Special #22

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"How's the bank robbery?" Nya asked over intercom. Kai had taken charge of the vehicle, steering left and right over the empty roads. The two accelerated at an ever increasing rate, and the power lines racing past them provided an example of their high velocity.

"He or she has already barged through security. You all should make it there in less than  three minutes, assuming you continue your projected speed." P.I.X.A.L. replied, hinting to Kai for him to lower their speed. Nya said nothing, gazing down from above her brother; almost waiting for him to give a response. Kai said nothing, locking his eyes on the white lines of the road.

"I find it unwise to stay on this course. We may intercept drivers at this rate." Zane said, his motorcycle striving to keep up with the two. Kai increased his speed at their words, and Nya slouched in her chair, frustrated, and feeling a pint of defeat being unable to bring Kai to his senses.

"Kai." Nya's tone had removed every trace of sympathy. Zane noted to keep out their conversation, focusing on Ninjago city.

"Kai." Nya said sternly, pedestrians beginning to pass them. Kai pushed his foot against the brake, the tires skidding on the pavement in response. Nya almost slammed her head against the window due to Kai's boiling rage, and she fumed because of it. Kai skidded the vehicle into the parking lot, the car making a 180 degree turn.

"We're here sis." Kai spat, holding his sword in his hand. Zane halted his bike ride besides their vehicle, and Nya hopped out the car. Nya held her spear in the air, threatening to use it on her own brother.

"We've got trouble. They're holding seven hostages." Zane did a parameter sweep of the building, heat signature lighting up the room.

"Ninja!" The ninja spotted the commissioner walking up towards them, and the three noticed the swarm of police cars outside. Some of the officers brightened up when they saw the ninja approaching.

"What's the situation?" Nya asked. The commissioner took his hat down, obviously saddened about their inability to do anything.

"A band of fighters invaded the vault, claiming to want the 'Pride of doing what no one else has done - taking down the ninja.' We would've already gone in and arrested them, but they took hostages. Said they would blow up the bank if the ninja didn't arrive." The commissioner groaned. "I hate having to depend on you guys, but there are hostages."

"We understand. Nobody wants to see citizens getting hurt." Zane replied, understanding that each word he said was a lie. The commissioner nodded, happy to see eye to eye with the ninja.

Zane heard a strangled shout of frustration over the comms, P.I.X.A.L. irritated to hear Zane lying. Nya stood befulled, questioning why her friend had said a concept which contradicted his nature, then realized he was lying. Kai breezed over, unaware of the change in mood.

"Are they waiting for us to enter?" Kai asked, readying his sword.

"It seems fit to reason so." The commissioner answered.

"I'll take it from here." Kai marched over to the bank when Nya grabbed his hand.

"We'll take it from here." Nya affirmed the commisioner, informing Kai of their teamwork. Kai brushed her off, his anger towards his sister sparking from his hands. The three ninja approached the two doors, opening the doors to find only one person tied up and silenced.

Nya placed her spear on her back and bent down to meet one of the bank cashiers. The cashier shook her had no, trying to get herself out of Nya's grasp.

"Will you, let me, take this, off!" Nya screeched, ripping the duck tape from her mouth. The bank teller's glasses boggled up and down, her brown hair covering her face.

"It's a trap!" She screamed. The commissioner had walked indoors, and Zane had looked around at her words.

"It is odd that there isn't anyone here." The commissioner muttered. The bank teller's eyes wobbled and teared up.

"There's no one here." She said.

"What are you talking about? The hostages." The commissioner rambled.

"Are all gone. They took them as soon as the commissioner began to call you guys." The bank teller stared particularly at Zane, who was scanning the perimeter for signs of life.

"She's right. All the people here have disappeared." Zane confirmed her answer. The bank teller watched him curiously, and noticing her gaze, Zane looked back towards her.

"Why are they so keen on finding us?" Nya asked, using her spear as a way to break the ropes. The ropes around the bank teller broke into two, and the bank teller got up and stood.

"No idea. Something about getting revenge." The bank teller exclaimed, tidying herself up. Nya and Zane swapped glances, trying to determine who they had wronged over the course of time.

"What about revenge?" Kai seemed on the verge of exploding, his mind connecting every conflict with Zane and Yulta The bank teller backed off from his words, confused if she had said something wrong. Seeing her fear, Kai forced himself to relax.

"I don't know, why they were so keen on revenge with you guys, but I do know that they stormed into the vault area over there." The bank teller said. She pushed her glasses back on her face, her hair juggling with them.

Kai headed full sprint into the direction she had pointed in. As soon as he took a step into the vault, alarms began to blare off, the sirens pounding into their heads. Kai placed his hands against his ears, trying to silence the noise from his mind.

"Why are the alarms going off?" Kai demanded. Three security cameras turned in his direction, beginning to spray shots. Kai jumped up and down to avoid the lasers, the red beams attempting to finish the ninja. Nya groaned at his predicament, annoyed to have to deal with him, while Zane looked over to the bank teller for an answer.

"They still go off even when broken. Luckily, my boss slid me the keys to deactivate the system before he got taken away." The bank teller took a chain of bronze keys from her hands, and Nya clapped.

"Great. We can avoid security problems this way. Commissioner, can you make sure that no more robbers invade?"

"Sure thing ninja." The commissioner strolled out the room, but waited at the door for the bank teller to join him. The bank teller gripped the keys firmly.

"Is it okay if I come along?" The bank teller pleaded. "I don't want to let go of these keys, or else I let go of my job."

"You might be placed in even more danger. We can tell your boss we were doing it to help you." Nya informed her, waiting for her to give up the keys.

"Please!" The bank teller begged, getting on her knees. Nya looked to Kai for support, but Kai waited impatiently near the door. Nya then stared at the other ninja in the room, and Zame caved in.

"As long as she doesn't get in the way, it should be fine." Zane put his own input in, and Nya nodded.

"Okay. Just hide when the fighting starts." Nya spoke. The bank teller affirmed her statement.

"I have no desire to get in a fight. Though save my boss, please." The bank teller asked, her eyes placing faith in the works of the ninja. Kai's eyes burned with passion, the ninja ready to be the hero of the situation.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Kai looked over towards Zane, clearly implying that he would rescue her boss from any villain. Even the ones that were his friends.

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