Special #19

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Green and white exited the cave and ventured towards their Master, passing by the numerous painting in the long hallway. Every growing step reminded them of the situation they quickly approached, both hoping it wouldn't spell doom. Lloyd brushed his hand against the wooden panels, uneasy about their actions. Eventually, the two soon landed in front their Master's door, and the two looked at the other, hoping the other would take the door first.

"Here goes nothing." Lloyd's face was riddled with turmoil, the ninja obviously clueless as to what he was going to say. Zane echoed similar looks, and Lloyd knocked first.

"Master Wu?" Lloyd asked, moving right up to the door. The two heard a huge rustling in the room, and their worry increased. 

"I'm here." Wu said, trying to clean himself up. Wu brushed aside his robes, and the two ninja could see the sorry state he had remained in.

Wu locked eyes on Zane, and his whole mood change to a deep shade of regret. "Come. I can't have you standing in the hall all day." Wu said, ushering them inside. Zane and Lloyd became puzzled by his words, but followed their Master's orders and sat on the floor. Wu took a pot of boiling hot tea and situated the tea into two cups, passing it around the room. Lloyd gladly accepted the tea, Zane mimicking Lloyd's actions.

Wu moved to sit in the opposite side of the room, and Zane finally decided to look around his room. Wu had kept his room in the simplest of order - a simple piece of furniture, three swords on the back, and nothing else. Zane spotted the same computer Wu had closed on the floor, and Wu traced his gaze on to his computer.

"Have my pupils come to me in advice?" Wu began, setting his own cup of tea. Lloyd gave him a fat no.

"I'm tired of moping around in my own anger, so I'll go out and be headstrong." Lloyd placed his cup of tea beside him and looked at his uncle. "How are you? I know Zane's change has been affecting all of us, and I know you're hurt too uncle." Lloyd said. Wu's tea lurched in mid-air, Lloyd's speech surprising him. Wu coughed in his sleeve and stood.

"I am fine." Wu said, finally recovering from Lloyd's words. Wu took his cup of tea and walked up to his window. "I fear the others aren't the same." Wu sipped his tea, opening  his blinds. Kai whipped out spinjitzu against Cole, the two matched in a duel.

"But Master, what about you?" Lloyd questioned. "We know the others are recovering, albeit slowly." Lloyd silently added. "I know you're worrying about Kai and Cole the most, but how about you rely on us for help. We can figure this out." Lloyd said, flashing him a smile. Wu's lips struggled to do the same, and when he looked over at the ice ninja, his attempts vanished.

"You don't always have to keep everything in for yourself." Lloyd explained, trying to connect to his uncle. Wu turned his back on them, staring at the window outside.

"I am fine." He repeated, masking his conflicted tone. "Fine. I am sure Cole might need your assistance in comfort, rather than me." Wu stated, angling his neck back at his pupils. Lloyd spotted the unhappiness in his face, and it encircled the atmosphere. The room descended into an atmosphere of quiet, an astounding awkwardness filling the air. None of Lloyd's words had projected into Wu's heart, and Wu continued to shut them out.

"Lloyd." Zane whispered. Lloyd looked towards his friend, wishing for some way to reach out and help him. Zane gave him a stiff nod, and Lloyd witnessed streaks of pain racing across his face.

"Zane? What are you doing?" Lloyd hissed, demanding an explanation for his motives. 

"Trust me." Zane replied, nearly dropping down his untouched tea cup. "Trust me on this." Lloyd paused, and noticing how Wu had failed to open up to him, nodded back.

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