2. Villainy in a Library

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From the very moment I stepped into the library, the door slammed shut behind me, which shocked me completely. There were heavy and enormous sized bronze padlocks that clogged up the door itself as quick as lightning in a straight line. I panicked by banging at the door heavily with my weakened fists but in vain. They were too strong and sturdy enough to even let the slightest wisp of air to come into the area.

'Hello? Anybody here?'

Then was a moment of eerie silence as my question just bounced off across the walls of the library itself not before I could hear a series of loud shouts coming from outside of the library. So I ran towards the windows only to see Sid and his gang, as a gang of gangsters, who had been dressed up in wealthy clothes while having either baseball bats or knuckle dusters within their hands. A  few minutes later, and for the very first time, I could see Sid's face turning pale as the face of the Moon itself and that very Moon is going to be blasted into smithereens by the power of the Sun itself, not before the man who was scolding Sid, quickly left with his subordinates in fury. Probably he didn't get the thing he wanted.

After the gangsters left, Sid nodded at his gang members and spoke a few words to them not before they left the place, cursing. The sight of it just made me sigh with relief. I then turned around, to see a magnificent and unusual sight in front of my very eyes.

The place was tremendously enormous, which the size of the library itself was just enough to fit the size of ten giants for them to walk around, with books stacked inside bookshelves of all types from encyclopedias to modern-day textbooks that pile up to the ceiling. And for the very first time, some of the books were flying around, having a pair of miniature wings sprouted on the backs of the book's pine . There were also numerous astrology instruments, such as globes of many unknown planets, celestial spheres, numerous cameras, and telescopes, which were might be set up for future uses. Plus having a beautiful mosaic glass ceiling that allows anyone to stare up at the sky and to glance at for hours and hours, but somehow it seems to change the view of the outside world every now and then. Strange, huh?

Anyway, I quickly picked a few of my favorite books on computers and literature along the way and some new textbooks from the education section before stuffing all of them into my backpack. Even though it's a library and I know, it's what you might call, stealing but hey! Come on! There was nobody in the library at that time and I desperately need them. You can't waste the opportunity, can you?
As I was exploring the Legal Section,( which was filled with books about law and legislation on moorland areas creatures. Moorland areas creatures? Who needs law for those fantasy creatures?), I saw a glass door that had been labeled with another sign placed on it in red block letters.
'The Forbidden Section. Warning! Don't enter for your own sake. Only Senior Magicians or Senior Knights above are permitted inside. Turn back before it's too late. Merlin.'

I am a very curious and naive person in nature, so I just ignored the warnings, to try my poor luck to see if the door was just a display to scare people away from it. Sure enough, it was just a fake warning and I quickly pushed the once-locked glass door handle, only to let myself be tripped by the doorstep.

I stumbled into a chamber where there were many books, thick ones in particular, which were all being locked up with iron chains. Cautiously, I unlocked the nearest one to me, which had the title of 'The Book of Soul Switching '
'Soul Switching? What the heck is that?' I muttered to myself as I opened the book which had many pictures and unfamiliar words and all at once there was a blast of cold air generated from the book itself.

'So you have opened my book, haven't you?' A cold yet metallic voice hissed across the room making me drop the book in pure fear as if the place had transformed into the Antarctic Tundra.

'Who are you?' Fear shivered down my spine as a ghostly but disfigured figure appeared behind me out of thin air, who was grinning evilly while wearing numerous heavy shackles on his arms and ankles. He was dressed in middle-aged century prisoner's clothes plus having a longsword strapped to his waist.

'I am the previous Soul-Switcher, Mordred. The nemesis of that sickening and old wizard, Merlin. This very library, no, I must say, was once an unbreakable prison was built by him and his magical forces to imprison my fellow companions and me from being released back into this beautiful world. But it's all thanks to you, I was the first and, hopefully not the last one, to be unleashed back into the mortal world. I must say, one is enough to reform the world from its ugliness and its corruption so I bet you will release the others, right? I mean, we got the Seven Princes of Sins over there at your right bookshelf, the Bagul on the left bookshelf, and even the infamous pirate captain Davy Jones whose personal locker is with him on shelf number 13. Surely you need somebody else to help you out don't you kiddo?'
'No, one is just enough for me. Are you powerful ?' I asked suspiciously.
'Yes, I am, don't you see that ?'
'Well,' he cleared his throat loudly. ' I can kill people slowly who have serious issues with me. Just by snapping my fingers and perform that ritual in that book of mine's, which is in your hands, and that person's body would be mine  to control already. And I could switch from time to time. But anyway, it seems that you're injured very seriously, kiddo. Mind if I could treat your wounds ?'
'You said you're a villain. Will you, you try and poison me while you're healing me?'
'Why should I? I mean, you freed me from my temporary prison so I should do it as a favor for you in return. Here, let me help you.'
Before I could react, he touched me with his boney finger onto my chest, and immediately, I feel much better than before since my previous bruises, scars as well as bloodstains were all gone.
'Now, you should be feeling much better now, my savior.'
'My name is Magnus Robinson.' I was feeling much better by now as if some kind of electrical energy had started to flow into my body, and I am talking about lightspeed.

'Thank you, Mr. Robinson, anyway, he is coming for you because you had set me free from these outrageous bonds. Please leave as soon as possible! I shall explain more but not for now, for I too had to go. And you should know there is a backdoor at the end of the chamber that will let you leave safely. See you sooner or later. Magnus Robinson.'

'Who is he? And why are you leaving ?'
But he was gone already, like a genie, leaving the only silvery cloud of dust as a trace of his existence, which made it feel hard to breathe. I quickly removed the Book of Raigarde from its metal chains and dashed out of the Forbidden Section leaving through the backdoor like that guy Modred said and I took the tube straight back home.

'He's back. He's back. He is BACK! That cursed bastard is back! '

A while later after Magnus left the library, an old man with a long white beard who was wearing old and stained wizard robes was signing heavily as he paced back and front around the Forbidden Section in the bookstore that Magnus has just left .' What should I do? What should I do? What should I DO? I was too late, too late to protect the books from the hands of the Princes of Hell. And as the guardian of both magickind and mankind, I am such a failure! Such a piece of shit! Nevertheless, I should have installed more surveillance cameras around the room to prevent theft on my watch. If it isn't, then my name isn't Merlin the Grand Sorcerer of  Camelot! I think it's time to call for help from Dragon Knight herself of the Knights of the Round Table for those two books that could bring down the very Earth itself. May the gods help us to stop the chaos from spreading like wildfire!' He shouted as he clutched his head in pain before sending himself away from a portal.

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