16. The beginning of our very first mission

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Before we left the Fortress at dawn, besides having a nice sleep and packing most of my personal belongings into huge duffle bags and travel packs before the mission begins, I went to the Delphina coast for a swim as I want to relax a bit, which luckily there weren't any people at all since sometimes I really hate the crowd sometimes.

But as I swam, I noticed that there were loads of mermaids circling me, as if I was a foreign creature from the bare lands. Soon we were playing water polo for around 5 rounds before I left the waters to get my belongings, and rejoined my companions at the entrance of the Eastern gates.

'What took you this long, Magnus?' Sadie greeted me with a fist bump.

'Well, I took a swim and won 3 rounds of water polo on the Delphina Coast with some mermaids. Anyway, where is our transport?'

'The big guy is coming.' Iris muttered under her breath as she lit her pipe once again.

'What do you mean, Iris?'

'We would be traveling on the RX-Sharkripper since most of you guys can't ride on dragons yet at this stage.' I could tell that she was still annoyed by the fact that the ship hasn't arrived yet.

'But where is it ?' Malcolm was frantic as we weren't able to notice that airship yet.

Suddenly I think I could hear a series of loud thundering and clanking noises coming up from the skies.

'What's that?' Sadie's eyes furrowed.

' It's me, the one and only, Sir Gareth on the RX-Sharkripper!' A loud but familiar voice was shouting down from the airship itself, which made us gasp in shock at the massive-sized steampunk ship itself. There, above the ship itself, was a giant blue shark balloon, which it levitated the ship into midair, plus, having two smaller-sized ships, which were both flanking the sides of the mothership.

'It's so COOL!'Malcolm yelled joyfully with his eyes shimmering like stars as the giant man landed down from the airship itself through a rope ladder, and landed onto the ground with a heavy thunk.

'What's up brother knight?' Sir Morien was puffing smoke out of her daily pipe as Sir Gareth dusted soot out of his blacksmith's uniform.

'First of all, I have to tell you all that I won't be able to go since I need to monitor the weapon forgers and creating more weapons for the upcoming war. But there is a special gift for each of the seven. Special orders from King Arthur. But sorry, big sis, you aren't able to get any upgrades. Because you are just too perfect. First of all, for Sadie, I present you with the reusable smoke bomb. Sometimes, when you are feeling lost and need a way to escape from the people you hate, this can help you out.'

'Thank you so much.'

'Malcolm Riddle.' Sir Gareth cleared his throat.

'Yes, sir!'

'You seem to be as lively as always since the first time I picked you up at the. So, could you lend me your pair of goggles so that I can give you a little tune-up?

'Uh, sure.'

Sir Gareth then fidgeted his pair of glasses behind the backs of us and when he turned around, the pair of glasses have a strange green glow on them.

'Here you go! Now you can aim even accurately and see things much clearer than ever for I have added an X-Ray Specs on the left side. Cool, huh?'

'Yeah, they're superb!'

'Ivan the Werebear. Please come here for I am giving you a box of three Mega Balls from Madame Helena. These can help you to grow big to deal with tough situations like when there are small spaces for you to unleash your full potential. Use them wisely.'

Magnus Robinson BK 1 The Awakened HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now