Chapter 3: Girls Day Out

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Being alone was never hard..

Before I met you...

~Bridgett devoue


Isabella Pov

THE following week went by in a smooth manner with the cheer leading squad practice and having fun with Amalia in the cafe that I nearly forgot to meet Ms.Rose that weekend.  I gave her a call.

"Hello dear, how are you?" Ms.Rose asked in her sweet voice.

"I am all fit and fine Ms.Rose except for the fact that I am terribly missing you.... " I replied.

"Awww my dear I am miss you too. So how about you consider spending your day with me?" she asked and I quickly exclaimed with a yes telling her that we could go to the nearby mall for buying some clothes for the university since I have very less from the orphanage. I started my day with cereal for breakfast and a shower. My very annoying phone started to ring the minute I got out of my home.

"Hello?" I asked

"Bella? Hey its me Amalia, I called to ask you if we could hang out for some time."

"Amalia I am gonna meet my caretaker whom I told you about " I replied to which she quickly changed her plans and made plans to come shopping with me and Ms. Rose.

"Well, I'll be there in a few" Amalia happily cut the phone.

After walking over to the nearby mall I instantly found Amalia in the crowd as she was waving her hand at me, gesturing me to come near her, "What took you so long Bella?"
"Well I don't have a maniac friend to drive me here Amalia" I said laughing at her pout when someone touched my shoulder.
"Well, Hello dear!!!" Ms. Rose greeted me and I saw her eyes go wide on seeing Amalia .

"And who is this young lady?" Ms.Rose asked to which I replied, "Oh this is my friend, Amalia. And Amalia this is Rose" I said introducing them.

"Oh Hi Ms. Rose! Bella has told me a lot about you" Amalia said to which Ms. Rose kept silent and gave a curt nod. Weird.

"Okay then what are we waiting for?!! let's go empty the mall" Amalia said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Oh gods save me" I prayed to the ceiling.

"Oh come on, I will buy you an ice cream.." Amalia said with a pout.
"This is cheating. You are too cute to refuse" I accepted defeat.


"I am gonna die!!! I am never calling you to come shopping with me ever again!!!!" I said exhausted. 

"Oh come on!! We just went to a few shops!!!!!" Amalia said.

"If by FEW you mean going to EVERY. SINGLE.SHOP. IN THE MALL then sure!!!!" I said with sarcasm.

"You owe me an ice cream!!" I continued with a puppy face.

Ms. Rose and Amalia laughed at my face. "Okay puppy you earned this reward!!!!!" Rose sang ruffling my hair and we all laughed making our way to the ice cream parlour to fill our tummies with yummies and enjoyed the girl's day out.


So many images were flashing in my mind when I came back home.

The look Rose gave to Amalia like she already knew her and the way those eyes, those Beautiful Orbs, kept flashing in my mind. I had managed to push it in the back of my mind all day but the silence of the home was bringing me back to those orbs and His Husky Voice. Everything reminded me of them.


"Stop you stupid brain.... ugh !!!" I spoke to myself. Great now I am going mad but mad over what? I stopped my train of thoughts right then and there and got into my night wear and went to sleep, dreaming about the three newcomers in my once boring life.


I woke up with the sounds of wind rustling  and windows rattling. A small yawn escaped my mouth. My hair was a mess like a birds nest. I slowly got up and made my way to the washroom and quickly got ready.

I was surprised because Amalia has not yet messaged me nor called me as she used to. I felt that she was busy so I kept the thought at the back of my mind and started making my way to the university.

I entered my classroom and was surprised to see everyone except Amalia. Even Ayan and Adhevin were not present.
I tried not to think the worst. I thought of calling her later after the class got over. Finally the Class was over after what felt like an eternity. I tried calling her but it was unreachable.

I was feeling strange because I was used to seeing her daily and not just her but also them...
I felt unsafe without those orbs and their presence.
I was out of my mind. I wanted to see Amalia and talk to her but where is she?
She wasn't responding to any of my calls or my messages.
I was on my way to the cafe, where I hoped to see Amalia but she wasn't there either. I kept walking, making my way out of the university so that I could go to her house but stopped in my tracks as I realised there are two more people with her in the very same house.  Since I wanted to see her very badly, I moved on without any second thoughts.

I finally reached her home. I rang the bell more than 10 times but there was no reply. Now, my brain was going on and on about the worst case scenario. I tried my best to ignore those kinda thoughts.

Dejected, I made my way back home and I realised how late I was. The time on my watch struck nine. I needed to cross the woods to reach my home. It was always dark in there, especially at nights. I am not scared of the night but I was most certainly scared of the dark.

I reached the woods and at the same time my heart was beating frantically. I looked ahead to ignore that ominous feeling which was rising in me. But somewhere in me, I knew I always felt strange about these woods. Every time I entered these woods, there was this strange feeling that I couldn't pinpoint exactly. But since I love nature, I always choose this path.

I took my phone out for the flashlight but stopped in my tracks when I realised it had switched off. I cursed myself  badly for not charging it, especially since I needed it the most right now.

So I avoided looking at my surroundings as much as I could but I was not able to avoid the strange feeling which remained with me when I entered these woods.
I kept walking till I reached my home and was relieved that nothing happened.
It was all very strange today. The three of them were found to be nowhere and there was not even a single text from Amalia.

I pushed all those thoughts aside as my head started aching badly.
I collapsed on the couch and closed my eyes for few minutes.
I opened my eyes after sometimes and checked the time. It was 12:15 p.m in the middle of the night. I was still on the couch and I wasn't feeling hungry so I headed straight to bed.

As usual I was met by bright light in the morning and was anxious to see Amalia and the two guys at the university today. Thoughts of them kept plaguing my mind . It was really hard not to think about them and the mystery that seems to blanket itself around them.

Ayan has a lot of mystifying attributes and he also has this "Touch me, you are dead" look all the time. And Adhevin, he is basically so serious all the time. Mr. Serious! He also seems to be impenetrable and esoteric. They were a puzzle that everyone knew they couldn't solve.
Girls go crazy for the both of them and guys were no exception.

"Wait Bella, what's happened to you?
Are you jealous?" My stupid self questioned myself.
It was also hard for me to push all those thoughts away.
I tried my best not to think about them.
And finally, I was ready for another day at the university.
I stepped out of my house and my heartbeat rate must have increased twice my normal rate.
Why is his car parked outside my house?!!


A/N- Wait for the upcoming chapters guys.
It's really gonna be interesting.
Hope you have fun Reading the story.

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