How It All Began

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My Mom won the games.

My Dad won the games.

My Grandma won the games.

And that was a heck of a lot to live up to. So my parents had put me in training since the moment I began to walk. They would never want me to volunteer but knew that there was a small chance, but still a chance, of me getting reaped to enter the dreadful arena.

I could fight, I could hunt, I could survive or so they hoped. My favourite weapons by far were knives, I was incredibly accurate at throwing knives and they were always my preferred weapon. When I was nine my father gave me a beautiful, golden dagger, the one he had used on the games. It immediately became the weapon I always used in training. I carried it everywhere with me because it was like a piece of my father that I was determined to never let go.

As I said there was only a small chance of me getting picked for the games but the odds were not in my favour.

"Honey don't worry you won't get picked." Mom said reassuringly as she looked at me sadly probably recalling her own time in the arena.

"And even if you do, you're the most talented fighter in this district." My Dad had stated.

"You really think being a good fighter is something I should be proud of? If I get picked I'll have to kill children - Innocent children with a long life yet to live." I sighed as I sat down and rested my head in my two hands. "That's not something I want to do. And definitely not something Granny Mags would have wanted me to do." I finished as I looked up to see Finnick, one of my parents fellow victors standing in the door frame smiling sympathetically at me.

My Granny Mags had passed away calmly in her sleep a year previous. After everything she had been through, I was glad for her to end this life in such I peaceful way. We buried her at the shore where Granny Mags, Finnick and I used to go sit and watch as the waves crashed softly against the sand.

"Look Y/N, there's a very small chance of you getting picked and even if you did you would have your Dad, Mom and I to train and coach you. That's a pretty good team of I do say so myself." Finnick said trying to release my stress. He walked over to the leather chair in which I was sitting and held out a hand to help me stand up. All four of us walked to the city centre where my life would change forever.


I stood nervously squished between two other 16 year olds, our elbows digging uncomfortably into each others ribs. This was my fourth year of this so you'd have guessed the nerves wouldn't be there. But they were.

As our escort stood proudly at the front I couldn't help but laugh to myself at her absolutely hideous outfit. Her completion was tanned but her face was so heavily powdered it resulted in her looking like a ghost. She word bright yellow lipstick on the top lip and dark green lipstick on her bottom lip. Her eyeliner was bright blue and extremely heavy it curved up into a large flick that pretty much reached her ear. Her hair was red, blue and yellow and so long it hit the floor. Her hair had so much product in it it looked as hard as a rock. She wore a two piece long bright orange dress with giant shoulder pads easily as big as two large fish. And her hat was a matching shade of orange and was so massive and ugly it looked as though it would way down her whole head. The hat (if you could even call it that) was over five times the size of her own head.

As she started speaking I zoned out looking around to spot Mom, Dad and Finnick. Mom waved sweetly at me as she signalled for me to smile. So I put on my best fake smile as I closed my eyes and thought about how in a few hours I would be back in Victors Village with Mom and Dad eating the fresh meal Dad would catch later on.

The male tribute was selected. A boy the same age as me, I didn't listen for his name, but I can now tell you it was Ben, Ben Ferguson. He was a nice enough boy, but would go on to betray me and try to kill me in my sleep. Something he would deeply regret.

When his name was called he immediately backed away only to be forced forward by peacekeepers. What an awful word "peacekeepers" that's the one thing they fail to do, keep peace. He was scared, terrified but smiled it all away. I had seen him fight before and he was excellent with a spear but not as good as me.

I continued to look at the ground when I heard the escort say
"And the female tribute for the 70th annual hunger games is..." as she reached into the bowl I zoned out again confident she wouldn't chose me.
"Y/N Flanagan."

My heart stopped. I became dizzy, I lost track of the world around me and the girls urging me to the stage. I looked over to see Mom, tears dripping down her face. Dad was also crying, it was the first time I had ever seen him cry and it broke my heart. Finnick put a hand on my Moms shoulder and mouthed to me "be strong" a thought I was determined to keep with me till the end of the line.

I yet again fake smiled and acted confident as I began to walk, swaying my hips from side to side in the process.

When I reached the stage I gave the camera a mischievous wink and confident smile. If Finnick thought me anything it was get the people on your side. So that was my goal, as well as to survive of course .


And that was it, one second a was a normal girl from district four, the next a tribute in the 70th annual hunger games. Something no one in their right mind would wish for.


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I hope you have/had a wonderful day.

Luna xx 😁

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