1. Well, it all begins with a bullshxt bully

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Hello, everyone. My name is Magnus Amos Robinson and it's now the winter of 2006 this is the beginning of my story and you now are reading it. To begin with, I am the only son of Jack Robinson and Kate Wong, who was the Assistant Chief Constable of the Metropolitan Police District and the neurosurgeon at Royal London Hospital respectively, and because of their heavy workload every day, so they are sometimes too busy to care about my needs.

I am now 16 years old, studying at Holland Park School in London. I am known as the 'PE Sucker', 'The Geek' plus 'the Punch Bag of Sid The Darth Sidious '. By the way, I am not one of those obese or skinny kids but I got leukemia once when I was 6, plus having congenital analgesia which made me unable to feel pain at all.

Since the beginning of my school year at Holland's, I'm usually the one who gets picked on for being a geek in front of Sidney and his gang in school, which the gang members of Sidney's, were mostly high graders, who often have with young and youthful girls walking side by side. Those girls were the ones who were either being rich enough or beautiful enough, to catch the eyes of Sid's or his gang members, just before they quickly disappear out of sight.

You can say that I do have a specific girl in my mind that I would like to have to be my girlfriend to go to the Christmas Ball. Her name is Sadie Shin but unfortunately, as you can predict, is that she's also Sid's girlfriend. She's the perfect girl you could ever meet starting up with the Korean-British blood in her veins, the enchanting smile that warms up people's hearts and souls as well as her very own beautiful appearance that even the plain school uniform couldn't hide away as long as her long jet black hair was set up with a side sweep which was too stunning enough to make me fall heels over her.

Anyway, I can't just let myself go too far on Sadie's appearance. Back to the present, I am now still sitting in my classroom, even school was already over.

So two days later, it would be the beginning of the Christmas Holidays. My test results were already in, with high grades in Maths, Computer Science, and Physics while the only lowest grade is in Physical Education which I got a U grade. As you might not know, I am a true piece of trash in Physical Education. Why? Because I could hardly run a mile without panting heavily and end up to be in the infirmary. Anyway, as I grabbed my backpack, trying to leave the classroom as fast as I could, Sid the Darth Sideous and his nasty goons were already blocking my way. There weren't any teachers walking around the nearby areas.

'Are you not coming with us, MAGGIE? 'He barked out from the doorway like a mad wolf, lips smacking his lips who thinks I am his juicy prey, just enough ready to be eaten and to be served as pieces of sliced-up lambs' meat.

'Why should I come with you, Sid?' My voice trembled as I started to panic and I attempted to run and break through the strong barricades of the goons themselves but in vain.

'Because you're not strong enough! Duh! Guys, let's take him out for some training! To toughen him up! And go and get some muscles you piece of trash! Sheehahaha!' I was then held up by the MacAffrey Twins, the two strongest quarterbacks in our school's own Rugby Team, like a trophy they had just won from a tournament while Samuel the Sneaky quickly grabbed my wallet from my pocket and stole some cash from it. A hundred pounds or something. I tried to struggle to free myself for what had to come but it was useless cause the twins were even tightening up their grip on me every time I want to slip away like a newt.

'You ain't leaving, MAGGIE! Because you're too smart! Too SMART enough to fail your PE! You should give up your dreams and die. It's much better for you. Don't you hear me? MAGGIE! Sheehahaha!' Sid bellowed at the top of his lungs at me, not before cackling evilly as we reached a place where there won't be any surveillance camera around the place as well as a dense population of people walking around the place.

'Aright, let's start, shall we? Cause this guy couldn't feel pain at all, so he perfectly fits to be a punching bag for us! What do we say? My friends?'


'Course!' The twins jeered in pleasure.

'I couldn't wait to start, Boss!' Samuel snickered as he cracked his knuckles.

'Please Sid, spare me, have mercy on me! I didn't hurt you at all up to now.' I started to sob uncontrollably as I started to ramble a lot of random things which made me feel like I am insane and off my mind. But Sid has already begun to punch and kick me numerous times at my groin and I started to feel like throwing up my entire lunch from my stomach while trying to resist it.

'Blurghh!' I just couldn't help but throw up all the food that I tried not to barf in front of Sid which not only made him disgusted but I have also stained his clothes completely.

'What the hell are you doing, you son of an asshole? You have just ruined my newest set of clothes! Guys, go and get the Big Bro, let's finish him once and for all! Don't you try to leave, you useless piece of trash, or you won't still be living today!' He yelled in fury as he and his thugs quickly left me alone by asking for reinforcements.

I knew this was not the time for me to stay or I am going to get myself injured much more seriously by their hands of them, so I quickly got myself up in a severe condition, with a few bruises and gashes over my arms and knees. I grabbed some band-aids from my backpack and plastered them on my wounds quickly just before I tried to run as fast and far as I could in my whole life, my vision was blurry as I wheezed heavily to see most of the shops on the streets, that I could probably stay there for a while, had been all fully shut down with the only exception which was a shop that had an owl's sign hanging above the shop's entrance. It was called' Merlin's Library-The only place where you shall find the book you desired .'

There were also two large glass windows, which were displaying two blank covered books as if it was a practical joke to me. But what choice do I have? Looking around at my surroundings, and seeing no one that was a potential threat to me there at that very moment, I quickly dashed into the place.

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