Special #14

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"It's good to know that Turner's alive." Lloyd said, closing the door behind him. Jay nodded, and Zane saw his friend returning back to normal. Ever since the conversation in the car, Jay's speech started to become more alive.

Jay smiled. "I guess Zane's not the psychopath you thought him to be, huh Lloyd?" Jay laughed. Lloyd sullened from his joke, but Jay nudged him. "Lighten up. I was joking."

"You really need to work on your jokes." Lloyd mumbled. Jay laughed, his jolly mood reinstalled.

"He's right though." Jay said, walking in between the two. "Finding Turner alive makes me remember. You're still Zane. Not a mirror copy, nor a villain. You're my friend." Zane had a sudden interest in the elevator ahead.

"Well anyways." Zane brushed over their conversation. "Garmadon's in the training room, so I doubt you guys have to hide on the way there." Zane said.

"Why there? " Lloyd asked. Zane chuckled.

"To fight. He's been meeting with opponents just to raise his strength." Zane replied, a fleeting smile crossing his face.

"Why am I not surprised." Lloyd said, ashamed of his father.

"He met up with Kenya and Trystan, and I believe their fighting in the room already. Unfortunately, I left the kusarigama in the room, but considering the two already know who I am, I'll just use a shuriken." Zane stated.

"Does everyone in Yulta have a thing for fighting." Lloyd asked. Zane chuckled.

"No, but Kenya does. And since it's her day off, she probably dragged Trystan along with her." Zane clicked the down button to the elevator, and the doors suddenly parted open. Jay leaned against the silver lining of the elevator, and Lloyd took the center stage. Zane stood in a corner, viewing as the lights shifted between each stage.

The elevator soon pinged, the doors opening up to reveal the same training room Zane had used prior to his fight at the tournament. The three ninja walked into the open, and each heard shouts in the room.

"Wow. That is a lot of weapons." Jay said, admiring the different weapons which hung on the wall.

"I still like my own weapon." Zane said. Zane and Jay looked back, as Lloyd had remained still.

"Father?" Lloyd said. The two ninja followed his gaze, seeing the source of the noise.  Garmadon fought with four blades against Kenya, who squinted her eyes to protect herself from the heat. Trystan panted in a corner, using his spear as a means of support.

"Hey Zane." Trystan waved. Zane smiled.

"Thanks for taking out that group. The amount of missions drastically slowed down, and Muskrat allowed us to take the rest of the day off.

"You guys spend your days off fighting?" Jay asked. Trystan groaned in response.

"I elected to go to the beach, but Kenya dragged me to fight Garmadon." Trystan complained, placing his spear against the padded wall.

"Why did she want you to fight Garmadon?" Zane inquired. Trystan sighed, sinking down into the ground.

"I think it's due to Muskrat." Trystan answered. "You see, ever since Kenya joined Yulta, she's been driven on repaying her debt to Muskrat. She's basically pledged her loyalty here, and does anything to help it's image."

"I never knew that." Zane murmured. Trystan laughed.

"Granted, every time you met with us, you always gave an aura of violence that hindered every other thought." Trystan said.

"Fair point." Zane said.

"Kenya's loyalty brought her where she is, but she's still trying to do anything for Muskrat, including defeating Garmadon. If she did, it would mean that she's above him, and she would be extremely valuable as a member."

"Seeing that Zane beat Garmadon, Kenya's had it in her mind that she can too. "

"Isn't that foolhardy?" Lloyd asked. "My father had said he had limited his abilities throughout Zane's fight. What makes Kenya so confident she can win?"

"I have no clue. At this point, I think Kenya's aware she won't win." Trystan replied, watching as Kenya stopped an incoming attack.

"Doesn't she know that Garmadon gets more powerful the more he fights?" Lloyd asked.

"Yes. I think she doesn't care." Trystan said. Kenya sailed overhead and she dug her foot into the wall for support. Kenya leaped off and hit the ground. She then glanced back at her audience.

"What are you waiting for?" Kenya asked, her frozen cutting like ice into Trystan.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Trystan said, giving in to her demands. Trystan took his spear off the wall and trudged over to her side.

Garmadon gazed at the audience hid eyes locking on his son for a few minutes.

"What's he doing here?" Garmadon asked. Garmadon traced the room again, smirking.

"Oh I see. You decided to bring your friends along." Garmadon said to Zane.

"They had asked to come along. Since I had missions to do, I didn't think it would hurt." Garmadon sniffed, observing his friends.

"Keep acting like that and I'll win the next time we fight." Garmadon replied. Zane frowned.

"Oh I see." Garmadon threw a blade to parry the baton. Kenya hinted frustration, but her attacked became followed with Trystan's throw. Garmadon ducked and kicked Trystan in the stomach, causing him to be thrown on the floor.

"Your friends still hinder you." Garmadon said. Kenya took her second baton and pushed against his three knives.

"They don't hinder me." Zane retorted. Zane let out a cool sigh relaxing his shoulders.

"The fact that you aren't scowling at me says the opposite." Garmadon kicked Kenya's baton out of her hands and Kenya sighed.

"Okay, okay, I surrender." Kenya said. Garmadon let out a frustrated sigh, his blades disappearing into thin air.

"That makes it my 15th win." Garmadon said arrogantly, enjoying his time.

"Why are you still here?" Zane dared to ask. Garmadon laughed.

"Fighting the people here is more satisfying than the ninja. They also share the morals I have." Garmadon replied."Winner dominates all."

"Can I give it a go?" Lloyd piped up. Eyes focused on Lloyd, who chuckled slowly.

"While Kenya and Trystan do provide a force to be reckoned with, you do not." Garmadon said, glaring at Lloyd.

"Then Zane and I can help you." Jay proclaimed, holding a stash full of weapons.

"Zane just got volun-told." Trystan said, laughing. Zane let out a sigh, avoiding Turner as the target of the shuriken, and Garmadon smiled.

"Okay." Jay took a standard pair of nunchucks, and Lloyd grabbed the sword. Zane handled two shurikens and Garmadon laughed.

"What's so funny?" Lloyd asked.

"Nothing." The three walked into the padded training room, and stood face to face against Garmadon.

"Absolutely nothing." Garmadon said, locking eyes on Zane. Zane said nothing in response, and the three ninja began their fight. 

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