Special #24

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"Come on Cole." Jay prodded, pushing him out the kitchen. Cole had silenced himself in the corner of the room, and he had watched his friends run off to face the upcoming crisis. Lloyd stood next to the oven, clueless on how to fix it, and Jay tryed to tug Cole out the kitchen.

"Where are we going?" Cole asked. Jay chuckled and closed the door behind Cole, leaving Lloyd, Misako, and Wu inside.

"What are you up to?" Lloyd took out a toolbox from underneath the sink, turning towards his friend. "Cole could have easily gone with Kai, and don't tell me you had a plan before hand." Lloyd took out the wrench and hit the stove. The stove sputtered out of existence, Lloyd's attempt at cooking biting him back.

"I figured we needed some way to snap Cole back."

"What happened to Cole?" Misako asked. "He seems fine to me." Wu snuck a look to his pupils, the two students placing worrisome faces on.

"He's been a bit distant lately." Jay gripped the handle to the door, his fists shaking.

"Distant would be an understatement. He hasn't left his room in weeks." Lloyd clarified, reaching in the bag for a certain tool. Lloyd moved the bag next to the oven, but the oven lit aflame. Lloyd shrieked, looking for Nya or Zane's help, and Misako walked up and sprayed the oven with a fire extinguisher.

"I believe you should leave the repairs to your friends." Misako chided, placing the can beside her.

"Kai said the reason why Cole left hid room was to fight for his family. Problem is, we don't know who he sees as family." Jay whispered. "Every time Cole talked with us, he doesn't even acknowledge Zane's change."

"It's as if he's treating him like a ghost." Lloyd reached for the bag of tools and shoved them into the cabinet. "P.I.X.A.L.'s been trying to get him to open up, though Cole doesn't even answer. I'm scared for him."

"That's why I'm taking him out." Jay crowed, confidence spreading across his features.

"What do you plan on doing?" Lloyd asked. Jay smiled.

"You'll see. Now come on Cole!" Jay dragged Cole by the hand, and Cole yelped in response.

"Hey! Jay, what are you doing?" Cole demanded. Jay opened the door to the cave, passing by P.I.X.A.L. who stood at the comms. P.I.X.A.L. studied the two, wondering where they were going.

We'll be back later!" Jay hollered, twirling the keys in his hands. P.I.X.A.L. nodded, mute to his actions. Jay started the engines to the jet, the vehicle soaring to life.

The cave soon split apart, reacting to the vehicle taking flight. Jay pushed the handle to the jet, and Cole clipped his seat belt.

"May I ask again, where are we going?" Cole demanded. Jay boosted the engines, and the jet soared out the cave, heading into Ninjago city.

"To meet up with someone." Jay answered himself, blocking communication with Cole. Cole banged on his window, unable to do anything except man the weapons. Jay let the jet fly with maximum velocity, but slowed down as he approached the landing pad. Jay eased up on the controls, flipping some levers to deploy the landing gear, and the vehicle made a soft thud on the concrete. Jay hoped out the jet, Cole slowly making his way down.

"Why are we here?" Cole spoke. Jay stared intently at his phone, and Cole noticed him staring at a particular photo. When the picture of a man popped up, Jay nodded and turned off his phone.

"Cole." Jay said firmly, facing his friend. " I need to ask you something." Cole felt unnerved, Jay disregarding the tone he held.

"Whst is it?" Cole answered, his tongue lingering on every word. Jay inspected his friend, searching for uncertainty.

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