Special #27

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"Get them!" Adelman ordered. The men in the tunnel converged on to Zane and Kai, and Kai picked up her sister.

One of the men drew his weapon on Kai, and Adelman sighed. "No not him, him!" Adelman pointed to Zane.

"Why?" The men replied. The bank teller cursed his stupidity.

"If we can take him with us, we won't need to stick around!" The bank teller replied.

Kai caught a sword attack with his hands, the fire melting the sword into two. Nya slumped to the side, groaning from the pain.

"Hate to say it Zane, but we're in a pretty bad situation. Kai jumped to avoid another sword, and grabbed Nya to avoid one from hitting her throat. Nya jumped up, startled from his contact.

"What's going on?" Nya rubbed her hand to her temple, ducking an attack from the men. Nya moved left and right to avoid more attacks, jumping against the poles of the subway station, and landing on the men. The men collapsed with a huge groan, and Kai took a sword out of their hands.

"We may or may not have gotten surrounded by an entire arsenal of men." Kai kicked one of the men in the direction of Adelman, but Adelman merely avoided his attempt.

"They also know that I'm Azne." Zane froze the ground beneath five people, who slipped in response.

"I say we bolt to the nearest exit." Kai referenced the tunnels which interconnected into the subway.

"We can't. If any of these men get out of here, they'll spill my secret." Zane replied. Nya revealed his spear, but backed into the embrace of her friends.

"Yet if we equally stay here, they might capture you. This is rather great." Kai muttered. "No backup, no working comms, and we're surrounded by a boatload of people ready to either capture you, or kill us all. Anyone have an idea on how to get out of this?"

"I could perhaps ask Yulta to take them in." Zane dodged an incoming attack and thrusted the man into his companions. The man caused an armful of people to succumb to his attack, but the distance between their fighters had begun to close in.

"Great. One problem. How are we going to take them all down?" Nya reached from the pipeline above her and hosed her opponents down. Zane shot ice from his hands in response, rendering them incapable.

"Together." Kai lit fire from his hands, and shot it at the ten people. Kai then ran in and used spinjitzu, and the men flung away. Nya and Zane followed his lead, and space began to clear between them and their attackers.

"Nya!" Nya looked over from her back, and a handful of men had leaped up from behind. Zane raised his shurikens and knocked them out, incapacitating them by slicing their limbs. The men clattered onto the ground, and a bubble of laughter appeared on Zane's face. Zane silenced himself, looking at Kai in shame. Kai had studied Zane after hearing his glee, but shook his head.

"Every time you do that I see nothing but a villain." Kai put down the weapons of his foes using his sword, then raised fire in his other hand and blasted them away. The men ran away, looking for a source of water to put out the flames.

"I apologize." Zane replied quietly. Kai put his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be. As long as I know that you wouldn't leave us for the world, then it's alright with me."

"He's right." Nya's spear clashed as metal hit metal, and Nya used brute force to kick him back. "Place your faith in us instead of someone else. Then I can probably overlook your crazy habits." Nya joked.

Zane stopped in his motion, their words reaching into his mind. "Alright." One last person attempted to land a hit on him, and Zane didn't bother looking back, freezing them in their steps.

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