13. The Raiders at the White Diamond Palace

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After a very long ride on the Griffin Carriage, the six of us have arrived at the front gates of the White Diamond Palace. Though King Arthur was not there yet to greet us formally, he sent his faithful servant, Serena, to pick us up by taking the lift towards the highest floor of the Palace itself, I could sense that there was something unusual. Something dark and mysterious was lurking in the shadows, trying to do something terrible to me and the others, as I pressed my face on the glass window of the lift, trying to catch a clearer glimpse of the mysterious thing.

'Is there something troubling you Magnus?' Sadie looked at me who noticed my worries on my face.

'Nothing. It's alright.' I was just hoping that everything would go smoothly and there won't be any incidents'.I then turned to Iris who was laughing at a joke told by Z. ' How many knights are still active on the Round Table?'

'Wel, there would be around 7 knights who would be attending tonight's dinner, including me and Sir Gareth. There's Sir Lancelot the Lighting Knight, Sir Gawain the Stone Knight, Sir Galahad the Avian Knight, Sir Percival the Wind Knight, and many more knights that sometimes appear or disappear due to the frequent missions for the entire European continent. But mostly, only the seven of us are usually here in Fort Warcton, so it's normal to see those empty seats. Here we are!'

We have finally arrived at the 78 th floor where there was a massive-sized iron door and a, not far away from us which had many shields, hung across in an oval formation that displays the Knights of the Round Table's family names and emblems.

'Who needs this kind of big iron doors anyway?' I asked Iris as we were walking towards it.

'Well, you know for giants and wotans or even alien species that have a massive size, for sometimes we hold occasional intergalactic conferences that stretch across nations or domains, planets, galaxies, or universes. So we have to create doors for those who have large appearances or small ones for those like dwarves or fairies to enter the room itself. But the room can change its appearance to suit different situations like today. The room has a soul of its own and can talk to others through their minds given that one of our knights, Sir Feirefiz, also known as the Soul Knight himself, who gave part of his soul to the door itself and can manipulate souls at his command.Not to mention that he's the leading commander of EXCALIBUR, and a likely candidate to be the next successor of Merlin.If he's going to retire or something. But if you're lucky enough to talk to the door, it may even tell you the latest gossip around Fort Warcton, so do watch out who you're talking to.' Iris whispered to Sadie and me as Merlin knocked on the massive iron door.

'Who goes there? Oh, it's Merlin! How's it going, you Old Fuzzy Grey Beard? And oh, it's Little Miss Morien and Tin Man! And who are those three people may I ask?' An old lady's face appeared in the middle of the door, laughing joyfully.

'Dorothy the Door, this is Magnus Robbinson, Sadie Shin, and Z.'

'Hi, Dorothy.' Sadie and I waved at the door though it was a bit odd, waving at a door.

'You boy, I could sense you can control dark magic, let's see which name I could call you, ah, Blackie! But you, my girl, I couldn't sense any magic in you at this moment but an odd aura from you.Something ancient, I think.'

'That's because I didn't learn any magic and I am ready to learn something new.'

'Well, you shall be known as the Rookie! As for you Z, you are thr  demon so you shall remain as Mr. Serious for you are truly serious, man! Alright, all of you are free to go in. The one and only King Arthur and the other knights are there waiting for all of you guys.' She then opened her mouth and sucked us in and teleported us into the Room of Wonders where the Knights of the Round Table and King Arthur were waiting for us.

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