Special #7

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"So, what's Yulta like?" Lloyd asked. The three ninja drove in the vehicle provided by Kenya, who slept in the back. Kenya had quickly passed on the keys to Zane before collapsing on the side of the car. Lloyd caught the fighter by the shoulder, and Trystan saluted him wearily. The three Arctic members slept in the second row.

"What is there to say about them?" Zane asked, taking his card out. Zane transmitted the GPS coordinates onto the screen, and it began to direct them towards Jamanakai Village. Jay slept in the back with the rest.

Lloyd cleared his throat, and Zane got the hint. Zane leaned his arm against the seat and sighed.

"No, they're not all like me. On the contrary, I'm one of the few people like this." Zane said, focusing his attention to the steering.

"Yulta doesn't only consist of fighters like us. They also hold a multitude of professions, from bank workers, to financial advisors. I hate to admit this, but we might be seen as the black market." Zane replied, feeling Lloyd's harsh gaze on the three in the back.

"Recently, one of the more famous sections in Yulta has been receiving a lot of attention on the news." Zane lamented.

"The division you're in?"

"Correct. While we had already had quite a bit of fame from before, it exploded after the tournament. Not one of us can go a step into the sunlight without being targeted by the police force, or people disappearing on us. It's made the task of keeping bodyguard quite easier, but for infiltration and stealing harder."

"Stealing?" Lloyd turned his attention from the window panel to Zane. Zane continued steering with a nonchalant expression.

"Stealing, borrowing, taking back what's ours. Whatever you want to call it. It's not necessarily bad per say, as most of the things we steal would normally tip the scales against our favor." Zane referenced the three ninja in the car.

"But how do you know what they use it for?" Lloyd questioned. Zane shrugged.

"I have no clue."

"How could it not bother you? What if it's a weapon used against us?" Lloyd said, waving his hands in fury. "You would be supporting a faction who would oppose us and the rest of Ninjago."

"I don't think they would use it against us." Zane replied, steering the car on the rode towards the village.

"Why?" Lloyd thundered. Zane quickly stopped staring at the road and glanced at Lloyd, surprised he hadn't noticed the connection.

"It's a pretty simple factor." Zane said, the words parting his lips leaving a distasteful flavor. Zane silenced his words, and Lloyd looked at him for an answer.

"Why?" Lloyd repeated, this time becoming more enraged. Zane flexed his hands on the wheel, and the car dropped in temperature.

"Why?!" Lloyd asked. The steering wheel froze solid, but Zane continued to drive on. Zane let out a small scowl, feeling his temper starting to flare.

"Because." Zane said calmly, glaring at Lloyd for a split second. "They would equally injure the people I love." 

Lloyd scoffed and looked out the window. "And why would they care about us?" Lloyd felt the car drop rapidly in temperature, and his eyes locked on Zane for the source in change. Zane had moved his gaze from Lloyd, but Lloyd felt Zane's anger blossoming even worse.

"If they even laid a hand on one of you guys." Zane began, ice crawling up his seat. "I would track them down. I don't care if I can't find them or not, I would freeze." Lloyd started shaking from the cold. Lloyd let out a cold breathe of ice, and he sneezed."Their entire organization if they even dared to go against you. You think the time I spent as the ice emperor was bad? It'll be a joke compared to the amount of members that will wind up dead I'm going to finish." Zane hollered, his eyes glinting with a bit of madness. Zane then paused and froze, realizing he had let his temper flare out against his friends and looked down in shame. Lloyd harrumphed and looked back out the window, and Zane cooled down and continued driving. The two remained in complete silence for the next fifteen minutes, not a word exiting their lips.

"We're here." The vehicle had stopped directly in the center of the abandoned village, and the three exited the car.

"Where's here? Lloyd asked. Lloyd looked back towards Zane, and Lloyd flinched in response.

"Sorry. I'm just not used to seeing him, err, you like that." Lloyd said, scratching his head. Zane had shifted his form into the appearance of Azne.

"This form is the most appealing. As well as one of the most targeted figures. It has it's uses, but I've been targeted by so many people, it's become a hindrance. Unfortunately for me, I can't change it." Zane mulled.

"How come?" Jay wondered. Jay had just woken up from the car, and the change in Zane's appearance barely bothered. Lloyd and Zane paused for a moment, sharing equal looks of disbelief. It had been the first time Jay had spoken with serious interest.

"Not everyone in Yulta knows about me. About less than 10 people know about me, and there are thousands of members in Yulta. To change my appearance would expose me as inhuman." Zane replied. Zane dropped his card to the ground, and a blue light emitted.

"I'm glad Muskrat let us take a non general entrance this time. I guess the normal ways in are still being swarmed by members." Zane said. Lloyd looked around confused.

"Where's Yulta?" Lloyd asked. Jay perked up at his question, and looked around, hoping to spot the organization.

"Beneath us, to the left of us, or maybe in Ninjago? Who knows?" The two looked up to find Kenya rubbing her eyes. Kenya yawned, and looked around.

A large crack broke through the center of the village, and the crack began to rumble open. The village started to separate into two halves, and a large chasm appeared below.

"Where are we supposed to go?" Lloyd said.

"I'm assuming down into the chasm." Zane replied.

"No offense, but I'd rather not hop into a chasm where I can't see the bottom." Jay yelled, trying to make a joke. 

"You're going to have to in order to reach there." Kenya said. Trystan adjusted a grappling hook, and walked straight off. The two ninja looked over the edge in concern.

"Here goes nothing." Lloyd said, taking a leap of faith. Jay looked back to Zane, then walked off.

"What about the vehicle." Zane thought aloud. Zane looked back at where they had parked the vehicle, but it was missing. Noticing the missing device, Zane let out a smile, and jumped off.

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