Special #8

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"I've got to tell Nya about this invention." Jay said, observing fish. The three ninja had began walking over through the halls, where the rooms were locating. Jay currently had fixated his gaze on the aquarium, which engraved itself into parts of the wall.

"Are you sure this is alright?" Lloyd asked. Zane shrugged.

"If it wasn't, they would've said so. Besides, as long as you dont reveal your faces, you should be okay." Zane said, referring to the glasses and hoodies each had on.

The three turned into a corner, and Zane opened the door into the room. The room graciously greeted them with five different sections, each with a full size roomed.

"Now this is cool." Jay said, carefully inspecting the flat screen TV and video game controller. Jay clicked on the TV, and placed a video game on. Lloyd took a seat next to him, and Zane closed the door.

"Don't get too comfortable Jay." Zane said, a smile etching into his face. It was nice to see everyone returning back to normal.

Jay's mood worsened at his words. "How could I become comfortable?" He asked silently. Lloyd had been staring at a painting, and glanced back at Jay. Jay had seemed to start returning back to normal ever since they had left the aquarium, but Zane could sense the sadness he held as clear as day.

A knock on the door interrupted the tense room, and Jay and Lloyd hid in their rooms. Zane opened the door, and another butler greeted him.

"Your weapon." Zane took the blades then smiled sinisterly at the butler. The butler took off, fearful of Zane, and Zane smiled.

"You guys get weapons?" Lloyd asked. Zane nodded, and hooked the weapon onto himself.

"I would prefer to not fight people bare-handed. Speaking of fighting..." Zane trailed off. He took his card out from his pocket, and tapped on notification. Zane let out a large chuckle when he saw the news feed.

"What is it?" Jay asked quietly. Zane turned his cold white eyes at Jay, and Jay looked at him unnerved.

"No wonder they've been having so much trouble. There's been hundreds of request flowing in for bodyguards from our rank. And that's with the most important requests."

"Does this mean you'll be here for a while?" Lloyd said, harsh looks beginning to emerge. Zane sighed.

"Most likely." Zane stopped on a certain notification, and transferred it into the air. "Or maybe I can just get rid of the majority of these problems. It seems as if there's a pattern to the amount of people that's been attacking."

"What are you going to do about them?" Lloyd said. Zane smiled frighteningly.

"I'll just get rid of them." Zane replied, his teeth parting into a grin. Jay raised his hand up.

"Can I go with you?" Jay asked. Lloyd looked bewildered at Jay's question. Zane cocked his head, unsurprised at the request.

"Sure." Zane said, letting out a small smile.

"Jay? Why would you want to see." Lloud paused. "What he does." He finished. Once more, Jay stood with a depressed look.

"Because if I'm going to understand Zane, then I'm going to have to see him for who he truly is. I'm tired of watching Zane look out for us, hiding his face. Heck, for a time, I even blamed you Lloyd." Jay murmured.

"Me? Me for what?" Lloyd demanded. Jay flared in frustration, but calmed down.

"You were always the one who hated Zane's change. Did you know that everyone else was starting to recover, but you were the only one who hated Zane how he was?" Jay said, angering brimming in his voice.

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