Chapter 4

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Endora!!! My father yelled from the back of the dinning hall i was in deep trouble. He has been very protective ever since my older sister Tasha had been destroyed by rogues on the same territory.


It was the day of my dad's birthday and we had gone out for an early morning stroll i was only 8 at the time and she was 19. We proceeded further away from our territory then it happened. Rogues came out from different directions my sister came out in defence "run" she told me her voice echoed in my i felt cold in my heart i had lost her forever i said in a whisper. My dad never celebrated his birthday because it reminded him of her they were actually really close.

I remembered her clearly she was always smiling and together we were a call to the wild

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I remembered her clearly she was always smiling and together we were a call to the wild.
End of flashback

"Dad I--i can explain its not what you think." i said.  "Then what is it" his Alpha voice boomed throughout the hall he had never used that voice on me before. I was boiling with anger all because mom wasnt here he never acted the same since she left. See my Mom and Dad never agreed with anything or should i say my dad never listened they always argued on irrelevant things so my mom backed out.


I went into the pack house and met dad and Endora arguing about her going out of the pack house now one thing nobody apart from Gwen and i new was that whenever Endora got into and argument for a long time she never lets out a single breath until she's done making her point. Right there and then it happened she had her attack she fell to the ground and she turned very white gasping for air, She was extremely hot and dad was standing there confused and worried i ran up the stairs skipping five stairs each forgot there was a handle and broke through her door she was going to kill me for that i thought in my head started scattering her room looking for some inhaler i found it and slid down the railing almost risking a bone breaking fall. On getting there with the inhaler my mouth hung open she was fine, totally fine sitting at the dinning and telling dad about her attack. I walked over there "Hey i thought you were you know " i said waving my hands in the air making directions so i could make my self clear
" Dean I've learnt to control this since i was thirteen man I'm no longer a child my 18th year old birthday will be in the next three days you gotta start treating me like a grown up chill I'm fine but still those moves on the railings were cool" she said dragging the oo.


Everyone was totally freaking out and that was one way to escape from dad's yelling . I was about to take my leave but my dad called me back saying "this isn't over yet"  i let out a long satisfying , walked back, sat down and started making noises on the table with my fingernails that usually annoyed my father but i was surprised he took out a pair of earplugs put them on and  continued his discussion he started " since your birthday is in the next 3 days you won't be leaving the pack house until your birthday." What how am i meant to visit Gwen what kind of person doesn't visit their friend when their in the hospital lying with a cut in the back of their head. Oops i wasnt supposed to say that i should have known i wasn't very good at secrets they should have known luckily i heard him say "were you saying saying something" i gave him a quick response that said N--no no drawing the o. I continued ,dad how about training "oh no dont worry Caleb will be your training partner for all your grounded days Gwen will team up with someone else. Actually dad Gwen is ... at the hospital he  completed my sentence Caleb told me.
"Get some sleep your full time training starts tomorrow." He said Does that mean I'm ...Yes 6 hrs of training with a maximum of 2hrs break look you weren't able to protect Yourself so you need extra training. Thanks alot i said to Dean through our mind link. Tomorrow was going to be really hard especially with coconut head Caleb as my training partner it would be kind of fun giving him trouble. I thought to myself as passed by him giving him a wicked grin

Hi guys thanks alot to those that voted and one very person that commented. It really encourages me.


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