The Announcement

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Finnick and I walked back hand in hand to Victors Village then into my Mom's house. Once Dad died, she moved back into her old house in Victors Village across the road. As we reached the door, Finnick let go of my hand and opened the door for me to walk in. I thanked him as I walked into the large, expensive living room. To see my Mom waiting anxiously on the sofa.

"Oh, thank goodness, I thought you two weren't going to show up." My Mom said as she came over and gave us both a tight hug. She went over and sat on the ocean blue armchair and Finnick and I sat on the corresponding color couch.

As the T.V turned on and Snow began his announcement, Finnick put his arm around my shoulder. I always hated having to train and mentor children who a knew would inevitably die.

Even worse, this year was a Quarter Quell so I knew there might be double the tributes. I immediately felt safe in his strong arms.

We all watched as Snow took his place on the podium in front of hundreds and hundreds of Capitol people.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is the 75th year of the Hunger Games," he began. The very site of him made me so angry. That man had killed my father. And in doing so, killed a part of my mother. "And it was written in the charter of the Games, that every 25th year there would be a Quarter Quell. To keep fresh for each generation, a memory of those who died during the uprising against the Capitol. Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by Games of a special significance." I sat up more in my chair as the wicked man continued to talk and so did Finnick.

"And now on this day, the 75th anniversary of our defeat against the rebellion, we celebrate the third Quarter Quell." The audience began to cheer. "As a reminder that even the strongest, cannot overcome the power of the Capitol; On this the third Quarter Quell Games, the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors."

My mom immediately turned off the T.V. The words replayed over and over in my head as tears began streaming down my face. I dove back into Finnick' strong arms as he too began to cry.

"No, no, no I don't want to go back." He cried to me as we held each other tightly. Finnick very rarely cried so when he did, you knew he was extremely upset. We held each other for what felt like hours.

"I'm going to the beach." I whispered before giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. His red, tear stained eyes broke my heart into a million pieces. I needed to make sure Mom was okay and I knew for a fact I would find her there. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve as I made my way briskly through town, not wanting anyone's sympathy right now.

I found Mom looking out into the distance, something I would often do as well. I walked silently up beside her and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Hello darling." She croaked; she too had been crying.

We stayed silent for a few moments as my Mom played gently with my hair.

"You know, after dad died, I thought it couldn't get any worse. I was wrong." I said letting the tears roll freely down my face. I lifted my head off her shoulder, and she used her finger and thumb to wipe off my tears.

"Don't say that Y/N. Even now, in a time of darkness and despair, we will always have the amazing memories to hold onto, and the hope of new amazing memories to come." Mom acknowledged as she quoted what my Dad said to me just before I went into the arena. Mom managed to give me a weak, sorrowful smile.

"If they call my name. Just let me go in sweetie." My Mom pleaded knowing I would never let that happen.

"No, never." I protested. "I'm not letting you." I remarked as tears streamed down my face, the thought of having to watch my Mom die on T.V was playing on repeat in my head.

"Oh, honey come here." Mom said as she let me cry into her chest. "I'm sorry but I can't let you go back either."


Finnick decided he didn't want to go home and ended up staying over at Mom's house. I ended up deciding to join them too, refusing to go back to my own home.

As I got ready to go to bed, I realized I had to get into the shower first. I got into the shower in the bathroom attached to my childhood room. I took off my clothes and went under the warm water it immediately relaxing me. I looked down at my stomach to see a large scar from my previous games running across the length of my chest to my stomach. It was from when the boy from my district had attempted to murder me with an axe in my sleep. Luckily, I had woken up fast enough to be able to swiftly stab him in the chest before he could murder me, but it had left an awful scar which I knew would never heal. I ran my fingers across the scar thinking about how I might have to go through it all again. However, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell going off.

Who the hell would visit us at this time?


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I hope you have/had a wonderful day.

Luna xx 😁

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