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When Katniss and Peeta entered the building, I was already throwing knives at orange holograms. Three holograms came running towards me, in my hands, I carried three knives. I felt Katniss and Peeta's eyes on me. Once the holograms got close enough, I threw all three knives at once. Each one passed through the hologram's chest, turning them into orange dust.

Still feeling the two Victors staring at me, I spun around to face them. I gave them a wide smile and winked at them. Peeta's cheeks became beetroot and Katniss rolled her eyes and began walking over to Wiress and Beetee. "Weird choice for an ally." I muttered to myself before walking over to collect my knives.

"I know right." A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Peeta. "Katniss isn't very good at the whole 'friends' thing." He joked.

"I'm not the greatest at making friends either to be honest." I laughed. He followed me and handed me back two of my knives.

"Really? Aren't you, Finnick and Joanna great friends?" Peeta questioned as I took back the knives.

"Well, Finnick practically lives with Mom and I, and it took a whole year for Johanna and I to become friends." I explained. Both Peeta and I began to walk over to the part of the Training Center where everyone practiced fighting with no weapons.

"You'd think Capitol sweetheart Y/n Flanagan would have no trouble making friends." Peeta said sweetly.

"You'd think that wouldn't you." I sighed. We both walked onto the padded area. I tied up my hair in preparation for fighting.

"Didn't your Mom win the games?" Peeta asked as he too stepped onto the padded area.

"And my Grandma and Dad. My Grandma passed away in her sleep a few years ago. And," I sighed and turned to face his empathetic expression. "And my Dad was murdered after I refused to go on the Victory tour." I looked away from him as tears began to fill my eyes. I swallowed and wiped my eyes, Finnick's words about staying strong replaying in my head. "Want to fight?" I asked, turning back around to face him.

"Uhm, I can't really fight." He stammered turning red.

"That's okay, I'll teach you." I insisted.

He threw a punch at me, which I easily dodged. "Don't aim at me, aim at the air behind me. It makes your punch harder and more accurate." I advised. He once again tied to punch me, this time in the face. Once again, I easily dodged it. "Good, you're getting better. Except your fist is in the wrong shape." I walked over to him and held out his fist. "You need to clench your fist harder and tilt it more..." I put my hands on his and fixed the position of his fist. " that." I felt his eyes on me.

I stepped back again. "Go on." I encouraged. He tried to punch me and I very narrowly dodged. "Excellent." I cheered.

"But I still missed." Peeta said sadly.

"That's only because I was expecting you to punch me. If you had caught me off guard, that would have hurt." I explained.

"Y/n." I looked over my shoulder to see Finnick. "Do you want to go and kick some holograms' ass with me?" He asked holding on to a large trident.

"Obviously!" I laughed. "Bye Peeta." I said as I walked over to Finnick.

"Training the enemy?" Finnick joked, but I could tell it wasn't really a joke.

"He's not the real enemy." I told him extremely quietly so only he could hear.

"Yes. But they can't know that." Finnick sternly said.

"Finnick calm down." I hissed. "I just taught him how to punch properly."

"But he could use that against us Y/n."

"Finnick love, if we have weapons, a punch isn't going to be very lethal." I declared. I looked up to see we had arrived at the giant hologram room. It had glass from floor to ceiling. It had multiple levels that the holograms would run up. I walked over to the weapon stand and picked up a belt which was holding ten knives. While I was putting the belt on, Finnick touched the controls on the glass to set it to the setting we wanted.

"Ready?" Finnick asked as he spun his trident around.

"Always." I smiled at him.

We entered the giant room and the lights immediately dimmed. I took out two knives from my belt and held them up, ready to throw them at anything that would show up. Finnick twirled his trident before raising it ready to fight.

We stood back to back as orange lines came down around us, scanning to see where they would project the holograms. I looked around and listened for any sound to tell me where to fight.

A hologram suddenly appeared in front of me holding a holographic spear that it was about to throw at me, and another one in front of Finnick with a sword. I swiftly ducked out of the way of the spear before throwing a knife at it. Finnick quickly stabbed the one in front of him with his tridant

I looked up to see two holograms running at the second level of the tall room. "Finn give me a boast." I ordered. He quickly lifted me up and I threw two daggers at the same time, both landing in the hearts of the hologram.

"Nice one." Finnick complimented as he drove his trident into a hologram to his left.

I looked up to see a hologram shooting a  bow and arrow. The hologram was standing at the second highest level, about 50 feet up in the air. I looked at the wall supporting the level he was standing on. I ran towards the tall pillar beneath the hologram.

"Y/n where are you going." Finnick questioned.

"Trust me!" I shouted back at him. I sprinted close to the wall and then jumped as high as I could. I stuck one knife into the wall and held onto it. I then reached up with my other hand and drove the knife in it into the wall. I continued using the knives to climb up the wall. In about fifteen seconds, I had climbed 50 feet.

I reached the top and dodged the arrows being fired by the hologram. I got close enough to the hologram and thew a knife into its chest. I was too distracted fighting the other holograms I didn't notice Finnick warning me about a hologram with a spear running towards me.

"BEHIND YOU." Finnick shouted at me. I quickly spun around and took out the hologram. I jumped down from storey to storey until I was back on the ground. I fought on the ground with Finnick.

Finnick was fighting two holograms at a time with his trident when I seen a hologram run towards him. "Finnick duck." I commanded. He quickly ducked and I threw a knife past him. It hit the hologram, causing it to turn into pixels.

I turned back around to realize I was out of knives. I dodged the swings of the hologram's sword as I waited for Finnick to pass me a knife or dagger.

"Y/n." Finnick shouted from behind me. I put a hand out and caught the knife effortlessly, without even having to turn my head. I then stabbed the hologram.

That was the training game over. I looked to Finnick who had sweat dripping from his brow. I wiped the sweat off my face and let out a loud sigh. We looked over to see that the Tributes had been watching us. Finnick smiled widely and took a bow. I rolled my eyes at his actions.

Finnick left the room first while I collected all the knives I had left scattered around the place. I then went out to be met by Katniss' annoyed face.

"Why the long face Wings?" I asked as I took off the belt and put all the knives back. Katniss simply walked straight past me, tapped the controls for the room, and entered with a bow and arrow.

I watched as she effortlessly took down the targets. I thought about how good of a team Katniss, Finnick and I would make. However, Katniss hated me, I could tell. I wasn't sure if it was because she found me intimidating, because she saw me as a threat to her or because of Peeta's crush on me.

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