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Chapter 11

"Interview time." Mom said as she rushed around the dressing room. "Make as much of an impression as you can, alright? All of Panem is watching, so don't mess up."

"Gees, that's reassuring." I muttered sarcastically. Mom came over and pulled me into a quick hug.

"I love you sweetheart, so much." She said as she stroked my hair (which was now pinned up in a tight bun), much to the dislike of the hairstylist.

"I love you too Mom." I expressed. I hugged her tighter, knowing this would be the last few minuted I spent with her, possibly ever. Mom was leaving tonight for District 13, to ensure she was safe. Plutarch had arranged a cover up story for her leaving. My breath became shaky as the thought of this being the last time I saw her played in my mind. I began to cry, but not for me, for Mom. She had already lost her husband and mother, and now she once again risked losing her daughter and the boy she cared for as if he was her own.

"I'm so sorry." I cried. "I'm so sorry Mom." I sniffled as two tears rolled freely down my face.

Mom gently placed her hands on my face. She wiped the tears from my checks. "Don't cry sweetheart. You can do this." She comforted.

"I can't leave you alone Mom. Not when Dad and Granma aren't here." I sobbed. A single tear escaped from Mom's beautiful eyes. She quickly wiped it away, not wanting me to see her cry.

"You won't have to Y/n." She consoled as she tightly held onto my hand. "You done it once, you can do it again." She declared. My breathing slowly calmed down as I held onto her hand.

"Miss Flanagan, it's time to go." Called a harsh voice.

"Coming." I shouted at them before turning to Mom. I pulled her into what could be our last hug. "If...if I Finnick gets out and I don't, promise you'll keep him safe." I whispered into her ear.

"Of course." Mom said back. She pulled away from the hug. She handed me a small silver ring with a wave on it. I recognised it; it was the ring my Grandmother would always wear. She wrapped my fingers tightly around it. "I love you Y/n Flanagan. Stay strong, for me." She said before two peacekeepers came to escort me away. The peacekeepers pushed me away from her.

"" I muttered as their strong arms forced me away from her. "MOM." I yelled, realising I very possibly could never see her again. I caught one last glimpse of her, she wore a reassuring smile, but her eyes were sad. "I love you Mom." I screamed, despite knowing she could hear nothing past the soundproof door. "Mom." I whispered.

Suddenly, my eyes met Finnick's. "That's enough." He said to the Peacekeepers before pushing them away. The Peacekeepers let go of me and walked off.

"Love, are you okay." Finnick asked as he walked beside me to where all the Tributes would be getting interviewed.

"I might never see her again." I murmured. Finnick suddenly came to a holt. He placed his hands on my jaw and tilted my face up. We were only a few centimetres apart. "You'll see her again Y/n." He reassured. "I promise." He rested his forehead against mine. We stood there for a while, listening to each other's breathing.

"Am I interrupting something?" Joanna's loud voice shocked us both. We immediately took a step back from each other.

"No," Finnick stammered. "We were just..."

"I don't need to know what just happened." Joanna declared. "But come on or we'll be late, and then Snow will want to chop off our heads more than he already does!" She exclaimed.

"JOANNA!" I whisper screamed at her causing her to chuckle.

"What? He can't hear me." She laughed.

"You don't know that." Finnick lectured.


I stood with Finnick and Joanna backstage. Joanna was angrily pacing and Finnick was standing beside me.

"I hate this stupid show!" Joanna yelled, hoping someone important would hear. She wasn't wrong, I hated it to, but it was no use yelling and wasting my breath.

"You look beautiful by the way." Finnick whispered into my ear. It was only then that I became aware of what I was wearing.

I was wearing a long, dark blue dress. It flowed down my body like dangerous waves on a beach. At the bottom, it had bright oranges and reds which looked like coral. My hair was tied up in a tight bun with an abundance of gel holding it up.

"Thank you, you look great as well." I replied. He smiled sweetly at me and I smiled back.

"Look Cashmere and Gloss are on." Joanna shouted. We both looked away and saw Cashmere and Gloss being interviewed on the T.V.

"You became everyone's brother and sister." Caeser Flickerman spoke with enthusiasm. "I don't know how we're going to let you go." Caeser spoke before pointing the mic at Gloss.

"We're not going by choice." Gloss said causing many women in the audience to make "aww" sounds. Gloss turned to the audience. "You are our family, and I don't see how anyone can love us better." The audience cheered and swooned.

"So sweet." Caeser cooed. "Are you alright?" Caeser asked Cashmere who was pretending to cry.

I started ignoring the T.V and turned to Finnick and Joanna.

"Does anyone believe this?" I asked.

"They're doing whatever they can to attempt to stop these games." Finnick explained.

"None of us want to go back in, not even them." Joanna said as she gestured to Cashmere.

I continued to ignore the interview until I heard someone shout my name. "Y/n Flanagan please come on stage."

I walked onto the stage, smiling sadly at the crowd. I walked over to Caeser and gave him a quick handshake.

"Y/n Flanagan, everyone's favourite district 4 tribute - besides your Mom of course." He gave a quick laugh before continuing. "How are you feeling on this fine night?"

"I'm good Caeser, how are you?" I asked sweetly.

"Along with the rest of Panem, I'm feeling excited for the games." Caeser said, causing the crowd to cheer. "You, Y/n, come from a rather long line of victors. Your grandmother, mother, father and you of course have all won the games. Unfortunately, neither your Grandmother or Father could be here today." Caeser pointed his mic at me.

"Do you guys want to know what happened to my Dad?" I asked the crowd angrily. "He was murdered. Murdered because I refused to celebrate the fact that I had killed innocent children. The Victor you all loved, murdered." There was a rush of whispers throughout the crowd. I walked off the stage.

When I reached the room where Finnick and Joanna were standing, I attempted to rush past them, but they blocked the doorway.

"Let me past." I hissed through gritted teeth. "Let me past." I repeated before feeling strong arms wrap around me. I closed my eyes and hugged Finnick back, I could have stayed in this moment for ever.

It was a few minutes later when Joanna awkwardly cleared her throat. "Guys, as cute as this is, Finnick needs to go." She said as she awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck.

Finnick pulled away and walked towards the stage. "Good luck." I whispered to him before kissing him briefly on the cheek. Joanna let out a rather loud cough which I could have sworn sounded like "I ship it".


Urgh, this chapter was awful.

As always, thank you all for reading this.

I love all of you so much.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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