Chapter 7: Dream

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She said, "You are my long awaited dream."

He said, "You are my reality."

~It's me.

Isabella's PoV

IT seemed very vivid.
The dream I had last night.
This is like the first time I ever had such a dream..which is quite peaceful and happy.
Who were they in my dream anyway?
I used to get strange dreams before while I still lived at the orphanage but this is like the only dream which seemed too real and elaborate. Vivid.
The dream which I used to get were more like just flashes of images of a young lady crying or a old woman smiling.
There was one time where I saw wings in my dream and almost thought it was real until I woke up in the morning.
Ugh..why am I thinking so much and stressing myself over some stupid dream?!
I pushed all my thoughts away and got ready for the university.
Yes, I was back at my home.
Thinking back to the ride I had with Ahdevin, Alone. He made me feel a strong sense of an emotion called Adronitis. Frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.
It is not like I wanted to know every detail of him anyway. I grew this strong sense of emotion because Ahdevin and Ayan are nutshells, that is, they are both very hard to crack. I arrived at the university and was waiting for Amalia to show up.

Within no time, she entered the university looking as usual. Alluring.
The day got over faster than expected.
"I have been wanting to ask you this for a while. So what do you want for your birthday?" Amalia asked me out of the blue.
"How do you know when my birthday is ?" I asked her curiously.
"Just answer my question! " she seemed in a rush for something.
"Uhhh.. I want.. nothing ...." I said.
"Not happening ! You gotta ask for something !!" she insisted.

After thinking hard for a while, I came up with an idea of shopping.
"I want to get a dress. I don't have one !!" I said.
"Sounds good. How about this weekend?"
Her eyes filled with excitement.
She was strangely happy. Happy like when you get to prank and scare the shit out of your friends. She had a strange gleam in her eyes. And I think i need to be weary of her now.

"If you are planning to prank me or something, quit your plans my dear ...." I said with no enthusiasm in my voice.
"I ain't planning on pranking you Bella, although that's a good idea. Let me consider it now !!" she dramatically said placing a finger on her chin and thinking.
"Aren't I digging my own grave here?" I said with an exasperated sigh.
"Cheer up Bella. I have many surprises in store for you. Don't worry, I won't pull any stupid pranks on you !!" Although the smile on her face seemed suspicious I let it slide at the moment.

I checked my watch and noticed I was going to be late for an appointment .
"Alright, I have an appointment with Ms. Rose tonight. See you later !!" with that I left the university in a rush.
While walking back home I realised one thing that today at the university neither Ayan nor Ahdevin showed up in front of me. Amalia said they were at the field practicing , but then why didn't they show up In front of me ?!
Well, Bella. Get a hold of yourself. These days you seem to think of them a lot.
Strangely the dream I got last night was playing in my head continuosly.
I couldn't stop thinking about that even when I was talking with Amalia.
It's as if like I lived there or still feels like I live there subconsciously..

It's a crowded street full of buildings, stores and busy people. They are all living their lives normally. Some working their asses of and making money for their family and some are in search of love while some are already in love.
When will I get to experience a life like that? A life where I just need to worry about what to make for dinner for my family instead of worrying about my life.
Although I couldn't stop thinking about such things, I tried my best to push those thoughts away.

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