19. The Airforce has finally arrived!

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To those who have a fear of darkness, are afraid of high speeds, or even could feel nauseous on a plane, this type of transportation is not for you. You have my word because when we have finally reached Fort Warcton, I have vomited twice while having my face turn pale green like the color of string beans. As for the others, Malcolm could be seen, clutching onto the ship's railings while the Gemelli Sisters had the same symptoms back when the seven of us were riding on the Stingray Express.

Lucky for us, the ride was quickly over as within 10 seconds, we have returned to Fort Warcton, to see buildings that were in flames, and most of the buildings were almost collapsing from mass destruction, caused by the evil beings created or brought back to life by the rotten sorcerer Modred. Also, the protective barrier was penetrated and destroyed, leaving the Fortress to be vulnerable to attacks.

'This is bad, I could also see Irgith and her army clashing against the Knights of the Round Table.' Mr. Eric muttered in distaste as we could see a gigantic purple mater destroying the Pearl Tower which if I could remember, the tower also serves as a mausoleum that also contains thousands of warriors who were brave and powerful back in the past.

'Alright, my men, this is for the sake of Fort Warcton, do you hear me? Or my name is not Eric Volkov! So? What are you waiting for, men? I say, we CHARGE!'

'CHARGE!' We all raised our weapons and followed the Winter King's command's as some of his men who were able to fly, jumped down from the ship herself, just like vultures, falcons, and Eagles, having wings sprouted behind their backs, similar to the Snow Sisters and the Gemelli Twins.

As for us who don't know how to fly down without getting injured, we quickly climbed down from the rope ladder to join in the fight.

Me, Sadie, and Malcolm first landed at the ACE Market, where around 500 or even more civilians and shop owners were surrounded by devils and the undead. We quickly took out our weapons and went straight into the action, cutting down the heads and limbs of the unsure creatures.

Within minutes, the place was cleaned up "nicely" by us with some spoils of war left remained on the floor.

'What's next then?'

'Ivan speaking, we need reinforcements at the Blue Diamond Palace. Irgith is fighting against the Supreme Knight King but he's going to collapse sooner or later. Do you copy?'

''Roger that, Ivan, we are on our way.'

'Well, seems that we've got a busy day, guys. So, what should we do now?'

'Well, I think we should go there as soon as possible. Who knows what may happen when he dies? Then we got many issues to solve then.' Malcolm quickly spat out a piece of chewing gum from his mouth in distaste.

'Anyway, Malcolm's right. We should get going. But, Magnus, are you okay? You don't look great at all.' Sadie looked at me right in the eyes, and I know that reason since I was feeling very tired after fighting against monsters and evil creatures in one day, without resting at all. Maybe that's why Physical Education is SO important to us. I think I should maybe spend half of my life, running and running.

'I am fine, thanks.'I quickly spotted an unopened water bottle on the floor next to me and drank it until it was empty.

'Well, I feel much more energetic by now. Let's go shall we?'

'Well, well, well, how's it going Magnus Robinson?' A familiar voice spoke right behind me.

'Mr. Zango Desi ?' I was so surprised by his sudden appearance at this time of the day as well as two very tall figures standing right behind him.

Magnus Robinson BK 1 The Awakened HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now