10. I got scolded by King Arthur

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Once we got off the Flying Bullet Train at St. Bernards Station, with Merlin levitating our luggage, the first thing that we saw was the numerous magnificent platinum-colored towers that were located very far away ahead of us that were floating high above the waters of the outskirts of Liverpool of the Irish Seas, which made us gasp in the wonder of its design.

'How many towers are there, Sir Morien?' I asked out of pure curiosity.

'There are a total of nearly 72 towers in Fort Warcton. Most of the towers would be housing all current members of the Knights of the Round Table such as me while there is also one tower for our King Arthur and Queen Guenevere, which were each built separately. The rest are the dorms for the students and the classrooms. For your own information, I teach my fellow knights on the subject of dragon training and marine tactics. However, to enter the castles' colossal gates, you have to either enter through the drawbridge or through the secret passageways around the moats of the castle itself. Some serpents like kelpies and merpeople are living and guarding outside the moats so don't ever try to swim inside the moats as a swimming pool without any magic for you shall be signing a death warrant for yourself. Also, the bridge is closed for today for repairs, so my transport is here for us to get to the towers of the fortress and King Arthur is also waiting for us already at the other side. So let's waste no time for us to depart for our journey.' Sir Morien herself quickly blew three quick and sharp whistles in front of the vast open sea.

At first, there wasn't a sign of a boat or anything that could transport us to the fortress. But suddenly the waves have begun to rise nearly as high as the sky, to reveal an ocean-blue-colored finned dinosaur in silver shining armor. But, strangely, it had a large saddle on its back and a string of helmets and weapons that had been strung on both sides of its body plus two bags that could fit one elephant. It was also heavily armed with an extremely large-sized helmet on its head and a single laser beam cannon that was being armed on its tail.

'Is that our ride towards the fortress?' I suddenly felt a bit nauseous as the waves carried the dinosaur towards us.

'This is my transportation for underwater travels. Say hi to Dylan the Third! ' She then kissed on the dinosaur's head and gave it a handful of sugar blocks from her pocket which the dinosaur in return nuzzled her head as it ate them in one giant gulp, while Merlin quickly put our belongings into those huge bags.

'Is it safe for us to travel? I mean, what is the other purpose for this moat? And is it safe for our belongings?'

'Of course, I have trained him for already 3 years since he has been reborn and a few months ago, I have got my driver's license. And we are going to dive into the moats themselves. But don't worry, those bags are highly waterproof and the enchanted helmets here will expand into a waterproof liquid armor which is both created by my cousin, Sir Gareth, who is the head designer and blacksmith of the Fortress, so you and your belongings won't get wet at all. So do come along, we don't have all day.'

Sadie and I looked at each other in the eyes but we quickly ran to get those helmets and put them on so that we could get over this experience.

'Won't you sit with us, Merlin?' Sir Morien asked as she tied our seat belts tightly, in order not to let us fall off from the ride.

'Nah, I will be flying. I hate to travel in the waters, you know .'

'Suit yourself. See you there, old man.' Sir Morien then flicked the reins of her dinosaur and it started to dive into the deep waters of the moat.

'Don't you dare to call me an old man even I am!'

And before I could scream at the top of my lungs, we were breathing in the murky waters.

Magnus Robinson BK 1 The Awakened HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now