18. What are you waiting for? Let's go!

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It was already noon when we were halfway to the Oryol region, which made everyone on the ship feel a bit anxious since time was starting to run out, as the hourglass's silvery sand was running down to the bottom, unable to rewind itself.

'Are we almost there yet, Magnus?' Jayden cried out loudly to me over the strong winds and heavy snowstorms.

'Yeah, and how much time do we get to arrive at our destination?' Her sister chimed in.

'We still have got around two hours to get to that blasted estate but the winds are getting too strong, which isn't helping us at all! We might get blown away off course! So brace yourselves and prepare for anything!' I shouted out to them at the top of my lungs, while trying not to lose my mind, thinking about Sadie when we meet up once again. Hopefully that she will be safe and sound when the time comes.

'Hey, Magnus. Care for a drink? You have been working so hard lately.' Iris suddenly appeared out of my sight, and within her hands, were two cans of Lemon Ribera.

'Where did you get those?'

'From the fridge, silly. So, you in?'

'Yeah sure.' I quickly opened the can and drank half of the beverage.

'So I was thinking, what are you going to do and plan after defeating Mordred?'

'Well, I suppose that I am going to have a vacation to the states with Sadie and my family, and after that, I would like to study at Fort Warcton. But I am still confused about my future since I couldn't foresee it like Ivan or Mr. Eric who did it just now. However, to be honest, in the past, I just really wanted to have a normal life with Sadie, never thought of encountering you guys at all.'

'So it's a good thing or a bad thing?'

I shrugged my shoulders before taking another big sip of the sweet drink. 'Well, it's neither good nor bad. The good thing, is we are a strong team, hopefully, powerful enough to overpower Amadeus Mordred.'

'And the bad thing is?' Her usually slim eyes widened at me, to reveal a pair of jade green eyes.

'The bad thing is that I still miss my home, my family, and the good old days. But honestly, I think, it's my fate and I am lucky enough to be with you guys. Anyway, enough with that sad stuff, we should be moving forward cause looking back to the past is useless. I think we are almost there, so let's go.' I immediately drank the Lemon Ribera in one big gulp before dropping it onto the floor and smashed it into a piece of junk with my feet.

'That's the spirit! Let's go!' She laughed so happily, and for the very first time, her smile reminds me of my mother's or maybe of Sadie's. But it was like a flash of light, that her steel determination of defeating Mordred quickly brings us back to reality, of the strong wind and heavy snowstorms that were surrounding us.

'How much time do we still now have?' She immediately glanced at the hourglass that was held onto my neck.' An hour has just passed but still, we haven't arrived there yet. We need something to fasten up ourselves.'

'Iris, I have just got a trick in my sleeves. Wanna want to try?' Ivan suddenly appeared right next to me in a shipwright's uniform, hair greased back while having welding goggles on his forehead and caked in sweat, tar, and oil. His Albert Einstein's classical E=mc2 T-shirt looked like it had been caught in an escalator and chewed to shreds. But otherwise, it was like the normal guy we have seen daily.

In a few minutes, we all held on tight onto the ship's railings, as Albert started to activate a turbo-thruster at the ship's end.

'On my count of three, two, one, ACTIVATING MEGALODON BURST!' He immediately pulled a long lever next to the ship's helm and all at once, I felt that I was riding a hundred times faster on the rollercoaster, Nemesis Infernor, back when I was much younger at Thorpe Park. The first time I rode it, it made me puke out the entire lunch that I just ate before going onto the ride itself.

Magnus Robinson BK 1 The Awakened HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now