a happy, joyous occasion. This was the birth of their first child. Instead of a clean hospital room filled with family and friends, they huddled in a small room of a roadside motel. Nothing fancy or memoriable. No balloons or gifts. Sadness and mourning filled the tiny room. The two mates held their daughter and memorized every feature. The small amount of time they were to have with their daughter would soon come to an end.

The mated parents quietly left the motel in the middle of the night with no one watching. They headed in a faraway direction to a small place they have never been to where they knew no one. They drove for many miles looking for the perfect one. At long last, just before the sun's rays had a chance to be seen, the pair found what they hoped to be their daughters safe haven. Making no noise, having silent tears in their eyes, running down their faces and dripping onto the bundle, they placed her in a basket. Kissing her sweet face one last time, the desperate mates left her on the doorstep of the modest house with the toddler toys in the yard and a baby swing hanging from the tree. They slowly headed back down the street to their vehicle wrapped in each others arms.

Even though it was torture to not go and take back their little princess, they waited and watched so they knew she would be found. Twenty painful miutes later, the door opened with a sweet, concerned looking, young mom who found a fussy, crying, now hungry baby at her feet. She quickly picked up the baby out of the basket and held her to her shoulder, gently bouncing and calming the baby. The young mother looked around but found nothing out of place, except the basket that had held the newborn. She reached down and grabbed the basket and carried it inside, shutting the door.

With one last glance at the bright yellow door that closed behind their daughter, the mated wolves drove away. Sorrowful, but together in the hopes that one day, they would see their daughter again.

How sad!!! What strength it must have taken to leave your child?!?

What do you think? I would love to know.

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