how to sniff out mudbloods 101
The sun was shining, birds were chirping giddy songs as a soft breeze blew past the sleeping girl's face tickling her skin.Faint soft whispers could be heard from outside in the hall. The girl stirred in the serenity of the peaceful scene.
The great door creeped open while tiny footsteps edged closer to the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping girl as they approached.
"Draco keep your bleached head away from me or I swear to Merlin my fist will magically reach your face."
The boy stopped in his tracks.
"(y/n) you're no fun." He grumbled taking a seat at the edge of the girls bed.
"Well it's not my fault every step you take thunders throughout the whole hallway." (y/n) spat, her head still in the pillow refusing to meet Draco's face."
Draco scoffed and jumped off her bed.
"Get up you dingus we're going to Hogwarts today." He said sternly before walking out the room and slamming the door.
"Hogs Forts?" (y/n) questioned lazily pulling the soft blankets off herself.
Then it clicked.
The girl let out an ungodly squeal and ran into her wardrobe getting ready for the day.
The young girl, known to many as (y/n) (l/n) threw on whatever clothing item jumped at her first, tripping over multiple, shoes, skirts, jeans and whatever else managed to spill out of her magnificent wardrobe.(y/n) manically ran around her room, already daydreaming about the next 7 years of her life. The day she boards the train to Hogwarts has been one she had been anticipating ever since she could talk and now finally, it was here.
Her family—her mother and the Malfoys, who weren't necessarily blood related but still family nevertheless— always had tales to tell about different witches and wizards, long drawling quidditch games, and of course, the story of Harry Potter, the boy who lived.
The Potter boy's story itself is quite remarkable, though her mother hated that little orphan boy. Scoffing and spitting at the sound of his name.
Growing up (y/n) (along with Draco Malfoy) was taught all about blood status, and the importance that comes with blood status. Being a Pureblood was the greatest honour one wizard could have, and tainting that blood with anything but, was one of the greatest sins known to wizardkind.
So when the 'Filthy half-blood Potter' as Mrs. (l/n) puts it, had defeated the Dark Lord before he had learned to walk, the family of former death eaters were enraged.
"What if Harry Potters in my year?" (y/n) thought to herself, mindlessly humming the soft tune of a muggle lullaby 'twinkle twinkle little star' while brushing out her (h/c) hair.
Scoffing she wrinkled her nose at the thought. "I imagine he has a nice life, being famous and all." She laughed softly leaning back in her vanity chair, "I bet the people he lives with treat him like a king, showering him with chocolate frogs and pumpkin juice."
(y/n) sighed thinking of her own family. Her mother wanting her to always be pristine and proper, barely ever spending time with her, and the Malfoys being no different. Apart from Draco, being her closest friend from birth. Draco being an egotistical prick and (y/n) being extremely blunt and almost rude, they balanced eachother out. The two were almost inseparable, joined at the hip —arguing constantly— but still always stuck together.
(y/n) had never known her own father and she never dared to ask about him.
Almost like she had reacted when Harry Potter was mentioned, the one time (y/n) had asked about her father her mother grumbled, eyes sparkling with what looked like pure hatred to the 4 year old (y/n), and instructed her sternly to never speak about that unruly, obnoxious man who had landed himself in Azkaban ever again in her household. Mumbling something about him being the worst mistake of her life."(y/n) hurry up, if we have to wait any longer we'll miss the train!" (m/n) (l/n)s loud, authoritative voice yelled from the other side of her bedroom door.
(y/n) sprinted to the door, quickly checking herself and smoothing out her outfit, and ran down the corridor to the front of the manor where her mother and the Malfoy's were waiting for her. A new feeling; a mixture of being both excited and nervous crossed her as she took the seat beside Draco, waving goodbye to the manor and its inhabitants.
"Remember (y/n) head up, shoulders straight.."(y/n) grimaced as her mothers stern voice boomed in her ears, they walked onto platform 9 3/4 confidently pushing past muggles and wizards alike.
It seemed that as they walked through the station people made adamant efforts to catch a glimpse of the two. Some people staring in anguish while others shivered trying to stay out of their way. It wasn't anything unusual from the (l/n) girls, with all the rumors going around about their family, but it was still unnerving for (y/n) whenever she accidentally locked eyes with a stranger staring her down like an artifact in a museum.
"...Don't talk to any mudbloods or halfbloods, steer clear of bloodtraitors-
(y/n) rolled her eyes trying to tune out another one of mothers pestering lectures.
"Yes mother I've got it, pureblood good everyone else bad."
"Better yet just stay close to Draco, he's smart he can guide you." She smiled ignoring her daughters comment, occasionally raising her eyebrows in a disgusted fashion at unsuspecting onlookers, trying to catch a glimpse at her and her daughter.
"I don't need guidance from that ferret but thanks anyway I guess." (y/n), trying her best to get away from her mother grumbled shuffling past the crowd blocking her way to the train
"Sometimes I worry about you (y/n) you're too kind to the unfortunate, kindness will lead you to an unforgiving fate." She frowned at her grabbing her arm making her attempts to escape worthless.
"Don't worry mother Draco gave me lessons on how to sniff out mudbloods." (y/n) snickered pretending to sniff pointing at random strangers, "If I see one I won't hesitate to spit in their face."
"I'm not joking (y/n), just make me proud, don't do anything I wouldn't do."
"Got it mom." She sighed annoyed, wanting nothing more than the escape the conversation.
"Owl me as soon as you get your house." She said finally letting go of her arm before walking away from the growing gaggle of witches and wizards.
"Love you too mom." (y/n) mumbled almost disappointingly getting on the train to search for Draco and his "friends."

saint potter- h.p
Fanfiction"God Potter! You're so dense how does anything ever get into that thick skull of yours?!" "Yeah right, and you're conceited and selfish!" "I'm conceited? Oh please 'chosen one' teach me how to be humble!" "Piss off." - where (y/n) finds out that she...